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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Pretsy

  1. Pretsy

    Don't cry, I and Biopanda (and co.) can help you with that
  2. Pretsy

    As the "avid" listener of this band's newer repertoire, I was truly excited to see this single floating around here with different 3-4 types (once again, how was this called anyway, "Lycaon syndrome?") Now to the main point: Stigma - I like this song. I wouldn't add "alot" right after that sentence since there is a main "breaking point" which caused most of you listeners to think "how many songs did they sew in together...?", and that is the connection between heavy-ish verses, and poppy but catchy vk chorus. It's some sort of a shockingly good surprise for hxc fans, but for some it's more of a weakness of this song. But that is the only downside worth mentioning. Good effort from these boys, but all they need is a bit more time and experimentation without unnecessary conflicts between song parts. 8/10 Trusty - and this is where Natsuki takes his "vocal experimenting" further by adding harsh vocals (which remind me of M. Shadows from A7X - good old kiddio times) on par with their wobbly counterpart, aka Natsuki's trademark singing. I can see them jamming along to their US metal favorites before coming up with this piece of work, since this, oddly enough, has more metalcore/neo-post-hardcore riffs and melodies thrown in; instead of dominant nu metal riffage from their earlier repertoire. A good song - nothing spectacular nor truly special/outstanding, but it's truly worthy for a position of b-side. 8/10 Blast - This is the pinpoint of their newer part of experimentation - which is, as said above, vocals. You wouldn't recognize Natsuki right away when he is starting to sing with that "M. Shadows"-ish voice throughout the song avec growls...I can actually see where most of you are coming from when it comes to the chorus, since this is by far the corniest thing OZ has ever done in their career - with that HEAVYMAN-BG vocal thing you just won't get anywhere but down. Anyways, I wasn't so opposed to this idea of adding such things to song, and I actually enjoyed this song as well. No further complains nor blabbering ,nice b-side. 8/10 Flash Back - Yes, it does have DEG vibes in the background and near the end. But will we let it ruin our listening pleasures? No. This is by far one of the best b-sides OZ has ever produced - Newer approach into their sound (Natsuki's (?) vainly heard "WOAAHWOOAHWOAAHOOHAAHOOH"-BG wails/vocals, additional verse vocals and another OOOOHAAAAHEAAAH-part in the end), great bridge, nice & slow OZ-y chorus with Natsuki's emotional wobbles, and of course, their want to try out new elements is just shining through this song. I don't get the idea of that "noisy riff"-interlude though, a bit rushy for such good song. But we shouldn't let it make us sad - great song. 9/10 Overall: Just like Souga, this was a nice single from the boys - perhaps a bit worse than it's predecessor, but STIGMA's place in " the best vk singles of 2012" is more than deserved in my personal, honest and absolute opinion. Good job boys. ~8,5/10 (more plus points for experimenting)
  3. That main synth part oddly enough reminds me of Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas /another "hey, this vk song sounds like nintendocore" - comment, see "Red Line"-review for more...
  4. More like a typical anime fanart pic from your everyday animefan's deviantart + Disney-ish stuff thrown in.
  5. Pretsy

    The only ones I am caring about so far WTF Kaya... I just can't imagine that song with HIS voice D: P.s. Kinda wondering why there weren't any Kuroyume covers though, I suppose Kiyoharu's diva ego and "upper hand" has something to do with this cover deal...
  6. Pretsy

    Finally a stan-worthy, "wacky" vk band after Aicle's disbandment...they are getting better and better!
  7. Pretsy

    HI DOGGIE. On a relevant note though, they should just review the whole neo-vk scene - they will find enough" illuminati stuff" here to stumble upon and rant about...
  8. Pretsy

    Or Gazette's Toxic lol
  9. Pretsy

    This is okay but Daybreak still remains as my biggest favorite from them (yup, got into them finally after a bit "crappy" indies)
  10. Pretsy

    Finally something for MH/TWsters around the world Thanks a lot Furik, hope mods will notice this sooner or later since this is more than a good alternative for turntable.fm (my stealthy is loads of crap anyway, so I can't get in touch with other MHsters, damn...) Support o/
  11. Expecting another butcherfest for "Romance" + I definitely can't see OZ covering THAT Pierrot song (way too poppy) but I'll be def. looking forward to their attempt...
  12. Pretsy

    I am not sure about your taste but a band named Rice has violins on some songs of theirs, like this: dny-YcH5Pdo In fact, most of their songs are actually more of cello-based (They have a cellist as their main session member) PS. you should definitely check up Jigsaw's suggestion above - note: LS is basically the first vk band to use "real" violin/violins (as solo) in their songs *cough*X Japan's orchestras are not counted*cough*
  13. Pretsy

    I wonder why Sai hasn't posted this: 8qcPODKqRNY It's somewhat "traditional Japanese" in terms of music too...
  14. Pretsy

    Wait what, was Gara the composer of Gunjou then? And as Jigsaw said, Nero's songs should give some hope...
  15. Pretsy

    http://garanero.tumblr.com/post/21276002494/bassprinz Gunjou (?) -radio rip ver.- Nothing spectacular, it's okay...I expected some sort of "change" in style, but it seems like we have to be stuck in Beautiful Freaks-era once again, sigh... credit: Bassprinz@tumblr (just as the url says)
  16. Pretsy

    I think I'd rather stick to Leda project than to this one...
  17. Quoting: source: musicjapanplus.jp Anybody excited? Looking forward to that tribute album... EDIT: lolwat BOYZ II MEN? How come I have skipped that one...but hey, it's gonna be interesting
  18. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xq58sw ... _lifestyle Shiina Ringo's new song from Ataru's 1st episode It's pretty okay, nothing spectacular...
  19. Pretsy

    1. Wow, one of the few cases where overbr00tal vk band is trying to go all "kvlty" on us, I might expect some Gregorian monk choir and pseudo-satanic stuff going on (or in a worst case scenario, pseudo-satanic dubstep - because it's so hip) 6. 10. "OMG IT'S GOING TO BE THE MOST APOCALYPTIC THING EVER! MACHINE GUN-LIKE CLICKS! DROP Z CHUGFEST! HELL-LOW BASS! THE MOST BRUTAL OF THE MOST BRUTAL THINGS! JIN WILL SCREAM AND GROWL YOUR BRAINS OUT YOUR HEAD! EVEN 12012 WILL CRY IN FEAR! MASSACRING BR00000TALLLLLITYYYYY, DEATH TO ALL! "
  20. Nice It sounds like a nice throwback to their late-90s/early 00s style (SSL-OLDOD-ish?) Hope their new album will be as good as this, or maybe even better
  21. Pretsy

    LfqhhC8Iflc Previews + another pv preview I liked the b-sides of TYPE C (Eve song and that ballad-y one), the rest was a bit bland for my taste. What about pv then? Asagi's rosy mic stand and their live setting somewhat reminded me of...Kuroyume's *rare* Juujika blarghlongtitle pv from 1993 Anyways, it's okay.
  22. Pretsy

    Okay guys, I should have posted this last year (I've forgotten about them, sry) but did you check their recent album (Kosmonument)? I am not a guy to talk stuff about this kind of music, let alone black metal, but their signature psychedelia just "shines through" here, which I truly cherish a lot...the least happy ones might go with such lines as "oh my god this is like Deathspell Omega's and Mars Volta's bastard child!!!". What about me then? I like it for psychedelia, not for " neo wave post-black metal (stan quote obv)" (or w/e pitchfork staff might come up with me) CpzwUdeVriU One of the songs I've liked so far Thoughts? Ps. I want Kuolleet Intiaanit back, duh.
  23. I liked the song - despite the fact that it adds nothing to the scene of ABCABC-type pop songs, I could hear lots of elements that actually fit in D=OUT's music, and more specifically, Kouki's voice: interesting bass hooks, use of orchestra in the right parts (see: Sei ni Shigamitsuku) and of course, not too shabby nor exaggerated guitar solo. I think they should still stick to Sei ni Shigamitsuku (my biggest favorite from these guys, that's why I mention it dozens of times in this context) - type of "easy-listening" songs but this is okay too. Only their looks rub me the wrong way though - the song below above has a pv, which is a good example of how they should dress/look - everything to the minimum, please. Ps. I think Kouki should experiment with vocals sooner or later
  24. Since this section is meant for most pointless/ random threads ever, I'd like to post something that I found pretty interesting (which most of you would eventually find to be stupid): grRT9veMJLQ Some DS horror game theme (listen to the main melody) vs Bpv2ewDBpP8 Pierrot's Mad Sky - song from 1998 (listen to the whole song, especially verse melodies) Do you guys notice any similarities between those? I don't want to blame anyone for 'ripping off', but otherwise - it ain't a bad thing if game creators dig Pierrot a lot Ps. yes yes, same-ish, have been made before this post...EDIT: another pointless example of what I am trying to analyze: 6wWHZE14hP8 Switch right to 0:48 vs. JT0iJusoSAU Chorus Once again, not accusing anyone nor doing this for provocative causes.
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