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sleepy coffee

Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by sleepy coffee

  1. sleepy coffee

    well isnt the answer basically any vk especially those who dont upload the footage themselves or never come out with a live dvd
  2. sleepy coffee

    pride month just began and last night's dream i had i recall coming out as Bi (i dont remember literally any other details or context to the dream) is this a sign lmao
  3. sleepy coffee

    this song came up on shuffle the other day for me first time i heard it
  4. i know people are hella divided on the insulated world but im still quite excited to see what dir en grey's single sounds like later this year

    1. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      adjusted you say 👀


      wouldnt happen to have a link  or something on you. or maybe the audio presets/changes they used? 



      but ya agreed, a band of their caliber, popularity, and success should have pretty good production/mixing/mastering. god knows what went wrong 

    2. Zeus


      @chipathy "I was just going through my stuff and for this "remix" or whatever I did, all I did was decrease the track volume by 2db then select all frequencies above 4kHz and increase by 2db to bring out the high-end."

    3. nekkichi


      kisou is incredibly under-appreciated on here but we all know who inhabits the Deg thread so like

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  5. It's fine but compared to gossip it's quite boring
  6. sleepy coffee

    been going by chip for about the past 11 years of my life so i guess id go with チップ
  7. sleepy coffee

    Actually enjoying this
  8. sleepy coffee

    New look
  9. sleepy coffee

    80% of the way done with album Its fucking really weird, messy, and just all over the place but I dont mind it Dorothy slaps my ass tho that's a banger for the century
  10. sleepy coffee

    Clever sleazoid by dir en grey
  11. New SHIVA looks and sounds like alot of the darker and heavier vk bands I fucked with hard around the years of 2008-early 2010s, anyone else feel this way 

  12. sleepy coffee

    Already placed my order cant wait
  13. sleepy coffee

    Only seen 1 edition on cdj so maybe those plans changed
  14. sleepy coffee

    I fucking love it
  15. sleepy coffee

    Who or what is a bicky
  16. sleepy coffee

    weird vocal effects but whatever Mao is hella talented so its fine
  17. sleepy coffee

    I cant find anything legitimate besides random fans saying stuff but is the gist of it that it came out on stream he has a baby and is probably married and I guess his fanbase lost it and harrassed him off twitter?
  18. sleepy coffee

    The vocalist's Twitter is gone
  19. sleepy coffee

    been single for the better part of the past 4-5 years. used to date and get around the years prior to that ALOT and it was mostly just a bunch of fucked up and shitty relationships and nowadays i have no idea how id even begin to entertain the idea of dating again lol. part of my pretty happy and stress free being single but another part thinks it would be nice to be in a relationship again
  20. sleepy coffee

    変なメリーゴーランド is insane, what a fucking hype track and the single as a whole is incredible.
  21. Been thinking about waxing my face, anyone got any tips


    Fyi I'm a dude who has facial hair covering my entire face and it all grows back very quickly so idk if that changes anything 

    1. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      Ya thats how I feel but for me it feels like it takes 5 mins to shave and then 5 mins for it already look like 5oclock shadow lol 

    2. Arkady


      Maybe look into laser removal (NOT pulsed light), it could be the solution for your problem if you want many of them gone forever.

    3. platy


      Look for someone who specifically waxes men and ask for their advice. You could get extremely sensitive skin after waxing and non stop pimples and ingrown hairs. Please!! Talk to a professional before doing anything. 

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  22. I've already listened to the Virge album like 4 times from start to finish, I need help

  23. Holy fuck the main track on the gulu gulu single where hes laughing and then it jumps into a scream, god yes I live for this

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