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Everything posted by echo

  1. echo

    Hi! Welcome to MH! omg Mystic Messenger literally destroyed my life for weeks LOL But I wasn't able to log in one day and missed a lot of chats... I just haven't gone back since... I'm kind of scared to get back into it tbh lolol anyway, I hope you have fun here! (v´∀`*) ♪
  2. Rave♡

    1. Yukimoto


      It's so sad that this happened.... I really like them too and he will be forever missed<3

  3. echo


    ViV's 6th single, いつまで経っても変わらずアナタを愛してる (itsumade tattemo kawarazu anata wo aishiteru), will be available for purchase from Wednesday, November 23rd! Here's the PV for those of you who haven't seen/heard it yet! All bias aside, I really love this song! <33
  4. echo

    Hiroki posted one more group photo today... he's so proud of their costumes lol <33333
  5. echo

    So tonight TRA TRA TRA dressed up for their live since it's Halloween. I was kind of surprised they didn't play KAMIKAZE, but this setlist was really fun! <333 I honestly don't know how to feel about Hiroki's costume LOL He makes a damn good Harley Quinn though?? And he was really in character. lol he was chewing bubble gum the whole live and during the MC said how it was difficult cos his hair kept flying into his mouth and getting stuck in the gum lolol I don't really get why Ryo only painted half his face...lol Some more picspam <33333 I pretty much died when Hiroki walked out on stage. Like I guessed he would be Harley Quinn cos Omi hinted that he'd be the Joker and after Hiroki said he was crossdressing... BUT I STILL WASN'T READY FOR IT LOL After their set they all walked off stage. Hiroki strutted off last, but they locked the door on him so he couldn't get out LOL he kind of frantically tried the door like 3-4 times and finally just rapped himself up in the curtain to hide lololol <333 I think a lot more people were getting into them. Sounded like Hiroki got a pretty good reaction for his costume haha. Hopefully they've gained some fans!!




    I can't wait till they release some music!! FIRST ONEMAN IN JANUARY!! 

    1. Yukimoto


      lol you always have a strong someone bias haha

    2. echo


      @Yukimotohow can you be a bangya WITHOUT a strong someone bias??? LOLOL <333

      JURRRIIIIIIIII <333 wait so I was like in the third row with one other girl at that live lol but the girl in front of me heard me screaming Juri's name and between songs she was like "come stand next to me?" LOL I think she was an Aggy fan or something so she moved over so I could be in the 2nd row lolol <333

    3. Yukimoto


      lol you so lucky!!!! look at you making friends through your stan-ship hhaha<3

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  7. uggghhhh hirohiro is fucking me up right now 

    in the best possible way??? <33333333333

    ViV <3333333333333

    1. hiroki


      fucking unicorns

    2. echo



  8. echo

    General sales tickets for TRA TRA TRA's 2nd one-man live on November 25th are now available!
  9. I'm on my phone so I can't be bothered to checked  I find someone's posted about it yet, but Hiro (ex. EAT YOU ALIVE) has finally joined (formed?) a new band!!



    1. suji


      yes mom


    2. echo


      lol omg stupid phone autocorrected typos


      "bothered to checked  if** someone's posted"


      but thanks @midi:nette!

    3. Yukimoto



  10. echo

    Don't forget tonight you can talk with Omi tonight one on one from 9pm!!! Don't miss out!!
  11. echo

    Hey guys for real. If you're considering buying anything from the webshop go buy it now. They're selling out quick! Even though I ordered the cheki case and the Jekyll and Hyde CD they somehow sold out between me ordering it and processing the order. Not sure how long everything else will last!
  12. Masashi twitcast just killed me.

    I literally cannot.


    1. Yukimoto


      Haha he's such a cutie<3<3<3 counting my days down till Japan life ^_^

    2. echo


      @Yukimotobut I mean yeah he's cute, but that's not why I love him?? if anything I was Masashi-averse because he was TOO cute LOL but yeah idk he's <333 lol

    3. Yukimoto


      lol he's too cutie???? LMFAO


    4. Show next comments  27 more
  13. echo

    Here's TRA TRA TRA's official LINE QR code if anyone else is having trouble finding their account! http://line.me/ti/p/%40tratratra or just go to your LINE app and follow these directions: Click on your friends tab at the bottom of the screen Click on the plus sign in the top right corner Click on "ID/Phone No." (top right) Make sure the "ID" field is checked and do a search for @tratratra Don't forget the "@" in front! If you're using LINE on your PC Click the add a friend button (the one with the person's silhouette and a plus sign) Click on "Search for Friends" Make sure "User ID" is checked and do a search for @tratratra
  14. echo

    @Yukimotohuh? you mean the official account name? do a search for @tratratra and it should pop up.
  15. echo

    Dangan will have a twitcast this Wednesday (10/19) from 19:30 (JST)! They'll talk about their Halloween live and their activities as the opening act for the Blu-Billion tour etc.
  16. echo

    @YukimotoI definitely will! Have you added their official account? You should just add them. On Thursday Omi will message something about the chat thing and you can decide if you wanna say anything or not. lol
  17. echo

    There will be another LINE chat this week! Date: October 20 (Thursday) Time: 21:00~ (JST) Member: Omi Don't miss your chance to chat one on one with Omi! Just add the official TRA TRA TRA account on LINE and Omi will send a message at 9pm on Thursday. Usually there is a topic of some sort or you can just ask/talk about whatever. I haven't participated in Omi's chat yet so I'm not sure what to expect. Even if you don't speak Japanese, go say hi! He knows a little English I think!
  18. @hirokiAh that makes sense. I totally didn't think about の as being indicative of location. But yeah, if that's what he was going for then it's pretty much perfect. Or maybe even if it's not self inflicted, just that it exists there and that's where it is because of the situation rather than it actively happening?? Okay sorry I'm not sure if this is making sense anymore. I need to sleep. haha but regardless, I agree. Masashi is <3333333333333333333333333333333
  19. ☆**(♡*´▽`*♡)LOVE**☆ Thank yooouuuu <333333333333 (I'll stop the string of hearts here or it will never end LOL) Masashi is amazing. YOU are amazing <33333 I think you did a good job with the translation! ((*´ゝз・)ノ゙お疲れ様♪ I wish there were a way to maintain the ambiguities and vagueness of the Japanese without having to write notes/multiple possibilities/sound awkward T_T I guess everyone should just learn Japanese??? lolol I was wondering about that sabitagaru part when I was listening to it. I wouldn't have known how to translate that T_T For this part, is it weird that it's の instead of に? like that the knife is stabbing the heart versus belonging to the heart??
  20. echo

    Masashi's new hair! <333333333 Also, a little late, but you can order their special Halloween cheki on FoLLoW's webshop!! http://follow-webshop.com/products/list.php?category_id=14 You can choose which member you want and everything! <3 Order soon though! You can only place orders until Ocotber 19 (JST)
  21. MIYUUUUUUUU <33333333

  22. echo


    I saw a ViV notification and I was totally expecting a Wataru picspam post!! DISAPPOINT! lolol but why do they always play on days I can't go??? T__T I think I need to fanmail hirohiro my schedule so that they can work around it LOL
  23. echo

  24. echo

    I can make it midnight party~♪ Hiroki's been posting a lot on instagram recently lol. Go follow him!
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