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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by spockitty

  1. spockitty

    I'd hesitate in calling that a hat~
  2. spockitty

    I hope you guys can access this video. I did a thing, I saw a listing on mercari for a bunch of their CDs and one I haven't seen before had a QR code on it. I scanned the listing photo and this video is what came up I don't see it on the list of all the videos on their channel so it probably was only available via QR?
  3. spockitty

    they got me cause at first I thought it was Shamir (but probably only because I haven't heard him in a while lol), and then the Yazoo's Don't Go sample came in and I was sold~
  4. spockitty

    mixed feelings™
  5. spockitty

    tis the age old question
  6. spockitty

    Must you rub salt into the wound 😑
  7. spockitty

    Ohman, don't even, I lost those glasses a week later in a kayaking accident. It still hurts my soul 😭
  8. spockitty

    Yeah they distributed those for free on LINE for a limited time, so it all checks out ^.~ t'was before my time tho, unfortunately
  9. spockitty

    Right, yeah! Thanks ^^ forgot about this one~ Still just a guess tho
  10. spockitty


  11. original post
  12. I've been singing Vanilla for two days, I'm blaming @Gesu>.>

    1. Gesu


      Oops! Sorry 'bout that lmao

  13. spockitty

    I know that there are 6 songs on this, which are most likely not on any official releases but that's about it. I think it'd make most sense if they were the songs they distributed for free at one point, they're only on youtube right now: RED SORROW, Envies - 13, Mercy Rain, Masculism, The Third Hierarchy, but that's only 5 and it's just my wild conjecture ^^;; I was eyeing this CD but the prices are bonkers~
  14. da fuck is .jfif and how do I kill it with fire

    1. IGM_Oficial
    2. spockitty


      Haha, thanks! I killed with Paint in the end, but I don't understand the existence of this format in general >.> 

  15. spockitty

    yeah, I only heard it on my shitty bluetooth earpiece for now, but I can totally hear your inside beast comparisons in full now XD tbh I breathed with relief when I heard the piano lol although on the other hand, it's a bit ridiculous to make judgments on a band based on 2 studio singles (+one unheard as of yet) and a bunch of live releases so I decided to chill naaah, I get it and I do hear a difference as well but as I've said above, bit premature to judge ^^
  16. spockitty

    Vo. アスカ (Asuka) Ba.翔磨 (Shoma) Gt. Natsu Dr. 水希(Mizuki) Also, apparently, Shoma designed their new logo ^^
  17. Their music is not really my cup of tea but damn I love their energy 😊
  18. spockitty

    Aki posted some unpublished Cure photos on twitter more here: https://cure-net.com/blog/20190820-2/ hopefully you can actually see his face in the published ones? :'D
  19. LOL they are really still not showing their faces??? Had I not heard the music, looking at their site I'd have assumed it's jpop at best~
  20. spockitty

    Well, Inside Beast is just about the only Gazette song I like so hell yeah XD tbh the 3rd one preview didn't blow me away, I liked the B-side more, but the whole single is on it's way to me finally, so I'll reserve my judgment. same with this one. I would be pretty disappointed if they completely changed directions though, I love everything they've done until now T-T
  21. spockitty

    aaaaaah used to be my jam back in.... well, a long time ago :'D
  22. spockitty

    Well even for those regular releases CDJ had to go through proxy when I was ordering them but still, thank fuck. They could finally release an album though, it's their 2nd anniversary soon =.=
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