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Everything posted by echo

  1. echo

    <333333333333 I'm glad their one-man was such a success! I hope they keep going strong!
  2. Listening to FoLLoW makes me die a little each time... like, I still can't get over the fact that they're disbanding??? T_____________T


    1. hiroki




    2. echo


      @Elazmus ME TOO OMG. I saw them for the first and last time on Saturday and pretty much died T___T


      @hiroki <33333333333333333

    3. Yukimoto


      @echoat least you were able to see them.... I wanted to so badly </3

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  3. echo

    Okay so a bit late, but FoLLoW are fucking awesome live? Like their recordings don't do them justice. If you're able to see them at all before they disband I HIGHLY recommend it. Like, I've never been so touched by a ballad before. 人魚姫 pretty much destroyed me. No joke. But it wasn't just the ballad, their whole set list was great last night and they are SO MUCH FUN live! like wtf?? Masashi and Junsei are hilarious!! They said it was their first time playing at Edge too and Masashi was amazed at how big the box for the vocalist was. He was like "LOOK AT HOW MUCH I CAN MOVE AROUND UP HERE!!!" derp derp derp <3 I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that they're disbanding. I was really lucky and Masashi and Junsei came out to buppan after their set. I was able to talk to both of them and tell them that their foreign fans love them <3 Masashi was super surprised and happy to hear that anyone abroad even heard of them them let alone cared about them lol I was a sucker and ended up buying 6 cheki and their album LOL but they were pretty happy about it I think?? NEEDLESS TO SAY, if you have the chance, GO SEE THEM. I mean I just got back from seeing TRA TRA TRA tonight, but FoLLoW was so good yesterday that I'm posting about them instead of Tra (idk if anyone's noticed but I'm kind of obsessed with Tra right now???) So yeah. FoLLoW. Go see them and show them some love <3 I mean, if ViV's Hirohiro went to see them then you should too???
  4. echo

    Twitcast will be via the official TRA TRA TRA twitter account. DON'T MISS IT!!
  5. echo

    DON'T FORGET!! Tonight Hiroki and Omi will be twitcasting (Ryo will appear as a guest) from 10pm (JST)!! DON'T MISS IT!!
  6. echo


    Okay finally a normalish, non-hirohiro worshiping post. In case you guys haven't seen this, take a look! time to learn some furi! I love these guys! I'm kinda surprised they did the furi in so many famous places lolol sayuki is so awkward-looking!! lolol <33
  7. echo

    LOL the dangan men just have that effect I think.. Like when I first saw them all I could remember was Miyuu lolol but their music is definitely good!! ^^ (never curse a bandman for monopolizing your attention... other than making music that's literally their job <333 hahaha.. feel free to post a Chika picspam post! Lol)
  8. echo

  9. echo

    [edit] aww, Yukia deleted the video of drunk hiroki so I'll post this tweet instead haha [/edit] hahaha omg I love these guys!! <333 Hiroki getting drunk:
  10. echo


    maybe he's already getting hirohiro'd and is in denial??? but really. how can you deny THIS?
  11. echo


    by "stopped" do you mean JOINED? >3
  12. echo


  13. echo


    Is everyone in love with hirohiro yet?? IF NOT I HAVE THE CURE! SHAMELESS PICSPAM PART 2 (era of pink hair) **WARNING** Probably more pics than the last picspam??? and if you're not really digging the pink, here are some non-pink haired pics <3333 OKAY I HOPE YOU ARE ALL IN LOVE NOW??? <3333333333333333333333333333333333
  14. echo


    So like... I still can't understand how he's both hot AND cute?? Isn't that like illegal or something? FUHHHHHH
  15. echo


    SHAMELESS PICSPAM POST!!! If you don't love hirohiro yet... YOU WILL AFTER THIS!!!!!!!!!!!! **WARNING** there are a LOT of pics. SORRY NOT SORRY!
  16. echo

    they only have lives on 10/9 and 10/31. I told Hiroki that I'll go on the 9th if they play late cos I have work before then lolol
  17. echo

    So I feel like the TRA TRA TRA guys look better without makeup??
  18. echo

  19. echo

    @Yukimoto hahahahaha I srsly say IDGAF tooo much but w/e IDGAF!!! >33 and yeah.. srsly daydreaming a LOOOT recently T____T <33 I'm so sad they have like no lives in October!! Seriously considering taking off work to go to the one on Halloween lolol
  20. echo

    @Yukimotowhen is it NOT Tra day for me??? I was literally daydreaming about hiroki in class all day because of THIS tweet I was gonna comment on it, but I fear I might regret w/e I say haha because WTF HIROKI IS MAKING ME HAVE A GLASSES FETISH!!! ALSO, GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENT! TRA TRA TRA will be twitcating on 10/7 from 10pm (JST) Omi and Hiroki will be leading the twitcast and for some reason Ryo is just a guest but WHATEVER. GO LISTEN!!! IDGAF if you don't understand Japanese! Go be like "HEY GUYS SPEAK ENGRISH TO MEHHH" DON'T MISS IT!!
  21. echo

    I was also underwhelmed with Rides in Revellion. lolol but to get back on topic... TRA TRA TRA WAS AWESOME, NO??? Also, I srsly need Hiroki (as in the drummer of Tra lol) to teach me how to have such nice skin.. I should ask him about which skin care products he uses lolol
  22. echo

    @Yukimoto lol actually I didn't really care for Gameover or Iggy? O_O but to be fair, I think for Iggy I was just tired. I liked I think the last song Gameover played? I think their concept just throws me off a bit lol
  23. echo

    YAYYY!!! They sound even better in person!! I'm pretty upset with the sound quality from the stream lol but I'm glad you like them!! ^______^
  24. echo

    @Yukimoto I was in the middle in the second row lol there was only one spot left open in saizen so I opted to be with my friend instead ^^ IT WAS SO GOOD!!! Thanks for the setlest @hiroki!!! <333 UGGGHHH I LOVE THIS SET LIST! I think it flowed really well. I was worried cos sometimes their set list I'm like.. why?? haha like once after getting the crowd all pumped, they went into 所詮、女宿り and I was like huh? isn't that a bit anti-climactic? lol I just wish more people joined in the circle mosh today!!! T_T
  25. echo

    WHAT??? go walking later!! you can literally walk any time of day??? WATCH TRA SO YOU CAN TELL THEM "I WATCHED YOU <333" lololol
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