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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Pretsy

  1. Pretsy

    Sounds a lot like Makka no Iro to me Anyways, decent preview, hoping for something outstanding.
  2. Pretsy

    Looks more like Aguilera to me tbqh (then again, I am not in that state to interpret or see anything that diffficult ;OOOO;) Not sure if I am gonna stan 4 teh new era larruku desu. Lazy boys aRE lazy ...
  3. If my friend gets back to Finland earlier, he will take me to some unofficial *k-pop* party with couple of his friends or so...or if he's tired as fuck, then we would just do the same as Disposable but in more of a low-key way. Otherwise, just staying, chilling and killing time. EDIT: it would've been better tbqh if I *actually* stayed up in the middleside of Finland, Disposable and Allisapp might already understand why I'm saying this
  4. Pretsy

    Didn't know that simplistic stupidity of some scenegirl *should* deserve a NSFW-tag
  5. Pretsy

    FINAL list (ignore the vk one in another thread): (NOT IN ORDER) Alice Nine - Gemini XA-VAT - Endo Luna Sea - Luna Sea (2011) Kaya - Queen (I remember it being better than Glitter tbqh) Tenhi - Saivo* Tokyo Jihen - Dai Hakken Tsushimamire - GIVING BLOOD(because I liked everything made by them so far) Hanumaan - Regressive Rock* MERRY - Beautiful Freaks (not as good as it is, but I had to put this) *new, nice little discoveries (both are familiar bands yet still I haven't even heard about their new releases earlier) ...that's all. Not a good year tbh (the GazettE and Kuroyume disappointed me)
  6. Pretsy

    Are there any bands (vk, non-vk, doesn't matter) that play something similar to Sads' TRGGM/13-ish punk-meets-glam-rock/metal? examples: A9jDkIiyrd8 3mtvaO5sBUU Edit: the first one is closer to one I'm asking for P.s. it would be a big plus if your recommendations would have shaky/wild vocals as well
  7. Pretsy

    There were some solid L'anniversary singles but c'mon, 7 single songs and only 4 new ones? (minus one, since Bye Bye was an unreleased song or something like that, right?) Milking at its best, no good. Hey Hyde and co., this is not a good way to celebrate your comeback after a long hiatus.
  8. Pretsy

    Well, what i've got earlier before xmas: 1) Borderlands as a Steam gift from friend 2) Money 3) Money 4) Free Personal Trainer hours from gym (which proved to be pretty useless since I don't feel like doing it anymore) 5) MORE MONEY 6) A scarf...? What will I get (since I should have been in the countryside for now but...yeah): 1) more scarves 2) money 3) new headphones (which I will break eventually) 4) iphone...? (which proves to be trashy in the end) 5 MMMMMMOAAARRR MONEY I feel rich...but unsatisfied
  9. Pretsy

    Woah woah chill brah...
  10. Pretsy

    Won't care about milking since I don't buy singles after all Go go -OZ- ! I liked Souga alot (except Ecdysis) so I am looking forward to this.
  11. It's just easy - if you're not able to compose well (typical problem for some bands, for instance: Ruki from Gazette) or you are not specialized in some new, specific genre, then there's nothing bad with hiring a so-called "ghost-writer" - I am fine with this as long as composer doesn't get crazy with his/her experiments all of the sudden (for instance: RES' wacky composer roles)
  12. Pretsy

    Guess this band needs no introduction since we've got so many Para:noir-related topics after all GO! ps. feel free to lock/merge this if such topic already exists /kinda related: My main favorite songs from them are re:gret and Amaryllis. Kinda skeptic about the rest of their discography. (who gives a heck about them being "over-autotuned" anyways?)
  13. Liking all the samples, just can't understand the hate towards that Tokyo ballad off #...might be the best CG ballad so far, perhaps? (I am not that acquintated with CG repertoire)
  14. Pretsy

    Ryuichi Kawamura from Luna Sea -pre-Style years- Klaha from MM (just in case) Tusk from Zi:Kill etc. etc.
  15. Pretsy

    Poor fashionista boys doing poor fashionista muzics I am glad I stopped following them too, they are nothing more but a basic Arashi-ish band in VK disguise* *even Arashi is better than them
  16. Pretsy

    Umm yeah I can't get in anymore due to some severe probs with switchy (my firewall claims that it located a trojan in it, wtf) Enjoy yourselves without me then, folks!
  17. Pretsy

    My early guilty pleasure I've gotta say that the self-titled and Iowa are my nostalgia jam / some people are really gonna hate me after this.
  18. Pretsy

    Aleksi You betta be crazy for leaking your private stuff that's what msn/skype is made for, brah
  19. Pretsy

    Asian Dub Foundation, perhaps?
  20. Pretsy

    I guess it's easier to open up here Sometimes I just feel like my attempts on better success end up all the time on failure, and none of the advice would help me to stand up and fight back against the difficulties in studies or so I just feel weak, like I could really suck hard and never pass anything / final exam complexes and problems /which of course, lead me to a big conflict between me and parents - also having probs with job hunting. Edit: I decided not to ask help from my friends since they think of me as a guy with complex way of thinking after all Gay friends instead asked me to get a girlfriend But...my chances are low -major headdesk-
  21. Pretsy

    [2] Oh well, you could have asked the other Finns to celebrate your high posting count, Blumbe-sama. (Mods, there's no need to lock this thing, it's your everyday TW spam after all)
  22. Pretsy

    Blumbe just reply to my SMS - I am not in a mood for your rec stuff.
  23. Pretsy

    Umm Wat
  24. Pretsy

    / sarcastictitlefail YMXI1kpvTV0 We had to watch this with my Finnish literature class (we are art college students, k?) and make a review about it... And they say this is "one of the most important, top-notch post-modernistic art performances in Finland" myheadexplodeswithanoverkillingimpact.gif
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