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  1. This has probably been asked, but can anyone name VK bands that got better towards the end of their career? (Not counting bands that were only active for like 2 years)


    I'm trying to honestly assess if I have an everlasting nostalgia hard-on, or if bands just tend to lose that youthful passion they needed to once prove themselves once they've already made it. With literally every longer-lasting VK band I like, I favor their earlier/first releases (Versailles, Vidoll, Matenrou Opera, Mucc, Nightmare, Kagrra,, 12012, Ayabie, Miyavi, blah blah).


    I feel like the GazettE might get mentioned, and I fucked with them for the most part until DIM, but as I get older I find myself caring less about their high-budget modern metal sound (which they continue to pursue, arguably quite well?) in favor of many of their early recordings that may have been slightly rough around the edges in some way, but oozed with passion and desperation. This all despite the fact I discovered GazettE around the stacked rubbish area and didn't care for much before it until many years after.


    Thoughts????? DO bands ever get good™ again??

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. saishuu


      I can't think of a single band other than RENTRER EN SOI.

    3. chemicalpictures


      GazettE kinda troubles me. I don't think their indie days are really that good. Then comes DIM, which is great, and the dumpster fire that is everything (with few exceptions) between it and DOGMA, which I consider their best so far. So their inconsistency doesn't fit in what you described.


      12012 would be another case of inconsistency, but I'd rather ignore the existence of everything between SEVEN and THE SWAN, so to me they ended on top;


      I think SuG ended on their all time high;


      Lolita23q entered their hiatus on the top of their game. Then came the revival, which sucked balls and unsurprisingly fade away pretty fast;


      Moran also ended on a very high note. dark shits so hard on their early works...




    4. Komorebi


      I'd say D'espairsRay improved. I find their earlier releases up to Coll:set completely unlisteneable. But they don't really fit either since Coll:set and Mirror are the highlight of their career and after that they went kinda meh for me.

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