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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by chocobuzz

  1. 1 hour ago, spockitty said:


    Are you familiar with Outsider? I read somewhere that the only reason he didn't get the Guinness record for speed rapping is because the judges didn't understand Korean.... Anyway, good music ^^



    I surely am! He was one of the first khiphop artists I listened to. "손" and "슬피 우는 새" are probably my favorite songs from him. And yeah I read somewhere about that Guinness stuff too, pretty dumb of the judges I think... They should've just gotten a translator or something then lol.

    Outsider, MC Sniper and Tiger JK are the holy trinity of khiphop in my book hehe

  2. I loved IDEAL too. I had a little mixed feelings after 荊海 BEYOND and was a little hesitant what this single would be like but I got very positively surprised by it in the end. These guys are really one of my favorite bands at the moment.

    also, I'll hopefully be getting 荊海 CODA around next week or the week after that ^^ It was supposed to be here this week already buuuut it got a bit lost at one point... All this waiting and waiting is making me go crazy...

  3. I mostly play on PC but I also have a PS4, PS2 and Nintendo 3DS. Out of those consoles I still play on the PS2 the most. The PS4 I got just because it's got some nice exclusives and the 3DS I mostly play with during breaks between the lectures in university because I have no friends to hang out with there lol

  4. 10 hours ago, nullmoon said:

    Might I suggest a labotomy? XD 


    In all seriousness though, maybe try concentrating really hard on your breathing? 

    Haha that'd be great. Or maybe hitting myself in the head with a baseball bat so hard I'll get amnesia and forget the guy ever even existed lol.

    For some reason when I really concentrate on my breathing it makes me oddly uncomfortable and I start breathing really weirdly. But I did find out that reading some light and fun short stories managed to finally force my thoughts into somewhere else so I guess I'll just do that whenever this happens haha

  5. Just a funny little question that popped into my mind. If it was suddenly legal to have any kind of an animal as a pet and you'd be able to provide it the proper environment and care, no matter how exotic the animal perhaps may be, what would you want as a pet?

    I'd take a crocodile. They've always fascinated me and even as a little kid my favorite toy was a huge crocodile plush. They're just so incredibly cute and funny creatures.

  6. In Finland if you take a student loan and you graduate on time, you may get a student loan compensation which basically means the state pays off 40% of your student debt. I think that's kinda cool.


    I myself don't have any debts, I'm halfway through university and I have enough savings so I can do fine without any loans. And even though I don't really need to worry about money, I still keep track of all my expenses. I write everything down in an Excel spreadsheet and if it seems like I've spent a lot of money on some useless stuff in the previous month I'll try to be more careful the next month. So I don't have any strict budgets but I still always watch how much money I spend.

  7. Love the new look ❤️

    Really like the song too, it's exactly what I was expecting. Honestly, this is one of those bands that I can't really tell if they're actually really good or just so bad that they're accidentally good. Like others have said, their music is quite a mess, and I personally find the vocalist's voice a bit weird but I still can't stop listening to their stuff. I loved their full length album a ton, I love this shit already a lot, keep it coming pls.

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