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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Pretsy

  1. Pretsy

    Dir en grey's Toshiya is a huge Deftones fan - Chi Cheng fan, to be exact He even emulated Chi's way of playing bass at some point during MOAB-Uroboros days (FVT 2006 + other Deftones-related gigs (?) had a huge effect on DEG by the way, and that is already noticeable in MOAB) In addition to that, Dir en grey - Toshiya more specifically, supported "One Love for Chi" with some funds + other stuff + Such Toshiya's songs as "Shitataru Mourou" have sometimes Deftones-ish parts scattered around (Drum intro/drumline in Shitataru Mourou is basically a tribute to "Digital Bath") - total stans might disagree though. Also: Take a look at Feast of Five Senses-dvd performances and try to name at least one obvious influence in Toshiya's way of dressing/playing bass (hint: it's too easy to guess...and my comments have a main clue to that one)
  2. Pretsy

    NO SHIT For all the seriousness though, they have a production/marketing staff of DELUHI behind their works, so nobody should be actually surprised about this "mini-Deluhi"-phenomenon called "GALEYD" On a relevant note, I am not impressed yet.
  3. Well, the main point is that I just felt like I want to challenge myself once again in music, and broaden my musical horizons even further by trying out the hardest bits of popular/unpopular music. The main issue in this "experimenting" is that I don't know where to start, and this whole industrial-o-ganza/Bungle-istic madness I've been sucked into isn't just enough for me. So, can anyone of you try to lend me a helping hand and suggest these sc. "most difficult albums to get into", please? Ps. All genres are welcome!
  4. Pretsy

    Btw, they will release a 200-paged book with lots of interviews and photoshoot-related stuff (?) on 28/04/2012, and the title is well... called "GREED" source: http://www.cddata-mag.com/info/index.html#infdegbk I wonder why I am laughing :V...
  5. Pretsy

    Koe is one hell of a beauty. One of the best choruses Sadie has ever produced...
  6. Pretsy

    Woah dude I am jelly ...
  7. Pretsy

    Thoughts? About my personal favorites: RED LINE - It's like a nice little brother of Kagerou (which I adore); Straightforward, pleasant rocker with a memorable (perhaps a bit generic) chorus. Wish Sadie would do more of these instead of well...trying to emulate hurrdurrcore for the sake of following fashion. I will give this 8,5/10 RODEO SCREAM - Dat weird moment when Sadie tries to emulate nintendocore-ish elements in their music. Question is: will it work? I will go with the positive answer since I am not that opposed to "fashioncore" unlike most of MH folks, and autotune (?)-parts were after all compensated with interesting gang vocals. I will give this 8,5/10 - 'twas a nice, intriguing experiment KOE - A surprisingly great half-ballad with dominant spoken vocals (which make me want to look for the lyrics, perhaps Mao intended to make more of a lyrically strong song...) and beautiful choruses, with a la improved English and falsettos from Mao. I will look forward to numbers like these because this is where Sadie is good at. I will give this 9/10. Overall pros: - Improved English - Improved singing (growls, screams and falsettos/highs) - Experimentation (Rodeo Scream, Koe) - Interesting choruses (Koe, Mourou) Overall cons: - Tin can drums and their overtaking presence - Hurrdurrcore (I personally don't want to see them carry on with this type of songs, ofc there are many exceptions but it's a huge hit-or-miss for them) - A bit generic choruses (RED LINE, Daydream for eg.) Final rating: 8/10 for now
  8. Pretsy

    So there will be...8 members, right? Or is it wrong for me to expect a big band-type of act out of this?
  9. Pretsy

    1) Deftones - new album 2) Lynch. - new album 3) Kiyoharu - (possible) new album (he'd most probably release it in early 2013 though ) 4) the GazettE - Division (singleless-ness and DI-suffix = ) 5) Luna Sea - new singles/album/whatever (I demand moar) 6) Buck-Tick - new album 7) ANYTHING FROM SHIINA RINGO 8 ) New Kaya (not a big fan or anything but I've liked his recent single...I'd like to hear more Glitter Arch-ish stuff) 9) OZ - new album (?) 10) Swans - The Seer (semi-expecting) And there are a lot of more BS to expect but yeah, mostly Japanese releases this time (no shit)
  10. Pretsy

  11. Pretsy

    Waiting for the sudden outrage from wild cafekkos
  12. Pretsy

    Wow And I thought he would never go back to vk stuff ...
  13. Pretsy

    And why do you think so? Are there any interviews concerning that matter? Nice swansong btw, digging those RES vibes.
  14. Pretsy

    Wow, that chorus was so...cheap.
  15. Pretsy

    Well, somewhat promising stuff I must say (especially looking forward to Rodeo Scream and Koe)
  16. Pretsy

    EDIT: Shabby followers of Deluhi-legacy are all what make me want to puke atm.
  17. Pretsy

    This It's such a borefest for me
  18. Pretsy

    Great! Now I can see/hear if he's influenced by Stratovarius or not (considering the fact that all Galneryus members are hardcore Strato stans)
  19. Pretsy

    + What the heck is Bou doing these days?
  20. Pretsy

    Well, what are your thoughts about the new single? I myself somewhat liked the whole single -there were some top-notch moments and experiments...and some dull moments as well, but the latter doesn't affect the quality of this single really that much so...briefly/bluntly put, I like this - OZ is one of the most promising vk bands in 2012, hands down. (ps. agreeing with Prophet's last.fm comment about the fact that Natsuki is doing the vocals in "Blast"/"Trusty" as well, I can even hear a bit of Natsuki's trademark "wobble" in that voice)
  21. The Jesus Lizard - Goat (Post-hardcore/Noise rock) Since I've liked Duane Denison's work on Tomahawk, I've had to check JL of course (for the sake of broadening my horizons in terms of taste), and wow - there are more reasons to be found for the claim that old post-hardcore was much more edgier...and rawer than all your Billy Talents these days. I might come up as an ass but if you want to try post-hardcore (with a tinge of noise rock...this is just me, hey), check this album out. Vocalist is great, guitar's spectacular, drumwork is admirable...it gets you easily =) (check "Monkey Trick" or "Lady Shoes" if you don't believe me) First JL album I listened to and one of the few first albums I bought and kept in my grandparents' house (did I ever have a good music taste? It's the question of the century )
  22. Pretsy

    Have some of you, active nordic travelers ever wondered that why most nordic/Northern European tvs had less/never had any kind of PSAs (Public Service Announcements, google it if you don't know) for childrens' shows (I bet the older generation here in MH used to watch TMNT and GI Joe PSAs back in the day) ? I'd like to give one of the prime examples as the answer to that question - the old Finnish PSA for kids back in the 80s - which was remade later in 2000/2001. Why? Just check it out And the name of this PSA is, surprisingly enough, "Look out for the weak ice" "Beware of thin ice", which is also the only spoken line in this clip: bpjR5a7IXUU Creepy as hell, and yes, it's real. Most PSAs might have been either retarded or questionable in terms of "the necessary message" but this took "good ways of advising the younger generation" way too far. It's just that traumatic... EDIT: this PSA was meant for late evening on-air plays in a popular childrens' programme called "Pikku Kakkonen" ("The little (number) Two" )
  23. Pretsy

    This sounds too good for Vivid's standards - but in other standards this is just unimpressive. Why? 1) What happens if Jui (vidooru guy?) turns white and tries to cover the Japanese bubblegum pop cover of some europop song? THIS, but with less mediocrity, which actually shines through this song. 2) *Br00tal* part just turns me off - cheesy, out of place...does it serve any purpose? Not at all. I'll let Yohio rethink about turning his safe play pop rock into one hell of a clusterfuck disaster. 3) All the lyrical cliches of vk just get repeated all over and over again. Another turnoff for me , to be honest. All in all, you might say that I'm jealous - but even the most regular weeaboo would come up with a better piece of work (and try to sound "original" for heaven's sake).
  24. Pretsy

    I find it weird when no one (or only few) said anything about essential jpop/jpop-related artists from 80s like Rebecca or Yapoos for instance: 64ZtGaTa-R0 0M1YttTdZ8A Let's not forget Akina Nakamori too (ps. I didn't bother scroll through your comments, sry) 7vCqfS_YO5k Even if I prefer Kiyoharu's cover, this is still great (ps. Not sorry for Koda Kumi's effed up version)
  25. Pretsy

    Well he sounds like he's choking on something while singing in that album, frankly enough ...
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