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    echo reacted to yakihiko in yakihiko's 「BEST of 2016」   
    TOP 50
     1. BORN - Recall the mind
    2. DADAROMA - 螺子

    3. SCREW - Brilliant


    6. BORN - 殉恋歌

    7. アンフィル - アクア

    8. アンフィル - 指切り
    9. DADAROMA - 月のうた

    10. ギルガメッシュ - Wither mind

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    echo reacted to hiroki in hiroki's favorites of 2016   

    アルカネット / Answer
    I’ll be the first to admit that the recording quality is somewhat dreadful, although that takes nothing away from how wonderful they are live. Sora is such an endearing vocalist (and one of my favorite guys to bug on Twitter). I’m so glad I decided to drop by Hokkaido en route to a conference last year just to see them <3 This band has an amazing exuberance about them that I hope they will never ever lose.

    FeniX / Rebirth
    FeniX was the new band of Lieluck’s vocalist You that somehow managed to last even shorter than Lieluck. I don’t have much to say about this band except that I love them while they lasted and if/when You decides to return with a new band he can be sure to count on my support.

    Parxias / Ark Night
    Hikarito can’t seem to decide on the name of his band haha – Parxias was something like the 3rd of 4 names he has cycled through in 2016 alone. Before forming his first proper band AsteL, he was a roadie together with shun (vocalist of the unit Kakumei no Jouken) for vistlip and it isn’t hard to discern vistlip’s influence on his songwriting. I have absolutely zero doubt about his talents (he plays 5? instruments) and with time he will only become better.

    Rides In ReVellion / Another…
    I always know what I’m going to get from RiR. Taji’s compositions are perfect for Kuro and this is no exception. A wonderful ballad that befits the occasion of their 1st anniversary oneman live.

    アタック!アタック! / JUST A Virgin!
    First thought: Pretty sure Taku wrote this… I might love it. Second thought: I love it. Third thought: I really love it. The perfect song for everyone to sing along to at the Goemon summer event where Attack!Attack! was the opening act. My guess is that they will continue to play this at their label’s 2-man lives in future as a theme song of some sort. Even for a distro I wish the production had been better – usually when I say this it means that it’s pretty bad because I simply don’t care about production as long as it doesn’t get in the way of listening.

    篠突く雨 / 葵
    They already have like 4 distributed CDs since they formed but 葵 was by far the best of the bunch for me. A solid melody with the usual Japanesque elements you’d expect from Shinotsuku ame, it’s dramatic without being either brooding or cheesy. In truth, this isn’t even my favorite song from them – that would have to be 月光の檻, the B-side of  輝夜-kaguya-, their very strong debut release that I unfortunately couldn’t accommodate into my singles list above.

    -真天地開闢集団-ジグザグ / 悪いのはバンドマン
    Honestly I still can’t warm up to 80% of zigzag’s discography. I also don’t find their bangya jokes particularly amusing. My opinion might change if I see them live… we’ll see. But this song has such a strong tinge of Ray℃ (dat chorus…) that I can’t help but love it. I can go on and on but it would be about Ray℃ rather than zigzag so I’ll spare you all of that.

    FoLLoW / シアワセノカタチ
    FoLLoW performed this for the first and last time at the final oneman, so this song has the same kind of emotional gravity for me as SINCREA’s RED. I feel that this might not be the strongest melody that Masashi has written in his career, but that’s an extremely trivial and nitpicky point when weighed against the occasion and what Masashi had clearly wanted to convey through their last song. He definitely succeeded; and one might argue he succeeded a little too well. I cannot.

    アンフィル / アクア
    アクア is kind of a companion song to ラヴァ and it was given out at their 3rd oneman. Shogo said in an interview that this song could only have been written at a precise point in Anfiel’s career and that they could never do a song like this again. You can probably understand why that’s the case if you listen carefully to it. I love how forward-looking Anfiel is and the fact that they’re never content with status quo. Also, Shogo’s vocals <3 Have I told you that I love Shogo??

    THE SINK. / Snow fall season
    THE SINK. has topped my ‘non-regular releases’ list for the second year running and I don’t know if that’s something I should be delighted or exasperated about. At this point I’m like 90% certain My Fairytale won’t be back anytime soon and I’m already bitterly resigned to that fact. The only silver lining is that neo is still sporadically writing new songs for Kate and THE SINK. is a semi-regular session (though for how long more… I’m unsure, after a grand total of FOUR people went to see them last month). I can’t remember the last time I’ve followed a session this closely. Give me more of this combination of Tokyo-Shitei-esque R&B beat with Kate’s soaring vocals taking flight, and I can only love them more (if that’s possible?)..
  4. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in hiroki's favorites of 2016   

    ASTARIA / 未来のその先
    ASTARIA is one of those bands that had always lingered on the peripheries of my attention, but I’ve definitely got into them more after seeing them live some time ago. The atmosphere their music conjures is pretty special (and has been since Black Klaxon). That said, I still think Rey's vocals are an acquired taste so give them some time to grow on you

    I still don't get the album's title. But that's a very minor footnote to my favorite release from them to date. Tomorrowland is a tour de force that showcases the range of things Kou is capable of. If Ryohei can continue getting the best out of the rest of the band with his composition they should go pretty far with DC's push.

    GARAK'S / 革命
    I wasn't sure how this band would work out when they formed with Juri as their vocalist (one of the airiest vocals in visual kei, with the possible exception of Rikuto) and syuma as their main composer (who generally excels at harder tracks). It's still early days, and only time can tell if this combination ultimately works, but their mini album was very promising. I hope Juri gets rid of whatever he's wearing on his head in the next look.

    DOG inThePWO / Doggy Style 0
    I wish @Tetora was still around just so that I can tell him I finally fell in love with DOG! For all his relentless promotion it took a Christmas song for them to win me over LOL. I mean, this is only the most fun Christmas song ever <3 Has Haru always sounded this good?? Anyway, DOG is poised to change their concept this year and I'm excited and terrified in equal measure.

    Ichiyon / 140
    Ichiyon's was a particularly painful disbandment for me to take because I always felt that they had the potential to do so so much more. They have a knack for writing melodies that I can't forget even if I tried. It's hard to say what went wrong but I really loved everything they have done. They also had some of the sweetest members.

    Luccica / ButterfLux
    Another short-lived band that bit the dust before more people could get to know them. They didn't last long enough for me to form a strong impression of their band but this album was surprisingly refined and well thought through, especially considering they were newcomers to the scene. Bonus points for the pretty album art. I need Seiya back in a new band T_T

    ペンタゴン / 絶叫!
    My interest in Pentagon took a slight hit after buying their full album (there were nice tracks but it just didn't work for me as a whole) but I'm glad I continued following them regardless because this mini is such a gem. 線香花火 is a perfect ballad and Teenage. is basically the kind of song I live for: autotuned vocals, the gradual buildup, the interruption by Chizuru's falsettos to summon words lost in the depths of memory to force himself to stand up once again... Teenage. sets up the liminal space of adolescence where one is forced to wake into a new tomorrow even as he indulges in the pathos of a backward glance.

    FoLLoW / FoLLoW
    I don't think I need to provide a length commentary for this release since it speaks for itself. FoLLoW is an irreplaceable band for me and Masashi is just one of a kind. He's the sort of guy that draws in everyone around him (I mean, seriously, look at the number of bandmen who love him!!). When he talks/tweets/sings, everyone else listens. The album does a nice job at distilling the 3.5 years of FoLLoW and gives a nice taste of what the band is about, from their energetic rap tracks to heartbreaking ballads. So go listen.

    弾丸 NO LIMIT / マズル
    Everything I've said about Dangan above applies equally here. Miyuu is magical. Every time I listen to him I die a little harder. Something about his voice really gets to me (in the good way). I need to see them live asap. I also need to see Yusuke asap. I hope they can fill O-West for their one-man next month because they deserve it.

    叙情四重奏「カノン」 / 写実と空想
    Probably the biggest surprise all year. I still can't really explain why this is #1 for me but I'll try. Firstly, Kanon's music isn't really the kind I typically get into. Its plodding retro sound is reminiscent of bands like Belle and Marco--music that I don't mind putting on in the background occasionally but hardly the sort I have a great deal of emotional investment in. Actually, I don't even think that You is an extremely accomplished vocalist (he's still a sweetheart though). Yet I can't name another vocalist who can better serve the idea articulated by this album. Just like a classic Bradbury story, 写実と空想 evokes a mood that waxes and wanes through the album, with individual tracks functioning like vignettes through which one glimpses at a totality that actually doesn't exist. The album's title (which translates into 'realism and fantasy' - echoing a famous work by the Surrealist painter Koga Harue) gives us a clue into what this album is about. Its ponderous style invites equal introspection from the listener. If you do just that, you might be rewarded with a moment at the limit of experience - there, one is suspended between past and present, teetering on the edge of fiction and reality, waiting for an eternity to be seized in an instant...
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    echo reacted to hiroki in hiroki's favorites of 2016   
    Since everyone's waiting for someone else to kick things off, I'll do it lol. My list is divided into 3 categories, each with 10 of my favorite releases, max 1 per band per section. The categories are (a) singles; (b) albums and mini-albums; (c) non-regular releases, which include live-limited/distributed CDs, digital releases, CDs of session bands, units, shuffle bands, and so on.
    As before, a caveat: I listen exclusively to visual kei and my list reflects that. Also, this list is called “hiroki’s favorites”, which is to say, music that speaks most intimately to me on various levels and has the kind of sound I'm attracted to. I make no pretense of this being the best that the scene has to offer anyone, since that's something only he/she can seek out on their own.
    For me--and saying this will no doubt induce significant eye-rolling--2016 was by some distance the best year of visual kei in terms of music released (disbands are a separate matter). It took me incredibly long to assemble a list of 10 per category because in each case I could easily have cited 50 that would ordinarily waltz into my top 10 list any other year. The competition this time was unreal. I considered appending an honorable mention section to each category but I thought better of making an already lengthy list even more unwieldy.
    Lastly: even though I made this list more as a cathartic exercise than a serious attempt to make others fall in love with my bands, I'll be delighted if you decide to leave a comment. So please feel free to let me know what you think! ^^
    Since it's apparently no longer possible to embed the mp3 directly I've uploaded snippets on Youtube (already a couple of copyright warnings so far). I'll keep my thoughts as short as possible; it's quite pointless to repeat 'I LOVE THIS SO MUCH' 30 times...
    Here we go!

    Blu-BiLLioN / S.O.S.
    BB leads the way among kira vk bands that have made it relatively big - a tough ask these days. They aren't even in my top tier of bands, but can I just say how proud I am of them?? Please make it to Budokan one day

    ビバラッシュ / Merry-Merry-Merry-Go!!-Round☆
    I'm glad to see the Vivarush guys expanding their repertoire from the signature Fukuoka electro-rock sound that characterized their previous band. 透明な影 is an example of something you wouldn't have heard in A≠ris (Ruimaru spoke of the difficulty he encountered writing lyrics to this song). It seems Osaka is currently experiencing a mini-revival for this style of vk so hopefully that works in their favor.

    vistip / CONTRAST
    Probably the closest post-CHIMERA vistlip has come to giving me that feeling which made me fall in love so hard with them when they started out. The chorus of CONTRAST is classic vistlip; just listen to how Tomo duplicates the same 2-bar phrase over the IV-V-iii-vi progression. But theory-speak  is unnecessary; their sound + Tomo's lyrics pull me into their world like no other band can and that's all the matters. I demand more of this magic for your 10th anniversary this year please.

    Purple Stone / 歌舞伎町バタフライ
    If you've been around MH for more than 3 days you'd probably have realized that I kinda love Purple Stone. I have no freaking clue why they are only #7, but that just attests to how crowded the field is. Anyway, it's nearly impossible to choose between 歌舞伎町バタフライ and パニックパニック!. The latter definitely kills at lives, but 歌舞伎町バタフライ probably has the edge on record so I've gone for that here. The B-side "RIVER" is Purple Stone's grandest song, and "Paradise Dance" a fantastic live track that I've enjoyed every single time.

    グラムヘイズ / 妄想スパイス
    There's only one reason why I’ve picked this single over ラストシーン for glamhaze: its B-side 優しい街 kills me every time I hear it. Satoru's dreamy love letter to a Tokyo that has mercilessly turned its back on him continues to tear at my heart. Musically this song fuses a sparkly cascading soundscape reminiscent of DOF with a controlled intensity to produce an experience at once subtle and epic. It's very difficult for fans to accept glamhaze's imminent disbandment, but at least we have Satoru's solo project to look forward to.

    弾丸 NO LIMIT / ソノ嘘ホント
    I can't believe how much Dangan has grown in such a short period of time. They write memorable melodies with unbelievable ease and Miyuu sounds ridiculously good every single time. I'm also kinda obsessed with Yusuke at this point (oops). Everything about this single is perfect except its album art (what?).

    Lydiar / the Elpis
    I wasn't too into Lydiar's first single, however a friend of mine loved it so much I told myself to stick with them a little longer. It turns out that it wouldn't be long before they decided to disband anyway, which was a real shame because their 2nd single was really everything I love. For that alone I'll always remember them <3 I suspect coyomi's almost-out-of-control vocals would be unbearable to some, but they work for me!

    Ank lily. / 解けた糸
    Every year a band emerges from nowhere and snags one of the top spots in my singles list and along with it a permanent place in my heart. Last year was DiCE and this year it's Ank lily. I've been a great admirer of Rui since Emu. and buccal cone but this single excels on a whole new level. Hopefully Rui comes out of his semi-retirement mode soon...

    アンフィル / Step by step
    Definitely the hardest decision I've had to make on this list. Not with regard to the position, but which Anfiel release? It's almost scandalous that a release like ラヴァ doesn't make it, but a band can only blame themselves for releasing 1 very very good single and 3 very very very good singles in a single year, right? On a more serious note, the split second Shogo's vocals enter this song after the guitar intro has got to be one of my all-time favorite moments in visual kei. The very first sounds he makes shift the mood so dramatically that I’m still blown away each time I go back to the track. Have I told you that I love Shogo??

    BLESSCODE / Imperial City
    If #2 was the hardest decision, this was the easiest. Hyperbole alert: I feel rather strongly that Imperial City is the best visual kei song I've ever heard. SORRY NOT SORRY. Surprisingly I'm not the only one who feels this way *winks* Witnessing this single drop in April was the equivalent of watching a soccer match where one team has scored 20 goals by half-time. It isn’t even close. At this point I don't even feel like describing what is it specifically about this song that I like. I still get goosebumps when I hear the chorus. It has become trite to claim that one "loves everything" about a song, except that's literally true in this case. I simply cannot imagine a song in this style that's done better. 99.9/100, 0.1 penalty for their decision to disband.
  6. Like
    echo reacted to chemicalpictures in chemicalpictures' favorites of 2016   
    What's up everyone! I'm glad we are doing this again, last year was so much fun! So here's my list of best songs of 2016. I had to set a few rules to not overdo it, (and I don't think it worked that well, look at that wall of text below) which were:
    - At least one song per month;
    - Maximum of 20 songs;
    - Maximum of 3 songs per month;
    Below the champions there's a few runner ups that kinda deserved to be talked about, but would make this even bigger, so...
    Let's go!

    DEZERT - A & Seion
    So, only having 20 songs to choose from, DEZERT got 2 on january because they fuckin earned it. "A" is a banger that has everything one expects from them: Heavily distorted guitars, chiaki alternating between his regular to screaming like a madman (which by the way, is one of the best screamers on the scene right now.) blunt, almost blowing the amplifier bass lines, strong, loud drums. Top notch recording makes it all sounds like they are playing in your room. All of this packed on a album intro of 2:42, that will leave you dizzied like being sucker punched. That ending is 02:17 is some real moshpit eargasm.
    "Seion" shows how diverse they can be. Saikou no Shokutaku is some proof that the boys can do some real emotional stuff without losing their characteristic heaviness. Chiaku lets his mates takes the spot here, miyako, sora and saz kicks so much ass. Highlights to that amazing bridge and mid breakdown, this is some real live anthem.And mad props for their sound engineer, it ain't easy to go full raw, rough-on-the-edges with the instruments and still making it sound clear and equalized.(I'm looking at you, Leda.) This whole album is so tight that if you live under a rock and haven't listened to it yet, do it right now.

    NIA is a favorite from years now, both auncia and ANSIA had some killer tunes, and certainly NIA wouldn't disappoint. "PRAYER" is textbook Hikari. The way he makes the orchestral arrangement an integral and cohesive part of the song is why I really appreciate his writing. It starts with Tatsuki almost chanting with some gorgeous feminine vocals, who really contrasts with him, making for a beautiful duo. Jin guitars gently guiding them into a powerful chorus, complementing the experience. The second verse is my absolute favorite part, it's impossible not to start humming along with them. it builds up on a rocker ending, creating a powerful and emotional ending for a real nice contrast. to top it of, some beautiful lyrics will surely make you go all "IIII NEEED YOOOOU HEEEERE" with Tatsuki by the end. My boy Rega really did them good, and its a fuckin shame they went on hiatus this year. But in Hikari we trust!

    DIV - sakura yume
    March was a bloody good month for japanese music, and was the only one I was adamant on having 3 songs featured. and "Sakura Yume" is the first one to be mentioned. I don't think the mini was as well received as the boys expected, cuz people do tend to freak out on bands trying new sounds. And they shouldn't in this case. "Sakura Yume" is THE PERFECT mix up of vk electronic rock that can make you dance like crazy and still give you all the feels in the world. that bridge, man. I can totally see  the lightwork hitting and leading people into getting WILD when the chorus hits. Chisa SOARS in it, all being guided by some fantastic drum lines, which are not electronic, so props to them for stickin to their rock roots. Keeping it all real while infusing some house music vibes was such a wise decision.  (SIDE RANT: BOO to Sakura and Chobi to quit the band.) This is the higher DIV reached when trying EDR, and I can't wait for what Chisa and Shogo got for us this year.

    SuG - Smells Like Virgin Spirit
    After BLACK, I never thought SuG would be able to do something as good as. Boy, I was wrong. "Smells Like Virgin Spirit" kicks so much ass I even have a hard time assimilating that this is the same SuG that did shit like "Gimme Gimme". It may not be their hardest song (I think MISSING still gets it), but this is the sweet spot between some raw emotion and punk rock vibes. Great bass lines and drums guides the whole song, while Takeru pours out during the whole song. The woooh oooh is so, so fuckin emotional I dare you not to sing along. Punk influences did a really good number on them, Shinpei drums improved so much, he really sets the foundation for one of SuG's best work so far. This is the side the boys should be exploring, not that embarassing edgy mess that was SHUDDUP.

    FAR EAST DIZAIN - inhale
    Oh Boy. Inhale. My mind was blown so hard when I first listened to this. FED certainly had not lived up to the expectations with their album, but such talented musicians could not have forgotten how to do good music. That intro, leading into that AMAZING drums and bass duel, pouring into such powerful vocals is what I've waited for my hole life. He pours his heart entirely in it, going with some AMAZING, real lyrics that resonates in a deep, personal level. I think we call all agree we've experienced what he talks about in some point in our lives, and it goes right in the feels for me. (SIDE RANT TWO: If you think Keita is a bad vocalist, you will totally pick a fight with me. I agree that FED may not get the best from him, but what that boy did in CodeRebirth should serve as enough proof that he is a GOD) There's so many things to talk about here. Leda does not try to steal the show, and guiding the song to more bass-y foundation was the best thing he could do. It really amped-up the emotions here. It has a small problem of of sound engineering decision, which is sometimes make the drums sounds really compressed, like it was all recorded in a bathroom. But this is a Leda trademark, so I think he actually likes it, go figure. But it does not make the song less powerfull. That brilliant chorus goes on, ending in some great shouts by Keita, and Sujk murdering some infidels ass, making up for the greatest FED experience so far. I hope for more Inhale, less Zenith in the future. Please, guys!

    We start april with LOKA. While I've always loved Kihiro's vocals, I also always thought LOKA's songs were good, but not really memorable. Until EVO:ERA. This mini really shows the boys stepping up their game. The electronic infusion is a really nice touch, injected life in their compositions that, while may not be that mind-blowing, really does enable Kihiro to show is prowess, and the amazing, AMAZING lyrics (which kinda reminds me of Ken Lloyd's works) makes for such a real, palpable experience that I dare you again to not sing along (thaaaanks @Seraphinne for sharing the scans, you rock!). Shout out to the drumming, kinda DnB-y, again showing that infusing electronic vibes really diversifies their sound. It's really all about the lyrics, guys. Most of the times it does not makes much difference, but here it amps up the song SO MUCH. The whole mini is amazing, so go check it out!

    the GazettE - UNDYING
    The other april pick is crowd's favorites the GazettE. Following up the not so great "UGLY" and the really great DOGMA, "UNDYING" is the perfect final piece of that project. That intro's soundwall is probably the heaviest GazettE ever done, and it's soooo good. leads to a punk rock inspired verse, that ends in one of my complaints of GazettE writing formula: the unecessary reliance on soft vocals, which does not add that much to the song. But it does not reeeally pull it down, as soon after, a real emotional chorus enters, and makes up for it. the verse on the second park ends in a freaking cathartic breakdown that elevates the whole thing to 11. Amazing drumming, above-the-standards competent guitars makes for a cohesive experience, that probably should have been part of DOGMA, but do hold it's ground as a single.

    XENON - Alice da Vinci
    In may we had some pretty great releases, but I'll stick which a personal favorite of mine, that most of you probably won't even heard about: XENON's "Alice da Vinci". Yeah, I know it wasn't really released this year, but this is a new recording of it that completely overhauls and gives a new life to it, so it earned its place here. Simple composition and structure, with some classic electronic sprinkle that vk does, but with a special flavor: Leo's voice. The acoustic guitar sweeps nicely on the background, drum setting the stage to Leo shine. The dueling vocals on the bridge prepares for a beauty of a chorus, another sing-a-long (courtesy of Mr. @DarkPaladin, thanks so much for sharing that booklet!) gem that hits right in the feels. Leo's nasal tone may not be for everyone, but if you are familiar with XENON you know the man can sing. And the guys do chorus like few others, of pure, raw emotion. It ends up with some kick-ass heartfelt guitar solo, for an experience that's way shorter than it should be. Boys gotta come back SOON, miss them so much already!

    "LAY YOUR HANDS ON ME" secured their spot here mostly because of what this song represents. Some of you should know about Kawashima's hardly fought battle against a recurring brain tumor, that sadly won and took him over way too early from us, this year. But even being severely impaired by his disease, Kawashima was able to leave us a farewell present. Even with everything going on, "LAY YOUR HANDS ON ME" brings a bittersweet message of hope and happiness that, even when everything brings you down, you will get up, you should stand tall. It's a dancey, feelgood electronic song, that does not really convey the sense of grandeur BBS usually goes for, but completely fulfill its mission of celebrating BBS and their fans, urging you to go deep into your joy and cheerfulness, to fly out, just like that kiddo on the PV. We'll forever be BOOM BOOM SATELLITES!

    Hakujitsu no Yume - jirei 02 -oinori-
    "oinori" almost instantly caught over my attention as soon as I listed to the preview. I was absolutely sure this was the Shounenki I used to love. and I was right. This song conveys everything I love about the boys, specially Kou. While the song structure is partly inspired by the aesthetics of Hakujitsu no Yume (the talking lyrics are interesting, but this song deserved more) that corny, almost teenage-y angst that pours emotion that was Shounenki's mark perfectly describes this chorus. Kou goes over the top, singing his all, nodding all the brilliance previously shown in "WEAKNESS_MY BLOOD". Pretty great drums (PLEASE SHARE THE REAL RIP IF YOU HAVE IT, I BEG YOU), some vk bleep-blop on the right ammount leads to an ending part that is emotional as fuck, and secured my faith that Amai Boryoku's first single was just a bump on the road.

    FoLLoW - Ningyohime
    I've reviewed "Ningyohime" before here, and the song still keeps getting better and better. When talking of soft, mellow vocalists, Masashi should be high on any vk list you make. Guy is so good. Add the fact that he's a hell of a songwriter, which perfectly sets the ground for him to shine. The way the song starts doesn't seems it will be such an emotional ride, but as soon as the guitar picks up you can feel what's coming. Sweet bass lines gives help Masashi slides through the verse, leading to brilliant, heartfelt chorus. All of that being steadly guided by some rhythmic, simple yet powerful drums, that makes the difference without stealing the show. This is all about Masashi's voice and lyrics that, my god. That's some absolutely great lyrics. (shoutout to @hiroki's INCREDIBLE translation, go check it out!) it all leads up to a classic vk up-in-tempo-second-half, creating a powerful, explosive emotional experience that I'm damn sad I'll never be able to check out in a concert. It's almost a crime Ningyohime wasn't featured on their Full album.

    girugamesh - period
    period is a song I'll never understand. chimera was not that great, neither was gravitation. How come the guys release such a jaw-dropping piece of music and call its quits right after? "period" is the culmination of the evolution girugamesh went through all these years. absolutely incredible main riff, drums blasting of your face, Satoshi screaming like a goddamn monster. Looks like the band gave all their best on the last release, they've never sounded so cohesive before. The whole heavy, industrial atmosphere, that ranges from Satoshi's sweet chant to all hell breaking lose in the end, taking you from a sweet safe spot to the dread and despair of that soulfelt break down. Jesus Christ. This is a fuckin testament to their skills, a last kick in the guts from a band that, if this indicates anything, had so much more to offer us. A damn shame.

    Pinocchio - Zetsubou Drive
    This is another tune that probably flew under the radar of most of you. "Zetsubou Drive" is not an mindblowing song by any means, but there are several points here that are real proof of japanese unique catchiness when talking about compositions. Ryuuto's writing style is a mix of vk and mainstream, I feel Pinocchio could drop vk anytime and go full indie that nobody would notice. The way he plays with going on and off, melodic and straightforward with the guitars is so interesting and it's real nice to see a guitarrist focusing so much on bass, it really pump blood in the veins here. lovely guitar on the end finishes the song on a nice note. I get that his voice may not be a good fit for everyone, maybe he would do better forming a band instead of flying solo, but until them, Pinocchio is a treat for those who enjoy indie vibes on their vk tea.

    Pentagon - Senkou Hanabi
    Zekkyou! was my first time with Pentagon, and I wasn't really feeling it until Senkou Hanabi hit. It was a fun-ish, kinda dorky road until they hit me with some serious, emotional filled song, with some actually really great composition. Instruments here are all tight. probably one of the best bass lines of later 2016. I admit I don't see much appeal on the vocalist tones, but it really does not matter in the bigger picture. You can feel this is an honest, heart to heart piece. Gently guitars contrasting with a somewhat agressive, yet restrained drum line that kicks so much ass. He was REALLY inspired here, the are great in its wholesome, but the solo in the end is as great as it is innovative when talking about vk. just for that you should seriously check this song.

    Develop One's Faculties - Kanjou Treatment
    Another bloody good tune dropped by the jewel in the crown of VK music, and it does not waste time kicking you ass this time. Already launching it with some nice violins leading to a powerful chorus that hits all the right spots. Johannes, as genious as ever, sets the tempo masterfully, setting the scene for Yuya to double down on the feels with his slick guitar and emotive voice tone. Its quite straightforward piece that goes right to the point: to set an atmosphere of high, elevated feel-goodness that rushs through feelings leaves you dazzled by the end. All hail DOF.

    downy - Umi no Shijima
    Downy is a band I'm guilty of ignoring in the past, and boy I've been missing out on some incredible shit. absolutely brilliant Off-tempo drums, Robin's mellow voice that sometimes sounds like its talking directly to you, other times it's so cold that doesn't even notice your existence. Guitar lines that sometimes you may even miss and others kicking you in the nuts with their sleekness. I don't think a song can get more atmospheric than this, and I also don't think a band can cooler than downy.

    HEROINE - kashuu
    While I love nigu for starting this project, I also hate him for making kashuu more of a intro than a full-lenght song. The intro part is amazing as it is, some sweet guitar lines giving a mysterious, yet beautiful vibe. But when he starts singing, the magic happens. Nigu's characteristic low tune voice is quite delicate here, going up and down, bringing you together with everymove. Yuya's guitars indicates something is changing, and oh boy it does. It all comes together and explodes in a brilliant, beautiful chorus. Nigu's vocals, almost like an one-man choir, trancends into a uplifting yet full of sorrow singing that ends the song way too soon, but makes me more than excited for what's coming next.

    The first thing that came to my mind when I saw RAZOR in the news was: "Hell yeah, thank god MBHI boys are back". I like Ryouga's vocals alright, but born never did much to me. The song starts already better than half of born's disco. Ryouga machinegunning from 00:34 to 00:48 sold me completely that the problem there was in their compositions. Needless to say Kouryuu SLAYS, man I've missed my djent vk fix. "ANOTHER" serves perfectly as a greeting card, one more hell of a sucker punch, this time MBHI style, to leave you on the floor for what the boys have in store for you.

    When everyone tought 2016 couldn't deliver anymore, Juri and the boys give us one last gift. "BE PROUD" is exactly what DELUHI would've become if they lasted longer. The song already starts laying ground for some over usage of melodic shouts, which I warmly welcome. Juri alternates between harsh and clean vocals back and forth, while everyone goes crazy on the back. The chorus is all over the place, but I really don't mind. While the solo guitar is a bit over, the Rhythmic one is fuckin nostalgic, a great nod to pop-punk back in 00's and it absolutely fits. It fits so perfectly that I don't think they've planned that, lol. This song tries too much, I can see that. but it's absolutely honest. It's like the guys are figuring a direction, and you can see several pieces of brilliance here and there. Juri voice is as catchy as ever, chorus stick in your mind like glue, and its probably a banger live. What could you ask more? Can't wait for an official release version and their future releases, they can steal 2017 for them if they try hard enough.
    Runner ups:
    January: REIGN - Nemurihime / dadaroma - KURT / D=OUT - SM / Pinocchio - HELLO HOLLOW, Ryuusei LYRICAL
    February: DALLE - Asphalt / ANOMIY - You Complete Me
    March: glamhaze - chippoke na pride / Satsuki - Apocalypse / SHADOWS - Forest / LONDBOY - iris / More - The Hanged Man / LOKA - Half Past Late, Calling
    April: Neverland - Daydream / Develop One's Faculties - Seijou Towa, psychedelic modulation
    May: SCAPEGOAT - Kokuhaku_tokidoki, ame / sever black paranoia - Trap of Love (feat. Teeda), The Last Vengeance (feat. Kaname Akamine) / GRIMOIRE - Never End
    June: Kimi wa Surudoku. - Nabiku DRESS ni Temaneku Juuryoku
    July: MIGIMIMI sleep tight - Puputan, Wonder Wave / THE EGOIST - Red Ache
    August: ZIZ - Superbsaw[Reincarnate] / Kuroyuri to Kage - Sennou / ZON - Re:Night, Jellyfish / Pentagon - Teenage
    September: Buck-Tick - cum uh sol nu -フラスコの別種-, New World / TK from Ling Tosite Sigure - Wonder Palette, Addictive Dancer, White Out / Someday's Gone - She won't forget / SCAPEGOAT - Hedoro
    October: Yasutaka Nakata - NANIMONO (feat. Kenshi Yonezu) -extended mix- / MONOEYES - Get Up / Blu-BiLLioN - Kono te ni Aru Mono
    November: Dragon Ash - Hikari no Machi / Nothing's Carved In Stone - Adventures / xaa-xaa - Yomei / RAINDIA - Hekiraku no Higanbana / Arimura Ryutaro - Fuyuu / FIXER - Invade / DEZERT - Hentai
    December: 88kasyo Junrei - shikou
  7. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in 弾丸 NO LIMIT (Dangan NO LIMIT) new maxi single "BULLET" release   
    new look!!

  8. Like
    echo reacted to Lereku in FoLLoW   
    @hirokidon't worry about that 'll still continue to listen them for me theirs album is one of the best release of 2016, I read that Masashi started to do music after he listened Baroque and he like the voice of Ryo and his lyrics earlier songs of FoLLoW like "Paradise" have a Baroque, too bad they don't continue to do few songs like that after Nao left the band
  9. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in FoLLoW   
    @Lerekuomg your post made my day T_T i'm so glad you decided to check them out! so thank you  ^^ Masashi is someone who's extremely appreciative of his fans and anyone who likes his music so I'm sure he'll be really happy if he sees this! Even though they've already disbanded don't forget to listen to them once in a while!!
  10. Like
    echo reacted to Lereku in FoLLoW   
    I wanted do this post more early but I was lil busy during december, because of all his  passion that @hirokiput on this thread and the fan made video who he did I decided to listen more carefully the discography of FoLLoW.
    Like some peoples of this thread I liked their song "Pinocchio" on the V.A album 妖幻鏡 -WEST- Vol.2 ~大阪・名古屋連合~ the rest of theirs disco is so good it has been a very long time since I heard a very good pop-rock band like them, it's unfair they don't became successful enough for continue their activities theirs songs are so catchy and addictive, theirs ballades song are very touchy.
    Even if Masashi want to quit the music scene I hope one day he will comeback because this guy is so talented a good singer, his song writing skills is so amazing and when I read again the letter who he wrote I can feel this guy was sincere.
    Thx again @hirokifor making me discover this amazing band .
  11. Like
    echo got a reaction from -NOVA- in Your last music-related buy!   
    I went to three different stores and no one had Anfiel's new single... but thanks to going to all those stores, I came back with this haul <3333 lolol
  12. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in ViV   
    this is why i love your "live reports" HAHAHAHAHA you are the best
    sooo glad you decided to go <333333333333
  13. Like
    echo got a reaction from hiroki in ViV   
    Set list for tonight's live:
    Warning: much spazzing ahead
    Live Schedule:
    1/25 (Wed) @ Shinjuku RENY
    2/4 (Sat) @ Sendai space Zero
    2/11 (Sat) @ Nagoya MUSIC FARM
    2/18 (Sat) @ Osaka RUIDO
    2/22 (Wed) @ Takadanobaba Area
  14. Like
    echo reacted to Alsdead14 in TRA TRA TRA new album "[bb]-beautiful blasphemy-" release   
    Oh wow. Cool preview! But March is so far away D:.
  15. Like
    echo got a reaction from Alsdead14 in TRA TRA TRA new album "[bb]-beautiful blasphemy-" release   
    They released a PV spot tonight!! 
  16. Like
    echo got a reaction from Raburr7 in TRA TRA TRA new album "[bb]-beautiful blasphemy-" release   
    They released a PV spot tonight!! 
  17. Like
    echo got a reaction from Mihenno in TRA TRA TRA new album "[bb]-beautiful blasphemy-" release   
    They released a PV spot tonight!! 
  18. Like
    echo reacted to Bunny in TRA TRA TRA new album "[bb]-beautiful blasphemy-" release   
    Can not wait , really LOVE リョウ's unique voice !!
    I hope this album is not those all-singles-collection+2-new-songs album !!!!!
  19. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in TRA TRA TRA new album "[bb]-beautiful blasphemy-" release   
    [CD track list]
    06.此処に在るもの(koko ni aru mono)
    07.カルラの憂鬱(carla no yuuutsu)
    09.bonus track (included in TYPE B )

    [TYPE A DVD track list]
    01.UNCHAIN (PV)


  20. Like
    echo reacted to Alsdead14 in TRA TRA TRA new album "[bb]-beautiful blasphemy-" release   
    So cool! Thanks for sharing, looking foward to that album! and If I'm right, it's mostly new songs! I'm buying it for sure!!
  21. Like
    echo got a reaction from Yukimoto in Your last music-related buy!   
    I went to three different stores and no one had Anfiel's new single... but thanks to going to all those stores, I came back with this haul <3333 lolol
  22. Like
  23. Like
    echo got a reaction from hiroki in Your last music-related buy!   
    I went to three different stores and no one had Anfiel's new single... but thanks to going to all those stores, I came back with this haul <3333 lolol
  24. Like
    echo reacted to suji in Like an Edison 2017 Special Omnibus CD & HAPPY NEW YEAR MESSAGE DVD   
    Japanese CD store Like an Edison will distribute a special omnibus CD, "Like an Edison2017スペシャルオムニバスCD" on January 2, 2017! Purchases over 2000 yen will come with all four types.
    1 .R指定/-SHAMBARA-
    2 .Airish/澪-mio-
    3 .アヴァンチック/ひとりごと
    4 .AWAKE/Story 0
    5 .Axkey/クリアノート
    6 .ASTARIA/ロマンティック★ディスコティック★ナゴヤ(demo ver.)
    7 .ATRUS/色彩-イロドリ-Designer
    8 .Anli Pollicino/白百合ヴァネッサ
    9 .exist†trace/サイケデリック・ブラック・ナイト(Short ver.)
    15.ENDLESS/Closing World
    16.[enver] brain/月光
    1 .Kαin/証 -akashi-(Live Version)
    2 .KAVKA/Lucy
    3 .GAMEOVER-ガメオベラ-/START
    4 .GARAK'S/コウフクロン
    5 .ギャロ/魔王-闇詩-
    6 .グラムヘイズ/あやとり
    7 .CRUEL REASON/欠落少女
    8 .黒百合と影/すてきな唄。
    9 .GE+IM/ドラスティック-STU-
    10.SaToRu/シルエット(rough mix ver.)
    12.SHAPE SHIFTER/感情雨
    2 .Chanty/貴方だけを壊して飾ってみたい
    4 .スタア区。/ラララ…妄想少年
    5 .SEX-ANDROID/ジェット・スターダスト・キャバレー(新規再録)
    6 .ゼログミ/マジカルミュージック
    7 .Soanプロジェクトwith芥(Chanty)/hysteria show time
    8 .Soanプロジェクトwith手鞠/夕闇に鳴動する衝動と幸福の在処
    9 .ぞんび/墓場 de ラヴソング
    11.DANGER☆GANG/create a furor
    12.トキノキト/Femme fatale(Remastered version)
    15.PIGLOW in GLOOMY/不幸少女の家出と脱け殻
    2 .BLaive/イグサレーション
    3 .BabyKingdom/スッ転げてポン!
    5 .The Benjamin/SORA -Boeing229-
    6 .HOLYCLOCK/ホラ、セカイニキミガイナイ。
    7 .
    8 .マルコ (Marco)/鳥籠愛人 (Torikago Aijin)
    9 .Mix Speaker's,Inc./最後の晩餐
    11.Rides In ReVellion/F.A.T.E(rough mix ver.)
    12.ラッコ/玩具眼鏡 Googly eyes
    13.LIEVRE CLAY/コノセカイ
    17.Roub/Missing×Cannibal Party
    They will also distribute a special comment DVD, "Like an Edison2017 HAPPY NEW YEAR MESSAGE DVD", on January 2, 2017.
    Type A participating artists:
    Type B participating artists:
  25. Like
    echo reacted to hiroki in Subgenres of Visual Kei   
    there's actually a vk band called 'this is a pen' (http://this-is-a-pen.net/) although in all likelihood OP might have been referring to ensoku /shrugs.
    most of what i have to say about genres and how they are mostly a matter of historical interest rather than categories of contemporary relevance have already been said. even 'kirakira' and 'abare' are very blunt ways of thinking about vk in general, and its inadequacy is acknowledged by large sections of the fanbase. sdm probably has more fans wearing kira rings than smileberry but their furi is as aggressive as metalcore vk bands. what about rides in revellion--would they be kira or abare? there are numerous other examples one can give. also, flip through one of the latest free papers and you're like to find at least a handful of bands expressly rejecting these labels in their interview since they think of themselves as doing music unconstrained by generic conventions.
    i'm also wondering why you're troubling yourself with such extensive taxonomic legwork on genres which seems unlikely to be beneficial for a paper on lyrics--something that ordinarily relies on close reading as its primary mode of analysis. if you're going to do proper academic work on 'vk lyrics' (whatever that may mean) by cobbling together 5 bands from each subgenre that you've listed, you'll probably need to write a 3-volume treatise to say something of value that isn't reductive. my point is that lyrics are singular phenomena unique to each band, and it's very difficult to extrapolate the lyrics of one band to make a more general claim about a vk subgenre (assuming such a subgenre can even be stably conceived), much less 'vk' itself as a whole, at least for the purposes of a seminar paper.
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