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    echo got a reaction from platy in 弾丸 NO LIMIT (Dangan NO LIMIT)   
    Dangan played their last 3man with their labelmates, LEZARD and Jack Caper, last Sunday at Shibuya REX!

    Dangan is so loved by their labelmates! <33 Sora was saying how when he first came to Tokyo his only friends were Miyuu and Chika so he's SUPER sad that Chika is retiring. All of LEZARD were saying that they have faith the rest of the Dangan guys will continue on with music. Kousuke said that there are a lot of bands you meet in the scene, but Dangan are one of the few bands that he could truly call friends <333
    Here's Dangan's setlist for the night:

    I fucking love Dangan lives!!! <3333333333 I wish everyone could experience them at least once T_T I was super lucky too cos REX was packed, but some Jack Caper fans didn't wanna be in the front for Dangan's set so some girl asked me if I wanted to trade with her friends in the second row so I got to be dead center, 2nd row, right in front of Miyuu @_@ I was kind of dying though. I'm pretty sure I didn't stop jumping that entire set and so much clapping and waving of the arms... it's literally a full body workout going to a Dangan live haha 
    and it was just SUCH A GOOD SET LIST <3333333333 I mean. Every Dangan live is a good setlist... I don't think they could have a bad set list if they tried *not biased* 
    I love how Miyuu will also sing to his bandmates on stage <3 and during one of the songs he went back to the drumset and put the mic in front of Yusuke and Yusuke yelled KAMITE MOSSHU! and all the Yusuke gya squealed haha <3333 I hope he makes Chika do it one day haha
    I was really surprised when they didn't play BULLET, but was glad when they played it at the end in the huge session! 
    After Dangan's set (they played last) Jack Caper and LEZARD came back and out and talked for a while about Dangan. They mentioned how Dangan basically started Riostar and then invited LEZARD and Jack Caper came in after that. Jack Caper's Hinata and U fucking love Leo haha <333 When Dangan came back out to join everyone, they were both like hanging on Leo a lot <3333 Apparently U is just a huge Dangan fan in general <3333 and all the LEZARD guys are super close to Dangan. It was really nice seeing all the bands of the same label being so close on the same stage. 
    For the huge session set Jack Caper played a song.. idk their songs, but it's the one where they just make us do random dumb shit haha and lots of gyakudai. Miyuu was grabbing people and kissing their hands!! I'm pretty sure Yusuke loves gyakudai when he doesn't have to sit behind his drums haha <333 Dangan played next and Hiro asked Miyuu if Dangan had any dumb songs where the crowd can mess around with and Miyuu was like... no... we have BULLET... where you make a gun with your hand and shoot it at us... that's like the closest thing?? And Hiro was just like wtf?? haha
    BULLET IS SO GOOD LIVE UGGGHHHHH LEO'S GUITAR SOLO WHAT <33333333333 and literally EVERYONE saku's him. Like you can't NOT saku him in that song haha <333333333333
    LEZARD had the last song in the huge session... I'm not really familiar with their songs either, but the Dangan guys seemed to be. haha and Kousuke said it was a song that he really wanted Leo to play! So Leo played that song and Kousuke... sang? I'm not sure what he did haha
    After all the bands played each vocalist said a few words and had to to  a "Riostar pose" w/e that is. The bandmen didn't even know. One of them was even like "wtf is a Riostar pose anyway???" and everyone looked around like "idk???" haha Sora had to go first and he was kinda nervous cos he's the newest person to Riostar lol but he did this like super dramatic circular arm sweep thing like Sailor Moon and the crowd seemed pleased and everyone was like WooooOOOooOOOOOOO haha. Next was Miyuu. I forget what they were saying, but he wanted to do a new pose cos his Riostar pose last time was super lame, and the bandmen were like no do the old one!! and Miyuu was like nooooo and they were like fine do both!! and he was like uggghh I don't wanna do both so I'll just do the old one.... and he did... and it was lame... hahahaha he did it and everyone just stood there like -____- and after a brief pause everyone just laughed hahaha <3333 Hiro was last and did the same like last time too I think. It was like make an "L" for LEZARD with one hand, and the shape of a gun for Dangan with the other, then thrust your hands forward from your hip kamehameha style with the power of Jack Caper... or something. haha 
    After that the bandmen tried to make Chika do something cos it was his last live with everyone.  He was super wtf about it though cos he was caught off guard. I think he's the type who like rehearses what he wants to say haha so he kinda refused for a while then finally went up and said thanks and all that and tried to leave and the bandmen were all like NO YOU HAVE TO DO THE RIOSTAR POSE!!! and Chika got super whiny like GUYSS WHYYYYY I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DOOOOOO hahaha so he said he'd do something if they make it up for him but then he pointed to Hiro and was like "anyone but you" cos Hiro is weird af haha He was like, idk... Natsume, you choose. And Natsume was like "huh?? uh sure?" and he put Chika up on the vocalist box, back facing the crowd, had him spread his legs then hold his arms out so he looked like a starfish lol. Then he told Chika something and did some gestures, and it was really obvious that he wanted Chika to bend over and stick his head between his legs hahaah and Chika freaked out like WTF NO I CAN'T DO THAT! hahaha so then he made, I think Suguru? make something up for him, but he just did the exact same thing as Natsume hahaha I think Chika legit got kind of annoyed. He was stalling for so long finally Miyuu saved him and was like "okay that's enough THANKS EVERYONE!" kinda thing haha and finally ended it. <333 Chika's so awkward haha <33
    Anyway, it was a really good live. I'm glad Dangan is loved by so many people <3333 I'm really sad that there are only a few more lives left T_T but I hope lots of people go see them!! <333

    More picspam from after the live:
  2. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in vistlip   
    vistlip had their 10TH ANNIVERSARY LIVE tonight at zepp tokyo!!!!!
    here's the setlist
    1. SINDRA
    2. My second B-day
    3. I am...
    4. -OZONE-
    5. 墜落
    8. Dead Cherry
    10. WIMP
    11. Edy
    12. MONOGRAM
    13. Sara
    14. alo[n]e
    15. drop note.
    16. Idea
    18. B
    19. HEART ch.
    20. SIREN
    21. LION HEART
    1. 星一つ灯らないこんな夜に。
    3. Hameln
    4. July VIIth [Re:birth]
    will post some pics later!!
  3. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in Smileberry new lineup, and new maxi single "絶対LOVER" release   
    Smileberry new lineup:

    They will release their new maxi single "絶対LOVER" (2 types) on 2017/08/09

  4. Like
    echo reacted to Lereku in ViV   
    @hiroki your fan video are always so good and u always find the perfect song for illustrate it.
    I miss them too especialy Rayji T__T
  5. Like
    echo got a reaction from hiroki in ViV   
    Thank you so much for making this video! And translating the lyrics!! <3
    I fucking love these guys T___T
  6. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in ViV   
    I'm missing wataru so much I made a video with my favorite ViV song. Please listen to it if you like the band  
    I'll love them forever and ever T_T
  7. Like
    echo got a reaction from hiroki in TRA TRA TRA (トラトラトラ)   
    TRA had their 3rd one-man last night!!

    Here's their set list!

    They played ALL their songs! カルラの憂鬱 is the only song that they hadn't played live yet! I fucking love this song!!! I was SOOOOO happy to hear it live finally <333333333333
    anyway, I wrote a bunch of stuff and then accidentally closed the window and don't feel like writing it again right now so here's a couple of drum cams and Yukia's bass cam instead!
    I fucking love We-Kid. It's definitely one of my favorite Tra songs <3333333 
    Yukia cam!
    from before the live
    Yukia playing with Hiroki's drums haha
    Post-live snow videos
    Okay wait now that I've posted some pics I kinda feel like writing some stuff again. So apparently 「所詮、女宿り」is a super important song to them. like they went through a lot of shit to write the song and debated a long time about releasing it and whatnot so yeah. it's a big deal to them <3
    oh and they also said they'll be releasing their demo songs (re:born and re:light) sometime next month (none of them could remember the actual date cos they fail lol) for 1,000 yen, if I'm remembering correctly. cos Omi was saying how they were on their demo tape (and went into a tangent about what a demo tape is since cassette tapes don't exist anymore and a lot of gya are pretty young these days and prob don't know wtf 'demo tape' ACTUALLY means lolol), but how said demo tape (CD?) was no longer available cos they gave them all out already, but he kept getting interrupted cos of hiroki and ryo coming on stage and Yukia's randomness lolol
    Anyway, you can get re:born/re:light something or other from next month apparently
    Ryo also talked about how we all go through a lot of shit in live and of course no one wants to deal with all that bs and negativity, but on the other hand if life was all rainbows and sunshine, happiness becomes the norm and is that even really happiness? kind of thing. (this was before they playe 「所詮、女宿り」)
    Oh and Hiroki did a long MC instead of drum solo. wtf Hiroki. He literally said "this is where I would normally do a drum solo, but ima talk instead" THE FUCK? After he told me before their last shusai to wait for the one-man for his drum solo?????? not gonna lie, I was small kine pissed. >_> But I forgive him cos he's Hiroki. lolol and he actually did a decent MC. Even Omi and Ryo were surprised like "oh, you actually did a good job" lolol and Ryo was like "wtf that's not fair" when Hiroki was getting the crowd riled up cos he could he the drums at the correct timing to get us to yell lolol Ryo really sucks at getting us pumped haha the way he does it, we're all like ".... do we yell now??? umm... yay???" hahaha but with Hiroki it was really obvious when to yell lolol even Omi was like "yeah it's not fair! I have an instrument, but if I do it, it's not the same" kinda thing and he mimicked w/e the bandmen say to get us to yell and hit a chord on his guitar and was like "SEE IT'S WEIRD RIGHT????" haha
    Oh and apparently at one point, Ryo tripped and knocked the drums a bit and Hiroki was like yeah it was really dangerous and Omi was like "oh is that what that was when the drums suddenly disappeared during that one song???" lolol
    Anyway, I'm tired. I'll update this more later if I remember things I forgot lol
  8. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in ビバラッシュ(vivarush) 3-month consecutive live limited release   
    ビバラッシュ(vivarush) will be doing a live-limited release per month from 2017/10 ~ 2017/12 in conjunction with their autumn shusai tour.
  9. Like
    echo got a reaction from atsvki in アンフィル (Anfiel)   
    Anfiel played a 2man with Neverland tonight at Ruido K4!  I had to get a toujitsuken cos eplus was all sold out. Luckily I could get in. BUT MY GOD WAS IT PACKED. I've never seen K4 so packed… I've only gone there for really minor bands so it was kind of a weird experience. I was trapped by the doors cos the bitches in front pretend they can't here when the staff yell for everyone to move forward lol. It wouldn't have been a problem if people weren't randomly coming in all throughout Anfiel's set T_T I was kind of dying. I was basically on my toes for their entire set with my heels resting against the step up to the 3rd tier of standing space to help keep me up. I actually wanted to go up to that step, but some Neverland bitch gya was pretending I didn't exist. I even tapped her on the arm to ask if I could stand where her bag was taking up space… she was basically taking up the space of three people cos she was leaning against the wall with her feet sticking out and then her bag in front of her. Like this venue is sold out and you're gonna be a bitch??? Fuck. Anyway. I digress.
    Here's the set list from tonight:

    The first song they played was a Neverland song! During one of the MC's Shogo said he asked Ryota how to pronounce the title like is it "roku roku roku," "roppyaku rokujuu roku" or what and Hal was like "six hundred sixty-six" (in English) and Shogo was like oh! that sounds so cool in English! and Hal wouldn't stop saying it all night hahaha and at one point he made it six thousand?? but Shogo continued and said Ryota himself was like "well... I say 'roku roku roku'" and Shogo was like yeah... so Ryota doesn't even know how to read the song title, so I'll just call it 'roku roku roku' like he does lololol
    But yeah. Anfiel is amazing. That's all you really need to know. I was able to enjoy them squished, cramped, and in considerable pain and I couldn't really see anything half the time. But my God Shogo can sing. Haha It was actually an interesting experience cos I could like REALLY listen to them since I couldn't see sometimes, and well, they're fucking good? Go listen to them?? haha
    also, Mayoi hime is so fucking fun live haha I thoroughly enjoyed that song even though I was dying in the back and unfil is one of my favorite Anfiel songs so I was really glad to hear it live again <3333 I think it might be one of the songs that really made me get into Anfiel and every time I hear it I remember the first time I heard it <333 and being able to see Shogo see it in front of me is kind of the fucking best <333333
    During Neverland's set I moved to the very back cos people kind of cleared out and I just leaned against the back wall. I was kind of in pain cos my feet literally went numb cos of how I was standing for Anfiel's set haha. I perked up when they played songs I liked and when they played Anfiel's Mayoi hime <3 I'm glad Neverland played it so I could jump around more easily since I had moved by then lol
    After Neverland's set, in lieu of an encore, they brought Anfiel back out on stage and they played Neverland's 666 for the THIRD time haha. Shogo was like "let's play a Neverland song!" and Ryota was like "really???" and Shogo was like "yeah which song" and Ryota was like, "well there's only one song then… and it'll be the THIRD time…" but the crowd was ready for it haha. IT WAS SO FUN! Hearing both bands play together was a lot of fun <333 Hal was kind of lost I think though cos you can't really have two ppl at the same drum set. He was kinda just playing with Neverland's bat thing haha before they started, Shogo suggested one drummer do the bass drum with the pedals and the other drummer do everything else. They were both kind of like "wtf are you on Shogo?" haha <3

    After they played Ryota kept yelling "ANFIEL SAIKOU!!" and then shoved the mic in Shogo's face and Shogo was like "NEVERLAND TONDEMONAI!!!" bahaha and Ryota was like wtf man??? And Shogo was like oh my bad "Neverland saikou!!" hahaha They seem like they're pretty close haha Ryota was saying how both he and Shogo are from Ibaraki and Ibaraki is known for their men being the delinquent type or something? And he was like "obviously Shogo is a delinquent type" lolol
    Oh! and Shogo said they MIGHT do a 2man tour. Nothing's been officially decided yet, but it might happen!! <333
    Anyway, here's some picspam!

  10. Like
    echo got a reaction from hiroki in CLear   
    CLear played at Otsuka DEEPA for the first time the other night (6/21). Here's their setlist:
    1.星流る夜に (hoshi nagaru yoru ni)
    3.Dizzling Dance
    4.モノクロの未来 (monokuro no mirai)
    It was a pretty small venue, but there was pretty good energy! All the bands there were relatively small so the people who bothered to be there during each set at least half assed the furi lol I was in the 2nd row so idk how much participation there was during CLear's set since I was just staring at Oharyo the whole time, but I think there was a decent amount of participation. I really fucking love Dizzling Dance. I'm glad people actually did the furi this time. I was shamelessly doing it on my own in the second row haha but people started joining in so I was happy haha
    Anyway, here's some picspam!

    Tsukimi also posted this vid:
    I fucking love this band <3
  11. Like
    echo got a reaction from returnal in CLear   
    CLear played at Otsuka DEEPA for the first time the other night (6/21). Here's their setlist:
    1.星流る夜に (hoshi nagaru yoru ni)
    3.Dizzling Dance
    4.モノクロの未来 (monokuro no mirai)
    It was a pretty small venue, but there was pretty good energy! All the bands there were relatively small so the people who bothered to be there during each set at least half assed the furi lol I was in the 2nd row so idk how much participation there was during CLear's set since I was just staring at Oharyo the whole time, but I think there was a decent amount of participation. I really fucking love Dizzling Dance. I'm glad people actually did the furi this time. I was shamelessly doing it on my own in the second row haha but people started joining in so I was happy haha
    Anyway, here's some picspam!

    Tsukimi also posted this vid:
    I fucking love this band <3
  12. Like
    echo got a reaction from Mihenno in アンフィル (Anfiel)   
    Anfiel played a 2man with Neverland tonight at Ruido K4!  I had to get a toujitsuken cos eplus was all sold out. Luckily I could get in. BUT MY GOD WAS IT PACKED. I've never seen K4 so packed… I've only gone there for really minor bands so it was kind of a weird experience. I was trapped by the doors cos the bitches in front pretend they can't here when the staff yell for everyone to move forward lol. It wouldn't have been a problem if people weren't randomly coming in all throughout Anfiel's set T_T I was kind of dying. I was basically on my toes for their entire set with my heels resting against the step up to the 3rd tier of standing space to help keep me up. I actually wanted to go up to that step, but some Neverland bitch gya was pretending I didn't exist. I even tapped her on the arm to ask if I could stand where her bag was taking up space… she was basically taking up the space of three people cos she was leaning against the wall with her feet sticking out and then her bag in front of her. Like this venue is sold out and you're gonna be a bitch??? Fuck. Anyway. I digress.
    Here's the set list from tonight:

    The first song they played was a Neverland song! During one of the MC's Shogo said he asked Ryota how to pronounce the title like is it "roku roku roku," "roppyaku rokujuu roku" or what and Hal was like "six hundred sixty-six" (in English) and Shogo was like oh! that sounds so cool in English! and Hal wouldn't stop saying it all night hahaha and at one point he made it six thousand?? but Shogo continued and said Ryota himself was like "well... I say 'roku roku roku'" and Shogo was like yeah... so Ryota doesn't even know how to read the song title, so I'll just call it 'roku roku roku' like he does lololol
    But yeah. Anfiel is amazing. That's all you really need to know. I was able to enjoy them squished, cramped, and in considerable pain and I couldn't really see anything half the time. But my God Shogo can sing. Haha It was actually an interesting experience cos I could like REALLY listen to them since I couldn't see sometimes, and well, they're fucking good? Go listen to them?? haha
    also, Mayoi hime is so fucking fun live haha I thoroughly enjoyed that song even though I was dying in the back and unfil is one of my favorite Anfiel songs so I was really glad to hear it live again <3333 I think it might be one of the songs that really made me get into Anfiel and every time I hear it I remember the first time I heard it <333 and being able to see Shogo see it in front of me is kind of the fucking best <333333
    During Neverland's set I moved to the very back cos people kind of cleared out and I just leaned against the back wall. I was kind of in pain cos my feet literally went numb cos of how I was standing for Anfiel's set haha. I perked up when they played songs I liked and when they played Anfiel's Mayoi hime <3 I'm glad Neverland played it so I could jump around more easily since I had moved by then lol
    After Neverland's set, in lieu of an encore, they brought Anfiel back out on stage and they played Neverland's 666 for the THIRD time haha. Shogo was like "let's play a Neverland song!" and Ryota was like "really???" and Shogo was like "yeah which song" and Ryota was like, "well there's only one song then… and it'll be the THIRD time…" but the crowd was ready for it haha. IT WAS SO FUN! Hearing both bands play together was a lot of fun <333 Hal was kind of lost I think though cos you can't really have two ppl at the same drum set. He was kinda just playing with Neverland's bat thing haha before they started, Shogo suggested one drummer do the bass drum with the pedals and the other drummer do everything else. They were both kind of like "wtf are you on Shogo?" haha <3

    After they played Ryota kept yelling "ANFIEL SAIKOU!!" and then shoved the mic in Shogo's face and Shogo was like "NEVERLAND TONDEMONAI!!!" bahaha and Ryota was like wtf man??? And Shogo was like oh my bad "Neverland saikou!!" hahaha They seem like they're pretty close haha Ryota was saying how both he and Shogo are from Ibaraki and Ibaraki is known for their men being the delinquent type or something? And he was like "obviously Shogo is a delinquent type" lolol
    Oh! and Shogo said they MIGHT do a 2man tour. Nothing's been officially decided yet, but it might happen!! <333
    Anyway, here's some picspam!

  13. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in Aiolin new single release !   
    omg i'm in love 
  14. Like
    echo reacted to Jiyo in new band "LAVANS" has formed   
  15. Like
    echo got a reaction from yakihiko in アンフィル (Anfiel)   
    Thanks!! I'm really glad I stayed too! I was actually considering leaving after Anfiel cos I was so peeved. I'M GLAD I DIDN'T! haha oh! and Ryota posted another pic after I went to sleep. This is from after Neverland's set when Anfiel came back out to join them on stage

    Shogo had his arm around Ryota and was like "wow you're really sweaty" and Ryota was like "AM I?" and rubbed his sweaty face all over Shogo haha <333333333 Oh and Shogo picked up some ribbonish thing that Ryota usually wears I guess? And put it around his neck and put it in his mouth while Ryota was talking and was like "wait, can I say something? This is really salty... Ryota's sweat is really salty" ahaah
    But yeah, Shogo and Ryota seem like they're pretty close! I really hope they do a 2man tour! but hopefully I won't have to deal with that one annoying Neverland gya haha
  16. Like
    echo got a reaction from hiroki in FoLLoW   
    Masashi uploaded a second video to his nico douga last month!! He said this one is more adult-feeling than the last one.
    He also started instagram tonight! lol 
    I think he's getting lonely with no band activities. 
    Go show him some love!! <33
  17. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in アンフィル (Anfiel)   
    thats such a sweet pic of the 2 of them i cannot @___@
    i really hope they do a 2 man tour too! thanks for your live report!!!!!!! <33333333333
  18. Like
    echo got a reaction from hiroki in アンフィル (Anfiel)   
    Thanks!! I'm really glad I stayed too! I was actually considering leaving after Anfiel cos I was so peeved. I'M GLAD I DIDN'T! haha oh! and Ryota posted another pic after I went to sleep. This is from after Neverland's set when Anfiel came back out to join them on stage

    Shogo had his arm around Ryota and was like "wow you're really sweaty" and Ryota was like "AM I?" and rubbed his sweaty face all over Shogo haha <333333333 Oh and Shogo picked up some ribbonish thing that Ryota usually wears I guess? And put it around his neck and put it in his mouth while Ryota was talking and was like "wait, can I say something? This is really salty... Ryota's sweat is really salty" ahaah
    But yeah, Shogo and Ryota seem like they're pretty close! I really hope they do a 2man tour! but hopefully I won't have to deal with that one annoying Neverland gya haha
  19. Like
    echo reacted to yakihiko in アンフィル (Anfiel)   
    @echoEven with the bitchs you just mentioned, it looks that your stay was worth because this Shogo and Ryota (talk and live) sounds like a fun and good experience.
    I enjoyed your post, thank you for that
  20. Like
    echo got a reaction from hiroki in masaya (ex-BLESSCODE) new single, "Home Town"   
    I'm really glad he's continuing with music!!
    (btw I think  ノスタルジー is supposed to be "nostalgia")
  21. Like
    echo got a reaction from hiroki in アンフィル (Anfiel)   
    Anfiel played a 2man with Neverland tonight at Ruido K4!  I had to get a toujitsuken cos eplus was all sold out. Luckily I could get in. BUT MY GOD WAS IT PACKED. I've never seen K4 so packed… I've only gone there for really minor bands so it was kind of a weird experience. I was trapped by the doors cos the bitches in front pretend they can't here when the staff yell for everyone to move forward lol. It wouldn't have been a problem if people weren't randomly coming in all throughout Anfiel's set T_T I was kind of dying. I was basically on my toes for their entire set with my heels resting against the step up to the 3rd tier of standing space to help keep me up. I actually wanted to go up to that step, but some Neverland bitch gya was pretending I didn't exist. I even tapped her on the arm to ask if I could stand where her bag was taking up space… she was basically taking up the space of three people cos she was leaning against the wall with her feet sticking out and then her bag in front of her. Like this venue is sold out and you're gonna be a bitch??? Fuck. Anyway. I digress.
    Here's the set list from tonight:

    The first song they played was a Neverland song! During one of the MC's Shogo said he asked Ryota how to pronounce the title like is it "roku roku roku," "roppyaku rokujuu roku" or what and Hal was like "six hundred sixty-six" (in English) and Shogo was like oh! that sounds so cool in English! and Hal wouldn't stop saying it all night hahaha and at one point he made it six thousand?? but Shogo continued and said Ryota himself was like "well... I say 'roku roku roku'" and Shogo was like yeah... so Ryota doesn't even know how to read the song title, so I'll just call it 'roku roku roku' like he does lololol
    But yeah. Anfiel is amazing. That's all you really need to know. I was able to enjoy them squished, cramped, and in considerable pain and I couldn't really see anything half the time. But my God Shogo can sing. Haha It was actually an interesting experience cos I could like REALLY listen to them since I couldn't see sometimes, and well, they're fucking good? Go listen to them?? haha
    also, Mayoi hime is so fucking fun live haha I thoroughly enjoyed that song even though I was dying in the back and unfil is one of my favorite Anfiel songs so I was really glad to hear it live again <3333 I think it might be one of the songs that really made me get into Anfiel and every time I hear it I remember the first time I heard it <333 and being able to see Shogo see it in front of me is kind of the fucking best <333333
    During Neverland's set I moved to the very back cos people kind of cleared out and I just leaned against the back wall. I was kind of in pain cos my feet literally went numb cos of how I was standing for Anfiel's set haha. I perked up when they played songs I liked and when they played Anfiel's Mayoi hime <3 I'm glad Neverland played it so I could jump around more easily since I had moved by then lol
    After Neverland's set, in lieu of an encore, they brought Anfiel back out on stage and they played Neverland's 666 for the THIRD time haha. Shogo was like "let's play a Neverland song!" and Ryota was like "really???" and Shogo was like "yeah which song" and Ryota was like, "well there's only one song then… and it'll be the THIRD time…" but the crowd was ready for it haha. IT WAS SO FUN! Hearing both bands play together was a lot of fun <333 Hal was kind of lost I think though cos you can't really have two ppl at the same drum set. He was kinda just playing with Neverland's bat thing haha before they started, Shogo suggested one drummer do the bass drum with the pedals and the other drummer do everything else. They were both kind of like "wtf are you on Shogo?" haha <3

    After they played Ryota kept yelling "ANFIEL SAIKOU!!" and then shoved the mic in Shogo's face and Shogo was like "NEVERLAND TONDEMONAI!!!" bahaha and Ryota was like wtf man??? And Shogo was like oh my bad "Neverland saikou!!" hahaha They seem like they're pretty close haha Ryota was saying how both he and Shogo are from Ibaraki and Ibaraki is known for their men being the delinquent type or something? And he was like "obviously Shogo is a delinquent type" lolol
    Oh! and Shogo said they MIGHT do a 2man tour. Nothing's been officially decided yet, but it might happen!! <333
    Anyway, here's some picspam!

  22. Like
    echo got a reaction from yakihiko in アンフィル (Anfiel)   
    Anfiel played a 2man with Neverland tonight at Ruido K4!  I had to get a toujitsuken cos eplus was all sold out. Luckily I could get in. BUT MY GOD WAS IT PACKED. I've never seen K4 so packed… I've only gone there for really minor bands so it was kind of a weird experience. I was trapped by the doors cos the bitches in front pretend they can't here when the staff yell for everyone to move forward lol. It wouldn't have been a problem if people weren't randomly coming in all throughout Anfiel's set T_T I was kind of dying. I was basically on my toes for their entire set with my heels resting against the step up to the 3rd tier of standing space to help keep me up. I actually wanted to go up to that step, but some Neverland bitch gya was pretending I didn't exist. I even tapped her on the arm to ask if I could stand where her bag was taking up space… she was basically taking up the space of three people cos she was leaning against the wall with her feet sticking out and then her bag in front of her. Like this venue is sold out and you're gonna be a bitch??? Fuck. Anyway. I digress.
    Here's the set list from tonight:

    The first song they played was a Neverland song! During one of the MC's Shogo said he asked Ryota how to pronounce the title like is it "roku roku roku," "roppyaku rokujuu roku" or what and Hal was like "six hundred sixty-six" (in English) and Shogo was like oh! that sounds so cool in English! and Hal wouldn't stop saying it all night hahaha and at one point he made it six thousand?? but Shogo continued and said Ryota himself was like "well... I say 'roku roku roku'" and Shogo was like yeah... so Ryota doesn't even know how to read the song title, so I'll just call it 'roku roku roku' like he does lololol
    But yeah. Anfiel is amazing. That's all you really need to know. I was able to enjoy them squished, cramped, and in considerable pain and I couldn't really see anything half the time. But my God Shogo can sing. Haha It was actually an interesting experience cos I could like REALLY listen to them since I couldn't see sometimes, and well, they're fucking good? Go listen to them?? haha
    also, Mayoi hime is so fucking fun live haha I thoroughly enjoyed that song even though I was dying in the back and unfil is one of my favorite Anfiel songs so I was really glad to hear it live again <3333 I think it might be one of the songs that really made me get into Anfiel and every time I hear it I remember the first time I heard it <333 and being able to see Shogo see it in front of me is kind of the fucking best <333333
    During Neverland's set I moved to the very back cos people kind of cleared out and I just leaned against the back wall. I was kind of in pain cos my feet literally went numb cos of how I was standing for Anfiel's set haha. I perked up when they played songs I liked and when they played Anfiel's Mayoi hime <3 I'm glad Neverland played it so I could jump around more easily since I had moved by then lol
    After Neverland's set, in lieu of an encore, they brought Anfiel back out on stage and they played Neverland's 666 for the THIRD time haha. Shogo was like "let's play a Neverland song!" and Ryota was like "really???" and Shogo was like "yeah which song" and Ryota was like, "well there's only one song then… and it'll be the THIRD time…" but the crowd was ready for it haha. IT WAS SO FUN! Hearing both bands play together was a lot of fun <333 Hal was kind of lost I think though cos you can't really have two ppl at the same drum set. He was kinda just playing with Neverland's bat thing haha before they started, Shogo suggested one drummer do the bass drum with the pedals and the other drummer do everything else. They were both kind of like "wtf are you on Shogo?" haha <3

    After they played Ryota kept yelling "ANFIEL SAIKOU!!" and then shoved the mic in Shogo's face and Shogo was like "NEVERLAND TONDEMONAI!!!" bahaha and Ryota was like wtf man??? And Shogo was like oh my bad "Neverland saikou!!" hahaha They seem like they're pretty close haha Ryota was saying how both he and Shogo are from Ibaraki and Ibaraki is known for their men being the delinquent type or something? And he was like "obviously Shogo is a delinquent type" lolol
    Oh! and Shogo said they MIGHT do a 2man tour. Nothing's been officially decided yet, but it might happen!! <333
    Anyway, here's some picspam!

  23. Like
    echo reacted to suji in masaya (ex-BLESSCODE) new single, "Home Town"   
    masaya (ex-BLESSCODE) will debut his new single, "Home Town" (3 tracks, 1600 yen) on June 30 and he will move his activities to Tokyo.
    1. ノスタルジー (nostalgy)
    2. 旅立ち (tabidachi)
    3. Camellia (acoustic ver.)

  24. Like
    echo got a reaction from returnal in CLear   
    CLear had their instore for 夢うつつ (Yume utsutsu) today! They played some kind of drawing batsu game. Tsukimi lost, but apparently they are all pretty terrible at drawing lol. Before the instore Tsukimi tweeted that this was their last instore event, but Ryota just tweeted and it sounds like they'll have one more event for their last single to be released in October!! I really hope they have one more instore! I wasn't able to go today so I was pretty bummed T_T
    Here's some picspam from the instore event today:
    They also have individual photos and comments on the Zeal Link blog:

    We had a contest game this time, and it was a lot of fun!
    There was  a punishment for the member who came in last so I was really scared, but that honor went to Tsukimi!
    I hope to do it again!

    I was covered in a strange sweat lol

    It was a fun event full of smiles!
    Thank you!

    Drawing was a lot of fun!
    Did you all have fun too?
  25. Like
    echo got a reaction from atsvki in CLear   
    Late update cos I cannot with the announcement of CLear's disbandment, but here is their set list from the other night:
    2017.6.2@Shinjuku club science
    Set list
    1.夢ノカケラ  (Yume no kakera)
    3.Dizzling Dance
    4.妄想クローゼット (Mousou closet)
    5.夢うつつ (Yume utsutsu)

    They seemed kind of out of it at first, but picked themselves up by the end of the first song so I kind of just dismissed it. When they didn't announce anything big during the MC I was kinda worried since they tweeted earlier that they'd have an announcement that night, but I kind of just dismissed that worry too. They had really good energy during the rest of the live and it was a really fun set! Dizzling Dance is definitely one of my favorite songs from them! And it seemed like a lot of people were getting into it so I was really happy!
    After their set when I went to buppan, Ryota asked if I had fun and I replied really enthusiastically that I did, and he had a really bittersweet smile like "yay I'm glad you had so much fun, but I'm sorry to disappoint you" kind of expression and I knew for sure they would announce disbandment. Kai was pretty out of it after the live too T_T
    But I still wasn't ready for it when they posted the official disbandment notice. T_T
    I'm still pretty devastated about it. Been moping around all day and could barely function at work T_T
    To be perfectly honest, I'm a bit surprised at just how hard I'm taking this, but I could go on and on about it so instead, here's some pic spam from the other night lol

    Before the live, Ryota made Kai try cilantro for the first time lol
    Kai buying cilantro yakisoba:

    Kai posted this after and said he didn't like it lol He said it tasted like how he imaged bugs would taste lol

    Fuck. I'm really gonna fucking miss these guys T_T <3
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