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Posts posted by BrenGun

  1. Haha this. But it would indeed make finding uploads easier since they're very simple to navigate and find files there.

    And also what I've said,

    We also could separte list the blogs who re-upload and those who don't. So makes to navigate it also more simple :3

  2. Review – Calmando Qual Best Album | Freaks -select collection 2001〜2014-
    Next year at Janurary 14th Calmando Qual will release their first best album. But is this really the best of the best? I will give you maybe the answer.

    Of course you always ask yourself, should I buy a best album? Well I try to give you the answer for this album. I did receive it early thanks to a Japanese friend. (^0^)/
    Since we already know all songs, I'm not going to talk about how these songs sound like. So it's a review inside a different jacket.


    PRICE: 3,500円 (TAX IN)
    BUY: http://darkestlabyri...net/product/612



    The album contains 26 full tracks, including one unreleased song.

    All others where not easy to get releases for their oversea fans. Hallelujah was never released before. The album duration is 02:01:47 so a bit more than 2 hours playtime. Which is not bad at all.

    If you look at the track order then all songs are placed in a good order.

    However if you look at the songs did they really pick up the best of the best?  My own answer is “no”. Since not all my favorite tracks are on this album.


    Hallelujah was never released before, This track was composed by TASC including the lyrics. So this track was a high surprise. The lyric is VERY sexual… a truly 18+ song.

    The music is a typical Tasc sounded song. lots of beautiful tunes made with a synthesizer, as we all were used from the Calmando Qual. This song is also a pretty heavy song.  (It's still to bad that Tasc has left the band in 2008) I really do love this track and I'm happy that they have released this song on this best album!


    But now up to the re-recordings. What are the differences? are they needed to listen too? Well yes, you should 100% check them out at the release date.

    Let's start with;

    insanity; Do you remember the PV?  It’s the PV version. which is different than the version on the silent single.
    1st spectrogram insanity SINGLE version; 2nd Best album version
    insanity01.png?w=300&h=152 insanity02.png?w=300&h=152
    Both songs to compare

    So we finally have the PV version in good quality :3


    PARADOX; you can clearly hear the differences if you listen to this track, since there is 0 effect of TASC synthesizer.
    This track was already published in 2010 on a V/A. album which was almost impossible to get for oversea fans.
    1st spectrogram paradox SINGLE version; 2nd Best album version
    paradox01-flac.png?w=300&h=152 paradox02-flac.png?w=300&h=152
    Both songs to compare

    This retaken version has a very similar spectogram however it's played much more heavy and it's recorded without Tasc.

    It's very interesting. The old and new version are both good takes. Its a nice version to also put inside your collection.


    UNDEADMAN; It’s the short version, the Single version has a longer into and a bit more extra added BG tunes.
    1st spectrogram Best album version 2nd Single version
    undeadman-v-a-version-flac.png?w=300&h=1 undeadman-flac.png?w=300&h=152
    Both songs to compare

    But we already know both versions.


    Yugami; The only real difference I notice is the vocal; it’s not edited and a little bit different sung. and the volume of drum,bass and guitar is lesser. Maybe you can call this track a original recored version? It also gives me a way more “LIVE version feeling”, because it sounds like they play this song in front of you.
    1st spectrogram Yugami  SINGLE version; 2nd Best album version
    e6adaa-flac.png?w=300&h=152 e6adaav-a-version-flac.png?w=300&h=152
    Both songs to compare



    For me the tracks aren’t the best of the best, however, I keep my finger crossed for a next 2 disk best album for another 26 songs. (hopefully only OLD song, I've made a list below)
    I still do like this best album, I never really liked “Doors” and “Deadman’s Party”, because of the horror theme sound. Velvet is an alright song, but the other 3 are for me not the best songs. I would have preferred “Chandelier” over “Ghost House”. But these songs stay for me "sound only good at live gigs".


    Would I recommend this album to you?, somehow yes and somehow no. Because you simply need to ask yourself one question. Would I spent 3500yen for 4 unreleased tracks? Do I want to be able to read the lyric of hallelujah? If so, then yes you should buy it. However if you don't care about the lyric, then I more recommend you to buy this album digital, and maybe even those 4 tracks only.

    If you own their discography like me, it would be a pity if it would be missing inside your collection.

    Maybe you like to receive a shop bonus? well here is the list


    Closet Cild all stores: IC card Sticker
    JishubanClub: Original badge + ticket for instore event
    BRAND X: 絞殺された理想と赤い部屋 (Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer) MV storyboard DVD
    Pure Sound: Comment DVD
    Online shop: signature by members and 1 random cheki


    I will not rate this album. since it's a best album;


    BOOKLET contains LYRICS only. no Photos at all.








    1st disk wish for new recordings, 2nd disk original versions

    01 King
    02 Diva
    03 Wish
    04 消えない悪夢
    05 Death Song (Full version)
    06 Chiisana sekai
    08 garbage
    09 静かな森
    10 火の鳥
    11 絞殺された理想と赤い部屋
    12 Zesshou
    13 Born IQUAL pain


    01 美学
    02 Life
    04 March of the apes
    05 過ち
    06 鋼鉄の神々
    07 erotic+grotesque+nonsense
    08 Mother
    09 affectation
    10 EKUCbbw
    11 bloated corpse
    12 太陽と少年
    13 Charity song

  3. another official message HERE

    Well simply the same message, however in good English.



    The following is an important announcement from the members of REMNANT.

    As of January 2015 Rober will be heading to the USA for personal reasons and will be temporarily ceasing activities in REMNANT's live performances.
    As a result, the performance on 12/13 (Sat., late night) at Shinjuku JAM [Carmilla's Garden-Battle it out-] will be the last in our present formation for the next while.
    At this time there is no concrete information regarding when Rober will return; our apologies for this.
    However, the temporary departure of Rober does not represent a break in activities for REMNANT.
    At this time we are planning to distribute a free recording of a new song and have also begun working on new things to be released within the coming year.
    Our new works also include Rober and we have all worked hard to deliver new pieces while still under our current formation.
    As soon as there is further information on this subject, we will let you know.

    Please pardon the suddenness of this announcement, but we thank you for your understanding.

  4. Since I also have to update this news at the official fanwebsite, I already wrote it for nippon heaven. 


    Takmi of REMNANT has announced that Rober_tj(noise) will leave REMNANT temporarily. Due to a private reason, since he will move to America in January (2015).
    The band cannot announce more details at the moment. But Rober_tj last live with REMNANT will be at December 13th.
    Of course REMNANT will not stop their activities and Takmi and Marie will continue their music.
    Also due to this reason both and of course Rober_tj too are busy to create some new songs to distribute those for free at December 13th.
    They are aiming to bring new songs based on the present members. If there will be more news, they will inform you again.

    Please keep follow REMNANT and please keep supporting them.




    Original Engrish message HERE


    If you don't have any clue how they sound well here check SOUNDCLOUD



    well let's see what 2015 will bring for REMNANT ^^

  5. Its the same as...that calmando qual joined starwave records as a gothic band but later transfered in calling themselves visual kei. Even if they said, we never will be a visual kei band, we hate to be called any kinds of kei.

    So... yes bands under that label belongs to vocaloid. If you like it or not.

    If they wherent they could better have joined starwave records. Easy enough.

    Even if its just a band....

    Well... seems vocaloid isn't not existing real people computer made voice anymore.

    Everything changes.

    Vocaloid are real bands/real people now days too. Just more kinda in the kawaii miku style shizzel.

  6. Why do you guys assume it's a Vocaloid thing? Because of the 'loid' suffix? It's a band, guys, c'mon...^^;;;;


    -ニコ☆ジャム ~NICONICO Suite JAM~とはこの日限り,歌い手、踊り手、バンドで織り成すVOCALOIDの祭典!-

    NICOJAMは VOCALOIDを通じて巡り会った素敵なアーティストが魅せる可能性を、ステージ、 フロア全体で表現したいという気持ちから生まれました。 楽しみたいという気持ちにステージとフロアの垣根はありません。 皆さんで素敵な時間を作りましょう!




    As so long it's promoted as we are actually also "ANIME" charas its kinda vocaloid.

    Even RUI from Misaruka sings VOCALOID. :P

    I also think we have a different view from Vocaloid because of Hatsune Miku


    NicoJam was a vocaloid event. so yeah.. it's a vocaloid label.

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