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Everything posted by echo

  1. echo

  2. echo

    Omg so much pink!! Lol wait were the glow sticks free?? O_O seeing these pictures makes me wanna see them live again!!
  3. echo

    I seriously love Ruimaru's tweets <333 I love how positive vivarush is in general <3333 I mostly love how random Pamy is though lolol I'm glad their first oneman seems to have gone well!!
  4. echo

    oops! forgot to mention this earlier but there is another TRA TRA TRA Line chat tonight! It's Ryo's turn and he'll be starting from 21:00 (JST)... so in a little less than an hour lol. You have to add the official LINE account first! Either search @tratratra or do a search using their QR code
  5. echo

    So I kinda lagged since I was (still am) all caught up in FoLLoW, but I finally got around to finishing Tra's interview in Gashukiko! TRA TRA TRA has also announced a few more lives for next year! January 25th (details TBA) and February 9th @ Shinjuku Ruido K4 The boys have been busy finishing recordings and making rounds to all the VK music shops! Picspam: Don't forget there are two types for their album! Type A has 8 tracks, but the music video DVD for UNCHAIN. Type B has no music video, but has some mysterious bonus track. Time to start saving money!! <3333 Oh and there will be a Hiroki article in the next Gashukiko issue! I'll translate it whenever I get my hands on it :DD Hopefully it won't take forever and a day to get around to it this time lol
  6. echo

  7. echo

    TRA TRA TRA finally announced the details of their first full album as well as the Hiroki birthday/album launch event! Unfotunately it's not another oneman like I was hoping for, but it's probably smarter to have a taiban if they want more people to hear them and buy their album. AND FINALLY A PV!!! I'm really glad they're making UNCHAIN the PV!!! It was really good when they played it at the oneman!! I'm really excited for this!!!!
  8. echo

    Alright guys. Here it is. My thoughts/experience of FoLLoW's last one-man. It's not really a live report cos I suck at writing those. Basically just random things I remember and feelings I felt. I've divided it so you can kind of skip to w/e you're more interested in lol First of all, I want to thank @hiroki for introducing me to this band. If not for him I would never have fallen in love with Masashi and FoLLoW and would definitely not have experienced their last one-man. I'm so so so so so so so grateful!!!! <3333333333333 Disclaimer: all quotes are basically me translating my memory of their Japanese into the way that I would say things. Don't quote me as if they said these exact words >< some words that might be helpful to know: buppan - the tables where they sell goods/merchandise kamite - right side of the stage from the audience's POV, as in the side the lead guitarist usually stands shimote - left side of the stage from the audience's POV, as in the side where the 2nd guitarist and bassist usually stand satsueikai - photo session with the bandmen. Usually after you've bought a certain amount of merch or if you pull an atari cheki or something Alright, here we go. I wrote a shit ton so... prepare yourselves!! (Also, I realize say "like" a lot. Deal with it. I can't help myself lol) Before the live: During the live: Random instances/MCs: Encore: Also here's my post-live and satsueikai experience for those who are interested lol: Surprisingly I'm not as sad as I thought I would be. I don't feel empty or devastated. If anything I feel really full and positive lately. It didn't feel like a last live. Masashi kept saying いつも通り and I think they really tried to keep things the way they always do it. I've only seen them a few times so I don't know if they really kept everything the same as usual, but I think they were able to. Of course we all cried, but not for very long. We all had a lot of fun and even though it was the last live, it felt more like a "until next time" and a "we'll meet again someday." I hope I really do get to meet them one day. Even if it's not as a band. I want to be able to tell Masashi that I'm living a happy life ♡ I really hope they all find their own happiness as well. I feel like they've changed something in me. I'm not sure if it's just cos the live is still so recent, but I hope this feeling and my new positivity can last a long, long time. I'm so glad I was able to meet Follow, even if it was at the end of their band activities. It's not how long you've known someone, it's the depth of the connection, the moments you share, and how they make you feel. I know Follow is a band that I'll never forget. <33333333333333333333333333333 Also, here's the last "だ~れだ" video! (filmed by Axkey's Yuuki lol) ♡
  9. echo

    Masashi just posted a video of right before the last one-man:
  10. echo

    Yay! I'm glad you came across them! They're really good and fun live! They've been working really hard on their album and if UNCHAIN is anything to go by I think it'll be a good one! ^__^
  11. echo

    Hiroki lowered the retweet requirement to 40 and he got it right away lol. Here's the last drum cam! Be sure to retweet so he feels loved!!! <3
  12. echo

    Hiroki drum cam part 3 of 3!! BUT THERE'S MORE! Please retweet for more!! He didn't include the last four songs in this (including the new song, UNCHAIN) RETWEET PLEASE!!
  13. echo

    omg Omi wtf <333333333
  14. echo

    Hiroki drum cam part 2 of 3! Please retweet so he posts the last one! He's asking for 40 retweets this time (๑•ω•́ฅ✧
  15. echo

    Hiroki's drum cam from the one-man! Part 1 of 3. Please retweet for part 2!! (He's asking for 30 retweets) ฅ*•ω•*ฅ♡
  16. echo

    guitar cam from the one-man + Omi thanking everyone's for bday wishes You can totally see Omi try to go shimote but Yukia didn't notice then Yukia derped over to kamite for a bit hahaha thanks for trying Omi <3333
  17. echo

    @Yukimoto they're basically just really clever. I'm pretty sure this is the same thing they've wore for their 裏 live haha. It's cos hiroki's hair looks better and Omi has lipstick lolol
  18. echo

    RIGHT????? They came out in their suits for the encore and I was like Z;KDMVISJkw But Ryo's tie was on backwards. LOL He said he was in a rush and was like oh well, no time to fix it haha
  19. echo

    TRA'S FIRST ALBUM HAS JUST BEEN ANNOUNCED!!! It'll be released on March 15, 2017 And there will be a 1st album release/Hiroki birthday event on March 22nd!! WHY ARE THEY DOING IT ON A WEDNESDAY??? >_> ALSO NEW LOOK! (kinda... mostly it's just Hiroki got rid of his hippie hair, Omi added lipstick, and they're all in suits) BUT THANK GOD NO MORE HIPPIE HAIR HIROKI LOL Also, for those who didn't know, tonight was their 2nd one-man at Shibuya REX!! It was pretty fucking empty. (T_T) I was kind of disappointed with the turnout, but the guys had high energy despite the lack of people in the audience! AND THE NEW SONG, UNCHAIN, WAS SOOOOO GOOD! Like maybe I'm biased af cos I love this band and I heard it live, but it was REALLY good! I wasn't so sure when I heard the intro cos of all the electronic/techno sounds, but then they got into it and it's like, exactly the kind of music I love??? <333333333 I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE ALBUM!! <3333333333333333333333333
  20. echo

    @Yukimoto idk what I'm going to buy but I will definitely spend 7,000yen!! Lololol
  21. echo

    Just in case anyone here is going to the one-man on Friday... Merchandise info: New cheki (random) ¥500 There will be random prize cheki.* If you pull the large-prize cheki, you will receive a signed poster + Yukia pick, Omi pick and Hiroki drum stick that was used the day of the live + a letter from Ryo. If you pull the regular-prize cheki you will receive a signed personal item from one of the members. If you pull a prize cheki please follow the staff’s directions. Past cheki (band member of your choice) ¥500 Towel ¥2,000 CDs If you purchase goods the day of the live: For every ¥4,000 you spend, you will get a 2-shot photo ticket.** For every ¥7,000 you spend, you will get a 2-shot photo ticket + a 4-shot photo ticket + a selfie with a member of your choice (taken with your cellphone) Photos will be taken after the merchandise booth closes. Please follow the staff’s directions. *okay idk how to translate 当たり cheki lol **2-shot = cheki of you + one member, 4-shot = cheki of you + 3 members (i.e. a group shot with everyone)
  22. echo

    GO BUY CHEKI!! 3,000yen for a grab-bag of cheki! It'll be randomly chosen from their older looks You'll get more than 3,000yen-worth of cheki. The sale is only available until November 28 (JST) via their online shop http://follow-webshop.com/ click on the tab that says 福袋 on the left side for the grab bag GO FORTH AND BUY! ヾ(*≧∀≦)ノ゙
  23. But at least the guys are all back in new bands!! You should definitely check out Juri's new band whenever they release some music. It has a similar feel to Deluhi ^^ As for me, I really miss EAT YOU ALIVE. I didn't listen to their music for like a year after their disbandment cos it made me too sad haha. Now I listen and remember their last live and still get choked up about it sometimes >< And I will definitely miss Follow T________T they haven't even disbanded yet and I miss them so much T______T
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