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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Pretsy

  1. Pretsy

    I have to post this even though I don't like the band I will show that much anymore BGJbtEyu2Fw Around 5:18 upVadTPfZtQ 8:25-->? Oh well, there are way too many awesome bass-wise solos/parts in vk-related music Cali-gari's awesome when it comes to bass solos Perhaps Versailles and D are too? (the former one is sure, since Masashi seems to solo even more than his *master*) /note mainstream J-vk musics btw, is it really necessary to post ONLY J-related bands here?
  2. Pretsy

    So where is that place exactly (that popular one you talked about)? Somewhere in Tokyo suburbs? Some castle?
  3. Pretsy

    I've finally learned to *unlimit* myself when it comes to music Oh and due to that thing, I've learned to love such indie bands like OGRE YOU ASSHOLE (only checked some vids by them, digging!) or SuiseinoboaZ Nothing special IRL though, boring Winnie Pooh movie moments with friends, rave party skipping...hurrrgh failed exams. Sweden, just wait for me ...or Germany, which one is better?
  4. Pretsy

    A short one: 1. Infuse Into - nice dubstep starter! I suppose someone of them listens to either Skrillex or Rusko 9/10 2. Venomous Spider's Web - A beginning sounds pretty Marilyn Manson-ish - and there we go, IN THE MIDDLE OF CHAOS-ish guitars moving on, Ruki doing those same-ish choruses...umm 7/10 3. Sludgy Cult - I can sense some strong Sads-ish vibes here, and for that reason, I like it! Better than the previous track, but a disappointment if compared to Hyena and alike. 8/10 4. Red - yes, this follows the basic *generic* song recipe but the riff is so goddamn catchy and it's just fittingly...compact. I am also not opposed to the chorus at all. I didn't notice any differences in *this version*, better mixing perhaps? 8/10 5. The Suicide Circus - the structure of this kinda reminds me of Filth in the Beauty (compare: synth-y verses >< poppy verses in FitB) - but yet still, I am not opposed to rapping nor bridge, but that chorus is...nothing special 7/10 6. Shiver - I wouldn't say that this sounds like an anime song (only because of Naitomea? Don't make me laugh) -it's like their "hats off" to Luna Sea's post-Mother Style + Regret-ish parts, and for that reason, I like it. Yet still, no differences in this version. 9/10 7. My Devil on the Bed - no, Gazette, no more Marilyn Manson-ish songs ever again please! Chorus is kinda okay but...yeah, I have mentioned it earlier. Cheerleaders (that sound like "mObscene"-girls) kinda ruin this song. 7/10 8. Untitled - Guren meets pop ballads, do I have to say more? Easily forgettable. 5/10 9. Pledge - basic drama opening ballad - would have given this 8/10 (I have reviewed this earlier, haven't I?) but it just simply sucks after the tragedy called Untitled 6/10 10. Ruthless Deed - sounds like a nice Nega number, wouldn't have expected this from them! Funnily enough, Ruki sounds like Hyde during distorted vocal parts but yeah, it's kinda okay song - nothing more to add. 8/10 11. Psychopath - Discharge's long lost brother! Sounds better than it though, almost. 7/10 12. Vortex - a nice single song, I think I have reviewed this earlier too so I will give this 9/10 ps. nice solo Uruha! 9/10 13. Tomorrow Never Dies - paraparaparaparapara anthem again? Chorus sounds nice but it's out of place (changing from Bm to G#/A# just like that, seriously?) - imagine if Gazette would have to cover a parapara-oshare song, what would happen then? Listen to this. 5/10 14. Omega - ...bland outro is bland 4/10 Conclusion: worse than DIM and Disorder, worse than SR and equal to NIL 7/10
  5. Pretsy

    Wasn't that solo in Yasashisa wa Atataka na Shihaisha made by him? If so, then I agree with you Well, now that I fell in love with Lareine's flamboyant concept (which was better than MM's own) - I would like to make a note about awesome solos on their first major album example 6deBcQV6Yd4&t 2:06-2:22 Mayu was a great composer and guitarist, wish he could join some full-time project instead of constantly hanging up with Kamijo Seriously.
  6. Pretsy

    Doublepost: New album covers are just plain ugly and way too similar Kiyoharu, learn 2 photoshop.
  7. Pretsy

    SuiseiNoboAz – arizona What are you eating right now?
  8. >Kuroyume -fake star era- >LM.C > spiv states > this I don't see how is that relevant to this thread but whatever!
  9. Pretsy

    That preview is made of win Hands down.
  10. Pretsy

    That black *girl* from Ziyoou-vachi hehe.
  11. Pretsy

    Oh well, it will be better than Annihilation, but the first one is still made of more win!
  12. Pretsy

    Okay I spoiled it all for myself I checked THE SUICIDE CIRCUS He doesn't look like Kiyoharu at all (not enough fluffy hair) But the song isn't anything special Red + Vortex (?) = This Should I seriously cancel pre-order and get my money back? I am kinda skeptic about this
  13. Aha. On-topic: > also, the bands to be covered there are well known too - It would be eventually nice if it's just "V-rock cover songs", without the best hit thingy, then we would get something along the lines of...for example: Nega's Aliene Ma'riage cover? xD (I don't think Jin is wacky enough to pull those songs tho) Anyways, I am not that satisfied so I'm waiting for the third compilation with more promising tracklist... P.s. Gazette/Nightmare should definitely cover Luna Sea sometimes. P.s.s. I want my Dir en grey-cover of Shihainaru Death Mask
  14. Pretsy

    I think you are talking about CAMPUS? Oh well nvm. Good luck with that one then! GL! Hope you will have a great time there!
  15. Pretsy

    http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/educ ... 1298.story Reita-Sama?
  16. Pretsy

    At least Tatsurou (and his hair) looks nice! // lol, now that I've stared the photo for a while, they obviously have some kind of Story of kingdom -theme. Tatsurou is a princess, Yukke is a (ridiculous) prince, Staochi is a frog and Miya... something, don't know what yet. :I ...You be trippin, as always Maria You be trippin
  17. ^ THOSE. Looking forward to this! (La'cryma has better songs to be covered but yeah...)
  18. Pretsy

    LOL DeeGee and co. - Westboro turds 1:0
  19. Pretsy

    Yeah like the other person said: their catalog is extremely mixed and their live performances can be pretty bad at times. Have you seen the Summer Sonic performance of VORTEX? I mean ew...Ruki doesn't even do his own screams, they use a background track for most of it. Irrelevant If so, then check their Discharge live from SS2011, no backtracks - vortex is an exception tho, it's electronic gagametal track On-topic: i agree with mixedness tho - but the same happens with all your favorite bands!
  20. Pretsy

    I expect this album just like their past single... GENERIC Listen to the spoiler making the GENERIC pleasure more worse.... So rude, so negative but back to the topic - no matter what people say about this, I am still waiting for my first ~spoiler-less~ pre-order.
  21. Pretsy

    They seem to be soooo hip in here after that "Sixth Sense" - video Looks like Beyonce influenced them somehow... -visually-
  22. Pretsy

    Einstürzende Neubauten marathon o/ Those guys are very...fascinating. I wanted to use them for my German exam preparations, and here ya go: ~No more sanity~
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