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Posts posted by maryeon

  1. On 03/01/2018 at 11:02 AM, LIDL said:


    Coachell did official live stream the past two years. They will likely to do it again this year.



    I hope they will do Rusty Nail and Dahlia

    THEY MUST DO DAHLIA, I believe it's an approachable enough song for the western audience? They must really play their cards right if they want this to work for them.

  2. It is insane the fact they are playing next to all of these acts that have nothing to do with vk lol But I guess what better way to get the crowd talking than doing something that surprises them right? They mustn't be playing for long... Yoshiki has said he will play the drums at the festival and he just recently got back into doing it. I feel like bc of the time they're having they'll play mostly recent songs ugh u should go all out and show your best hits but they probs won't have time for that. 

    Nonetheless I'm excited for this! If all goes well this can be the incentive Yoshiki needs to release the goddamn album. 

  3. Yay! thanks for making a thread for them! Been following these guys for a short while but they've already blown me away.

    Kagami's clean vocals are amazing and his screams are haunting af, I love everything they've put out. Easily one of the best deathcore bands out there. Also the album they put out on yt for free is suuuuper solid. 

  4. On 24/12/2017 at 9:14 PM, Triangle said:

    I think  we are talking about the same magazine. It had the same name and most of the interviews were from when bands toured in Germany and I think our ghetto people here just translated every number of the magazine and would sell it like that XD. Maybe that's why they stopped releasing it at one point /copyright got to them eventually XD/.

    I suppose you're right. I do remember it talking about their european tour. Wow what are the odds? I used to collect the posters that came with it... 

  5. I'd never listened to DIAURA before I stumbled upon their new M/V and I'm hooked. I can see why Asagi likes them, Yo-ka's voice is amazing. I gave VERSUS a spin and it's a solid record. I'm going to keep digging in their discography and obsess a lil. 

  6. 23 minutes ago, patientZERO said:

    They seem to be pretty tight with FED,  too, which is cool considering how similar their sounds are. They've done a few two-man lives together recently, even covering an FED song. Talent attracts talent!

    Right?! I've always considered how JILUKA r a heavier version of DELUHI. It's amazing to see their interactions on twitter. God I wish I could've teleported myself to that 2-man live and see that cover.

  7. On 07/12/2017 at 4:32 PM, Triangle said:

    I freaking loved An Cafe in 2008. I don't even know how I found out about them, but I remember I bought a magazine that had bands interview and one of the bands from that month's publication was An Cafe and at first I thought they were...cute girls XD. And then I looked them on the internet and got so into them, I started watching a lot of videos and had all the discography and basically that's how I found out that all the anime songs I've been listening until then were from the "jrock" genre XD.

    I could almost copy and paste what u wrote but with me it happened in 2009. I came across this german magazine called popcorn that was sold in a shop close to my middle school (yes I was that young). I saw an cafe on this calendar (this was january) and I thought they looked so different and very loud and colourful so I gave them a listen and was hooked from then on. I quickly got into d=out, sug, alice nine, gazette, dio and others. Haven't stopped listening since. 

  8. On 18/11/2017 at 11:55 PM, Duwang said:

    Nah they're not breaking up any time soon. They members are all super close friends, their manager is like the chillest person on the planet and they have plenty of dedicated fans who throw money at them. 


    That's so very good to hear. The members seem to have a good rship but u never really know what's going on backstage. I've just been following these guys for a short time but they've quickly become one of my favourites, I hope they can keep going for a long time.

  9. I love DELUHI to pieces and listening to FED makes me so upset because it is still Leda; Sujk is also there but somehow nothing sounds as good? I don't expect Leda to put out the same things he did almost 10 years ago but like @chemicalpicturessaid, it is average at best. The guitar solo is actually very nice but I just can't get behind this band fully yet. Keita also doesn't possess the greatest voice imo, which perhaps also adds to the bundle. I loved Disgracer from their previous ep, and I find that's the one song I keep getting back to bc it just sounds so different and electric and just solid af. Still ain't giving up hope tho. 

  10. RAZOR was a good surprise for me, I'd never really got into BORN but I feel like after RAZOR I should at least give them a spin.

    As for the mini, the first times I listened to it I wasn't very excited, but now listening to all of it, it really makes for a high energy, reasonable work. I don't really care for ballads most of the time and 君は今も鮮やかに was no exception. I gotta say the title track from this mini is the less memorable of all they've released. I gotta agree with everyone and say that イノセンス is the best track. 

    Really want a full album from these guys. 


  11. Gotta say I have probably listened to this song only twice since it came out lol

    I am not expecting the album to be amazing right off the bat, I like LS but I usually need a few plays for the songs to grow on me. 

    Just happy they're still around and active. Sgz has been extremely productive this year, idrk what other excuses Yoshiki needs. 

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