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Status Updates posted by cheesy_VK_Freak

  1. the new emoji is life, from now on I‘ll only use that


  2. bro before this forum shuts down you need to tell me which artist is on your profile pic! cause it looks dope

    1. patientZERO


      It's MALISEND.


    2. cheesy_VK_Freak


      thank you! just from the visual aspect I was expecting more br000tality from the sound, but thanks for solving the mystery! I just could not find it myself!

    3. Yukami


      I'm glad you like it, it's just magnificent, thanks to the colleague for adding the video. ^^

  3. I hope you are doing well. I hope you are sane.

  4. I love the fact that Ali Project reliably releases a new album every summer,  every year. Arika-sama my japanese diva 😭

  5. I‘m shamefully late, but I have finally watched Malice Mizer‘s Dracula-Remake. It is amazing! I love the overall atmosphere, and Mana is like...WOW what a nun😍

    1. saiko


      I know, but it's so low-budget is SO cheesy... I can't but to get a bit of cringe...

    2. cheesy_VK_Freak


      @saikoInteresting, to me cheesy and cringe are two different things. I like cheesy (I mean, look at my user name LOL), but not cringy stuff (I feel that often in second-hand embarassment) 


      It has this old typ of gothic esthetic and that is soo amazing, plus the music 😍

  6. the google song recognition function is so much fun. I‘m trying it with VK songs, of course. Hey, it recognized me humming Obscure! Still needs improvement tho.

  7. Waiting to suffer a CREEP SHOW TRAUMA🤪

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