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Posts posted by BrenGun

  1. Psychic Violetta解体しました。



    Toyoshi Rikki Tada.



    PSYCHIC VIOLETTAを結成し4本のライブさせていただきましたが、今言えることは本当に楽しかったということだけです!!!本当に本当にありがとうございます!!!今日・・・たった今、PSYCHIC VIOLETTAは解散致しました。


  2. Sandwich de 120pun? was/is the only good thing on this label other than that funky whiteface band w/ the dog as a member IMO



    yeah, 燭台(怪)-Syokudaikakkokai-  but they are more a comedian music band. the vocalist, he is a funny guy.

    I don't dislike them but I don't like them too. I wished that I could understand Japanese better, because it really seems you need to understand it to really understand their music and stuff.

    And they don't really seem to care about getting money out of CD's.  so maybe someday I will be into them.

  3. I really do wonder about this for already a long time. So I simply ask it now.


    I don't know out of my head which are not under Kiwamu's power anymore, since a bunch also broke their contract or didn't sign up for another year.

    And there are also a few bands disbanded due his time with him, aka Capella and Suicide Ali. <- still added the 2 in the poll list.



    I general like a bunch of those bands who are under him or broke the contact with him.


    My favos are;

    Calmando Qual



    lix (the first lix only)



    Bands I like which are not under him anymore

    SaTaN, Vanished Empire, 2 Bullet, marlee, umbrella (LIVE ONLY) and BESPA KUMAMERO (at least I believe that bespa are not under him anymore?)



    And I lost interest in these

    Misaruka, Synk;yet, BLOOD, THE SOUND BEE HD

    But I still check every release from these bands. (via spotify)



    So how much are Starwave/Darkest Labyrinth bands loved under us?!

  4. people should not judge on someones English. also with saying, learn English better. 100% because you don't know if that person has an disability for learning languages. Because if someone has, their language skill will be never perfect. Even if they write in their own language.  They always need someone who will check their language. And since its impossible to have someone who always checks what you write.

    People those who have no difficulty in language should simply shut up, and being the helping hand. and not tell the person "you English suck, learn it!".

    No be kind and help that person. and simply ask if you don't understand something. before getting upset or mad or whatever. 

    Because I also can be mad at you, because you can write such perfect English... Then I'm even willing to ask you to learn my language until you really can write it perfect. which would you take also a long time or maybe even impossible for you to master my language. 



    so thats out.. feel much better now :D

  5. I think a new section would be great, granted it's okay to post live reports there too. Anyone can write live reports, whereas translating interviews is a whole other thing.


    maybe then simply 2 new subforums?  so one for interview and one for live reports?!

  6. Well we also upload music without permission.

    But from what I know its okay if you post 1~3 questions and answers. And then simply a link to the interview.

    Happens a lot, and nobody bitch about it. But of course someone can ask the website first. But nobody has every bitched to me, always kind with yes, but only the first questions.

    And in the whorse case we can simply make a sceenshot and then linking it to the website.

    So kinda if its not your work own interview, you cannot post the whole thing.

    If its your own thing then go ahead.

    Just I wonder what about magazines translations or website interview translations? Would they be alright too?

  7. Soo, people do you want it? yes or no?

    answer please!



    I say yes, and of course I'm willing to contribute.





    Of course it needs a tag, hopefully people won't forget. just a simple tag as for example "interview - acid black cherry"  "interview - BUCK-TICK"


    But of course we always can use the search option too to find a interview. works too. (only if a band name contains more than 3 letters)

  8. Yo,


    Maybe it would be cool if we had a subforum, where we could post links and the first few questions and answers to interviews.

    So that we are always up to date if bands did do an interview on some website.

    Also it would be more easy for those "music report blogs" to get more readers to their blogs.


    Also I think it would be usefull because then you don't need to bookmark 10000 of blogs.


    Of course we also could use it when we did translate a Japanese interview, so that you can let other people know that it is on your website.


    kinda that a post would look like this


    credit: Ryu, Calmando Qual worldwide support 2013


    Calmando Qual Interview | English Version

    02) I know that Hibiki has a younger brother. But what about the others?
    【Tak】I have one older brother.
    【MAYA】I don’t have any.
    【kenka】I have one older sister.

    03) Tak-san you really live for your guitar isn’t? Could you maybe list-up in which bands you did play in the past. and in which one you are currently playing?
    【Tak】Well it’s really countless to tell them all, but this are the ones where I’m in now, Calmando Qual, dieS, Psycho Lizard and Rose Madder.

    04) Hibiki-san & Kenka-san, you both also play in THE HIGH GRIP. In what way is that band different from Calmando Qual? Or are there also many similar things?
    【Hibiki】It’s not that different the basic is the same. But the different between them are the use of the language, for example Calmando Qual is a word game.
    THE HIGH GRIP is straight forward.And also the feeling.
    【kenka】There are similar parts and also non similar parts of oneself and that’s what it makes interesting.




    Or if interviewers have full interviews to post, that they also can post a full interview. 

    I came up with this, since I do miss such thing in this forum. we have so much in this forum but a part for just cool interviews we miss. Which also is good to promote bands.

    What ya think?

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