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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Pretsy

  1. Pretsy

    When it comes to Dir en grey, I liked their bass work best when their bassist Toshiya learned to fuse J-ish speed/dynamicity and Hitoki-ish variety (w/e) together and use it for good: a case in point would be the bassline off Berry: eU-sLHmDCrE Something went wrong when Toshiya later favored more of a Fieldy-ish approach in bass playing, a.k.a. "SPROINK TACK TACK SPROINK TACK TACK"-type of slapping + low volumed, minimized plucking. I would have brought up Taiji too but I find his liking for bass shreds a bit excessive/tasteless - bass is a rhythm instrument after all... In addition to everything, Mad Caps have some sort of boring basslines (you know, nu metal/digital hardcore these days doesn't have good, dynamic basswork) AND MTH's bassist would have been better if he learned to incorporate his own ways with influences, instead of constantly emulating Flea without even trying to sound somewhat...unique.
  2. Pretsy

    ^^^^^^ Quotation-button does exist after all
  3. Pretsy

    Doing my pre-architecture exam project.
  4. Pretsy

    I took some time just to read through the shitfest and sc. "using only reviews from the one side as a "trustable" argument tool" caught my eye first, and that is what you should notice too - that was the main problem in your comments, Idgaf about the rest In addition to that, Fukkatsu crew might hate me, okay - but how is that even relevant to my comments on DEG's direction? Just FYI, Batsu is equal to the home of ohaiitzwill and alike (aka dir en grey trolls and rabid stans), so why give a heck? I don't care if trolls/rabid fangirls hate me. Don't take "Try Harder" personally - it's an important piece of advice for your further reviews, since what you wrote about US peeps reviewing the album positively etc. is not convincing nor interesting enough. Why? I'll leave it to you. Can't wait for the Oricon's mighty steeds and their reviews on DSS (or other firm/site under the control of Oricon) - I appreciate their standards a bit more than those who take Deathspell Omega over Burzum as "worthy black metal" everyday...(aka 90% of them who reviewed DSS) All in all, I hope that they will stumble upon sc. "Six Ugly"-problem again, and learn that being heavier and heavier (and non-listenable) is not a solution when it comes to expressing emotion/aggression/whatever Kyo wants to express in music
  5. Pretsy

    Relentless' accent is so Fukkatsuan/Fukkatsu-ish, perhaps you are that same Juuni-mod/w/e? If so then no wonder that your comments have no ground /are anything but profound. Why should we trust Pitchfork sub-review stations, by the way? I'd rather stick to my own standards than to groundless "these guys are like a black sabbathian Mars Volta meets Mr. Bungle meets Diamanda Galas" (wtf) and "Best album to come out from Japan, best regards Sputnikmusic" BS - those are anything but argument-worthy things. Try harder.
  6. Pretsy

    + this will surely affect specific stereotypes...
  7. Pretsy

    Kiyoharu's voice is not that good here :v But it's nice to see Miyavi doing a great collab! (not sure if this is part of his "collab campaign" with such artists as Tokio Hotel ( ) and 30 seconds to Mars ( ) for instance)
  8. Fix'd and discussion moved elsewhere, thnku.
  9. Pretsy

    JET SET RWADIOOHHHH To be exact, I am still playing Jet Set Radio Future at the moment since De La Jet Set Radio brought me to the point where I don't know whether to cry out loud or feel nauseous because of godawful voice acting (Not sure about you DC fans but it bugged me, and alot!) Will be taking up Killer 7 once I've ended up with this architecture crap I have to do
  10. Pretsy

    Oh 12012, what is going with you? Did Yusuke's withdrawal affect you that badly? I gave this album 3 chances to amaze me and you know what, I am not even willing to give this a spin anymore (Fortitude is the only one remaining in my library atm, the rest found their way in the recycle bin) Inb4 12012 stans posting "profound" and "adequate" reviews in defense (go on, I'd like to see what's so "impressing" about this record, perhaps it's the charm of godawful vocals and "raw" mixing, right?) 4/10 (1/10 without Fortitude + calmer tracks) Dynamite Tommy, stop butchering pls.
  11. Pretsy

    Well I wouldn't go with Feminism as a prime recommendation if ICE MY LIFE sounded somewhat *tiring* (if Herpes were here, he would already kill me for that)
  12. Pretsy

  13. Gauze sold out well due to Yoshiki factor but other sale number positions actually make sense - as with Sai, my favorite releases are on the top (which makes me happy, to be honest) Alrightey then, we will carry on in DEG thread --->
  14. Pretsy

    You are okay in my list and welcome...back?
  15. A matter of opinion (the way those fans name it..."metal record of the year", that just makes me cringe and do major headdesks) I wonder why I...we should even look forward to this release -documentaries are not the thing they are supposed to do now, or are they going to kaisanize? Explain people pls.
  16. Pretsy

    Try Nakigara wo... (first, indies album) if you haven't - Romance of Scarlet is just overrated (yes, I am serious)
  17. Pretsy

    Worthy update: Wataru (12012) Reason: operatic vocal gimmicks won't always work + "screaming/growling"
  18. Pretsy

    So, is this a major release? For real? Not with that mixing quality... (just learned today that Diamond was their major debut, meh)
  19. Pretsy

    Pretty bad comeback I must say.
  20. Pretsy

    Doing a short text-to-text session with my first ex (and just like the most folks from the west side, she's asking me to come on summer...) It's pretty awkward since we haven't talked to each other for years but of course, shit happens when you inform about your existence/location to your old friends...
  21. Pretsy

    02. Beauty Shadow-ish rocker with glammy vibes 04. Hurrdurrcore 06. This is just me and my expectations tho :/
  22. Pretsy

    OK! WOW! I've always been interested in Dubai, they have the tallest building in the world. (Burj Dubai) Tell me if you see it! Sure sure, Burj al arab is more than interesting though This is why I am taking up on this instead of trying to recollect money for Nippon trip (Dubai's more interesting in terms of "futuristic"/"more constructive and varying" architecture)
  23. Pretsy

    Disposable will surely get something even "cooler" before DEM HOLEZ. Won't comment on "active smoking issues" because of neutrality...
  24. Pretsy

    I want to hear something like Grieving the Dead Soul again. That would be awesome Ah, Grieving the Dead Soul.. It definitely would! Instead of that, I'd love to see them continuing the style they've embraced after doing endlessly those *embarassing*-core songs (Break the Silence for instance, or Juggernaut and Ever to some extent) I guess I'm a minority here :/
  25. Pretsy

    The song title makes me think of a...ballad or some other M.E.R.R.Y.-ish soft song (isn't Gunjou "Navy Blue" in English, right?) And the presence of Garaoke makes me go all excited because that'd mean a comeback of Under-World style (You might guess my Merry favorites already )
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