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Everything posted by Gesu

  1. Gesu

    So no matter what he does, he's selling out. I think I've lost a lot of respect for this man. Still, there is that part of me saying "maybe not" because, love him or hate him, he is talented, so he at least put the hard work in... ahh, it's difficult. Maybe this is just one of those wait-and-see things. In my first comment in this thread (in which I'm probably getting too invested), I said I'd give 'em two years since their beginning. If it gets to May 2020 and he's still doing this, I'm giving up on MiA entirely.
  2. Gesu

    They were more popular than a lot of artists. Even if you don't like them, you've at least heard of them.
  3. 5'7" for men and 5'2" for women is the average in Japan. Anyways, short people in J-rock shouldn't really be much of a surprise anymore. I know Yuuki from Lycaon is 5'3". Hell, I'm 4'11.5" and I'm from bloody England, one of the tallest countries in the world. By the way, does Issei still hate memes? Cuz if so, I am memeing the hell out of him. It's gotta be an old meme, like steamed hams or sth. That's still my favourite meme.
  4. Does anyone know how to change the cover photo? I have a kind of geometric green thing right now. Also, is there a way to change the rank title (so mine rn would be Kiwamu's Bitch), or do I have to rank up some more before I can do that?

    1. monkeybanana4


      There should be an option on the right hand corner that says 'photo cover'. Although, I think you need 30 posts to be able to change the cover photo.



    2. suji


      Yeah, you must reach at least 30 posts before you can change your cover photo and rank.

  5. Gesu

    Okay, so I admit the full version sounds better. Still, it bothers me that, as people have already mentioned in this thread, the bassist is obviously fake-playing. They're all just trying to sell a hit song and be done with it. You know what I really don't get, though? Why MiA's even doing this. I mean, yeah, for the money, but... why? He already got super popular with MEJIBRAY, so I don't see how he thinks this will represent him any more positively than that or make him any richer. I know he's easy to make fun of - hell, I did it in my last comment - but he's better than this. Say what you want about his nose job and what-have-you, but he has talent and he's wasting it.
  6. Don't you just hate it when you can't add any more reactions for the day

  7. Gesu

    Yui from UNiTE, hands down. Surprised no-one's said him already, tbh.
  8. Gesu

    MiA to his fanbase:
  9. I Googled MiA earlier and got an advert for MYA cosmetic surgery.

    1. Jigsaw9


      Coincidence? I think not!! ;<

    2. Elazmus


      Yup that's MiA's legit contact info you found

  10. Damn, they actually sound pretty good. I'll have to check out more of their stuff! Also ngl but Iyu is pretty hot
  11. Gesu

    Not half bad! Also, this is actually the first I have ever heard of this band. The first thing I know about ZON is that they are going to pass Gas, and that will always be the first thing I know about them.
  12. Gesu

    Hoo, boy. I joined this site yesterday (tried to join a year back, but the CAPTCHA wasn't working, so here I am now) because, for a while, I've been kinda out-of-the-loop when it comes to VK/J-rock news. I never stopped loving it, but I had no idea what was really going on in the community and among artists... and this is the first thing I find when I come back. I mean, if it's what MiA wants to do, fair enough. I know pretty much nowt about the other members, so I can't say anything about them, but based on what I've read in this thread, I can't help but feel like MiA's selling out a little. Ah, well. If he really is selling out as he seems to be, then this should all just blow over soon. I give 'em two years, tops. Actually, this thread was started in May, which was five months ago. Are they still going?
  13. Gesu

    Great song choices! I actually forgot Terrors, that's also one of my faves. How did I forget that, anyways? >.< I have! I really like them, albeit not as much as I like DIV. Still, I'm not complaining. They're a great band and deserve support also, as an aside, someone actually asked me what kind of music I listen to on Sunday, so I told him J-rock and he Googled it. He clicked on a pic of DIV and I may or may not have noticed and accidentally fangirled in front of him. Whoopsie! Also, I can't give your post a like as I have reached my daily limit, but I'll be sure to do that tomorrow~
  14. Damn, sorry to hear that. I hope you can see other artists you like in the future.
  15. I think I heard something about them having to cancel lives because of fans being too rowdy. It happens a lot in the VK/J-rock fandom, for some reason. I remember reading about Yo-ka from DIAURA having to tell his fans to at least act like civilised adults if they weren't going to get along. Do you see bands in Japan a lot? I'd love to go someday, but I've never left England.
  16. Gesu

    I love Yo-ka's voice and face! It's so powerful. Anyways, I love My Resistance and have recently got out of a loop of listening to Criminal Beast on repeat for about three or four days. That happens sometimes. I also really like Dogma, Kairi, Kyoukaisen, Lost November, Sakura Sacrament (why did I alphabetise them o.O), etc... I can't really pick a favourite, but those are definitely up there. You?
  17. Gesu

    Thank you~! And ikr? I always get addicted to DIAURA when I find new songs from them. I go on band binges a lot, but it seems to happen most frequently with DIAURA.
  18. That's always the way, isn't it? They always gotta disband. I'm gonna try to see as many J-rock artists as I can if they're in England because they don't come here often and they always disband so early. I get that they always have their reasons for doing so, but it's still sad. I was heartbroken when DIV disbanded. Anyways, I hope you can go to some more concerts in the future.
  19. Damn, that sucks! I hope you get to see them some day.
  20. Gesu

    Welcome! I hope you enjoy it here. Don't be afraid to message me~! I'm pretty new here meself, so I can't tell you much about how this site works (am still figuring things out), but we can always chat.
  21. Gesu

    Hajime Saitou from Hakuouki! Noice. I can't upload a screenshot directly from my iPod (yes, I have an iPod 4th gen because my actual phone is an Alcatel brick), but I can upload the picture I use. Gotta love Yo-ka.
  22. I was gonna go see the esteemed Kamijo in London last month, but I fell out with the person I was gonna go with and, given my terrible sense of direction and the high crime rate, I didn't fancy wandering the streets of London at 7pm on my own, so I didn't go. I was really upset and told a couple of my relatives about it, and they told me everyone misses out on a concert opportunity at some point or another and I shouldn't be too downhearted. I think it'd be interesting to hear about any opportunities you might have missed out on.
  23. Gesu

    Yo, I go by Gesu (not in everyday life). I'd like to make some friends here, because why not, eh? I did try to create an account about a year ago, but for some reason, the CAPTCHA wouldn't work... but I'm here now, so yay~! Anyways, I like DELUHI, DIAURA, DIV, Lycaon, Versailles, etc, etc. I'm not interested in Tanuki or any other stupid unfounded rumours that have arisen because someone on Twitter said so (however, if there's something that's actually been proven true, I might be interested), so miss me with that. Anyways... I suck at introductions. Toodlepip for now~!
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