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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Pretsy

  1. Pretsy

    Yeaah looking forward to GD/Teddy-tracks.
  2. Pretsy

    Now that you mention it RIP kote kei apeshitting times
  3. Pretsy

    B'CUZ DEY R GUD 4U! *just in case new mh members, pretzels was my name about half a year ago...
  4. Pretsy

    I suppose none of the MH Finns is interested in this...except me /I want to see Aiji in person Might go, might just let it be - depends on my busy Summer timetable (May is completely booked with exams and all that kind of shit D:)
  5. Pretsy

    Herpes wasn't even stanning for mashy for a long time trololo. EDIT: was there any sort of HnG interview where Kyo mentioned his influences? I mean, Kaoru for eg. did...
  6. Well, if we did count *other* western acts as well, then the OP would have changed the topic to "Western Band Recommendations", whatever OP wants... Yeah, Deftones is must-check too - one of the few American acts that remained great throughout the decade(s) also, Faith No More (it may have been suggested already but still): VSh2-gDn82k (they make rockier songs but this is prob. their heaviest to date)
  7. Pretsy

    Umm yeah, not a fan but I prefer Sei ni Shigamitsuku to this.
  8. Pretsy

    Am I really the only one here who's *somehow* content with their *new* direction? I won't count their visuals in, since they look sooo tacky these days.
  9. Pretsy

    Kinda wondering that what is Sugizo doing up there I mean (if my memory serves well), none of you paid any attention to his Prana/Fatima-releases and etc.
  10. Pretsy

    Wooh! Excited.
  11. Pretsy

    I might be willing to contribute some more omkvD2kq1uc Gantz OP -anabfAg06U Paranoia Agent OP QMtLwp62ZSA Sailor Moon S Opening 1 ff0hfO2yEMY Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne op 2 (posting German version since I couldn't find Swedish/Finnish version for the lulz, Japanese one is kinda mediocre for this specific anime)
  12. New Bioshock...perhaps? And Tekken Tag Tournament 2, if it'll be released for consoles (I have to find some use for my dusty Ps3 anyway) EDIT: interested in new MGS too.
  13. Pretsy

    Well, didn't they (or was it just Ryo?) say that they have two bands from now on, so perhaps you will get your promised Boogieman releases in a time, just like we Kannivalism fans with hopes of hearing ~something~ about a new album. Baroque wasn't ever worse than Boogieman nor Kannivalism anyway - much better tbqh.
  14. s2lUC2aVqAg Just take a look at the lyrics and you will know why.
  15. Pretsy

    Disappointing results (oh well, I never agreed 100% with any MHster, take a note guys) I thought Toxic was far from bad, perhaps even better than DSS which is a big clusterfuck anyway (that might change...or not ) + Personally I would place A and Mejibray into the spot of "the most overhyped bands" - I hate them, rly. Agreeing with Chianti about Headache and Dub Reel Inch (note: self-awareness in the title) - that was the dullest album ever
  16. Pretsy

    Requiem for the dead? Mass for the dead for the dead? Mass of the dead for the dead? ...
  17. Pretsy

    For "first-timer" noise: Merzbeat (it's hip hop-inspired noise but still, works as a great introduction to his style) or Merzzow For "harsh" noise: Venereology That's all I can suggest.
  18. Pretsy

    WHAT I thought they were just starting a "creative era" with Amaryllis. Oh well, basic "short-living" policy of vk is doing it's deed again.
  19. Pretsy

    Ripping off ABC and Katharsis? Just forget the whole deal with that guy, looks shady, too.
  20. Pretsy

    I liked Rosario, but not the b-sides. Hope they'll go further with their experimentation with this mini (Beauty Shadow-ish songs would be nice, glam vibe fits them tbh)
  21. Pretsy

    Off-topic but didn't Oli Sykes begin to diss DEG fans *directly* at some point on Kerrang 2009 gig?
  22. Pretsy

    Warm Snow (hey namesake, what's the point in recommending two *SAME* releases?) Sculpture of Time and Dwellers of Sand Castle definitely. AND The Power Source & Pop Life then move on to their older releases...
  23. Pretsy

    Well they weren't always bland I mean, Zansatsu Fiction for instance (w/e it is) - Spongebob Squarepants' part anyone?
  24. Mr. Bungle, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, Idiot Flesh and Stolen Babies Insane (and by "Insane", I meant "psychotic", not in a heavy way tho) check-out bands
  25. Pretsy

    Another guy from the old school TW? Welcome back.
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