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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by spockitty

  1. spockitty

    Ahaha, wow, 151cm? I bet you're the tiny rage-fest kind of cute person? XD The only time it really bothers me, is in business matters. I have quite a responsible and high-up position, and me looking all of 15 doesn't make it easier to get people to take me seriously. But yeah, make up is your best friend when you need to look older. I remember a youtube tutorial by Lisa Eldridge on how to look older, for baby-faced people like us, a holy grail of knowledge!
  2. how do people function with one monitor? I have three and there are times when I could use two more... 

    1. Zeus


      @spockitty when you have this for your screen you don't need more than one. I prefer this one 34 inch 21:9 1440p G-SYNC 100FPS monitor to my 3 monitor set up at work. Not having bezels is a game changer literally.


    2. BrenGun





      I have 1920x1080 on all of my 3 monitors, and I suppose I could work with two windows on a single monitor? But when I need to play a game on one, watch a tv show/play music on the other and work on the 3rd? you just can't do all that on just one monitor

      True that,

      But I  also have a TV in my room, so to watch TV I put that one on 😛 

      But surely if I wanna watch youtube and doing some stuff on the same time it would be nice to have another screen,.. but well, no place for that anyway.

      My monitor is also 1920x1080

    3. spockitty


      @Zeus well that does look sexy, but unfortunately I'm not made of money, holy shit my previous car cost this much ^^;; good for you man~!

      I think I saw this one in a setup of Unbox Therapy's guy on yt. but then he has all the craziest tech around. 



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  3. spockitty

    oh bb girl, what can I say, get used to it? or better yet, find a way to get amused by it ^.~ I think I have the exact same problem you do, I'm 157cm high, I'm cursed with a baby face and a high & quiet voice does it bother you that much?
  4. spockitty

    I especially like the stone faced expression the cashier gives me while handing me back the ID Even more when they're obviously like a decade younger than me. I think I'll be disappointed when they stop asking as well. Sure it is better! One of the cashiers told me once that they have to ask anyone looking below 30, because teenagers these days can look so mature~ Ay, don't start me on the "I feel way younger than I actually am". I used to think 30 is the beginning of the end of your life, and now I feel like my life is only just beginning tbh. I hate the artificial age cap on basically having fun? lol XD I think when I was around 24, I was driving my shitty car with my dad in the passenger seat, we were picking up a fridge I think? And we were pulled over by police because they thought he was teaching his teenage son how to drive.
  5. spockitty

    Spotify, period. I pay for premium and haven't regretted it yet. It's perfect for discovering new music pretty hassle free. I do have unlimited data on my phone so that's not an issue, and when I travel abroad I just download playlists to listen offline. Now that I've gotten back into VK, I just load up local files and download stuff to my phone on a dedicated playlist. Also, build-in last.fm integration duh. Back in the day I used to actually listen to the CDs/tapes I bought on a discman/walkman lol, then an iPod classic (I still have that 4th generation dinosaur, it was the most annoying piece of hardware I've ever owned fucking hell) I don't mind streaming, but if I decide to buy a release, I don't think I'd even buy a digital release (unless it's the only one available). I buy CDs and then rip them.
  6. spockitty

    you have? I don't particularly mind either, at least it always greatly amuses my mother when I mention it apparently she was mistaken for underage until over 40, so I suppose there's still a long way ahead of me :'D
  7. spockitty

    I'm turning 30 next month and still I get asked for an ID while buying alcohol 90% of the time, to a point where I feel uncomfortable when they don't ask me, because I can see THEY ARE THINKING ABOUT IT.
  8. spockitty

    One - I dreamt that I got a 3rd cat Two - guys from SARIGIA answered my email with pretty much: thanks, we're flattered but how exactly did you even hear our music all the way in Europe hmm? was it Legally Obtained™ ????
  9. Ok, so I've been convinced to give these guys another try. They seem right up my alley, not sure why did I dismiss them before o-o shame on me~
  10. spockitty

    Back in the day mine also told me to go at it and when I found it years later, I burned that shit down good grief it was disturbing o-o
  11. spockitty

    so, relapses are a bitch
  12. uh a local burlesque performer liked some of my instagram posts, im weirdly flustered >///<

  13. spockitty

    Hahaha it's so bizarre hearing this. I'll stick to the original, thanks XD I definitely will add them to my Infinite List Of Artists To Listen To™! But also plz stop? I can only be dragged into five musical directions at once, and trying to dust off my love for acid jazz will shave off another hour of my sleep schedule Can't watch the videos you posted @colorful人生
  14. spockitty

    all this talk about old faves made me nostalgic
  15. spockitty

    Surprisingly I was never into anime, despite my best efforts, so I got to know 99% of my jpop separate from that wave. I think the only artist I found because of anime was YUI with her Bleach song, I think it was Rolling Star? And then Maximum the Hormone (also from Bleach lol) but that's hardly pop. I know that both KOKIA and Eiko had some anime stuff, but only because of the cover art lol I liked them both because I've been a huge Enya fan since childhood and they have a similar vibe ^^ KOKIA THO MAN, I could wax poetic about her music for hours~ I, on the other hand, never heard of MELL. lemme get on that! Let me link you some of my Eiko's favs: Yeah, funny how @YuyoDrift knows all but Eiko while I only know her of this selection LOL DUDE, I love chiptune/glitch/and just about any genre of electronic music probably but I digress. I found she way before he signed up with Pony Canyon and was still posting his music for free on his website. I had vested interest because he's actually from Poland and it blew my teenage mind that my fellow countryman can make music that I'd actually like to listen to coloris and chiptek were my life back then. I couldn't tell you what he was compared to, sry, my music knowledge is as vast as it is shallow.
  16. spockitty

    Hah, I realized I asked about this thread, found it and then forgot to post what made me search for it in the first place ^^;; ANYWAY I think I went in a bit different direction with my jpop journey back in the day than you @YuyoDrift. It's not 90's, but I suppose still pretty old lol I used to listen to hella lot KOKIA, Eiko Shimamiya, YUI, antennasia and kinda on the other end of the spectrum BOOM BOOM SATELLITES, capsule, she (not really japanese, but signed on in Japan), DAISHI DANCE. Namie Amuro, Kumi Koda, Ami Suzuki and Urata Naoya were also somewhere in there but in single songs. And onto what I wanted to post: ❤️
  17. spockitty

    I used to really love early ABC and I don't know how, but I've only just recently realized that Yasu's Janne Da Arc vocalist o.o Is he still active tho?
  18. spockitty

    my most vanilla co-worker just asked me to play her some tracks from the CDs I've just gotten from Japan. can't decide if I want to traumatize her with nokubura or go the Initial'L route and ease her into things ~ decisions decisions~
  19. so do the guys from Initial'L have a legit reason to thank Jack Daniel's on every CD or are they just a bunch of alcoholics? X'D 

    1. suji


      that explains their latest musical direction then...

    2. IGM_Oficial


      They're endorsers

    3. spockitty


      good gig, where can I get me an endorsement like that


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  20. spockitty

    Ayyy after a brief frustration with customs, it's here! (≧▽≦) Initial'L - MOON LIGHT DOWN Initial'L - VISION Initial'L - Tokyo Horizon Initial'L - Can you feel it? Lycaon - Gypsy Lycaon - Last Dance DIMLIN - Rijin NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST - Unleash (lol if it's gonna be both the first and the last new release of theirs that i'll buy if they disband)
  21. the one thing that jpop has over kpop is that musicians' career doesn't usually end at 25? 

    1. Himeaimichu


      @Euronymous Kyuho of Madman's Esprit himself explained why there isn't much of a Vkei scene in Korea. In general, it's really hard to get your music out there in Korea, because you have to get your music approved by the government and shit.

    2. Euronymous


      oh,that's correct.totally forgot about that.indeed south korean's government have a huge control of their entertainment in general.i remember when they censored  PSY's MV at the part where he kicks a road cone lol. not to mention T.O.P who apologized in public for smoking weed and other examples over there.it's really bad when a government tries to '' educate" their population with iron fist like a big father.

    3. anadentone


      sk starting to sound like nk if you're in the kpop business O.o

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  22. spockitty

    Well, jazzy's right up my alley, I'll try and hunt down some of their music then ^^ Suppose I'll check out Moran while I'm at it~ Gathering recs was totally not the point of this thread nope nope
  23. spockitty

    Oi don't cheat! I know you have a bit more life ahead than me but come on That said, I've never heard of Jikkendai Marmot. color me intrigued~
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