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Everything posted by echo

  1. echo

    If you don't have LINE, download it! (it's free!!! plus the stickers are super cute!) You have the opportunity to chat with Ryo this Friday (September 2nd)!! Add the official Tra account (search @tratratra) and wait for Ryo to message at 9pm (JST) on September 2nd (be careful of time differences!) No one else will be able to see your conversation. Usually the band member will have some kind of greeting and maybe ask a few questions or decide on a topic to talk about. You can either answer said questions/talk about the topic/or bring up whatever you want. Last time I talked to Hiroki about Pokemon Go, relationships, and the possibility of Tra selling more goods at their lives lol. Even if you don't speak Japanese, just say hi to Ryo and let him know he has some fans abroad too! Don't miss out!!
  2. echo

    Finally got my hands on this! Working on translating it now
  3. echo

    Did some searching and couldn't find them either. They must've disbanded in 2013.. can't find any mention of them after that year. But I found these videos Demo song by the vocalist (no actual vocals to it though): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVwkJJbdR-4&feature=youtu.be And this one looks kind of similar to the one you posted, but has some samplings of their other songs I think they must've disbanded soon after their debut. All the old official sites are pretty much gone except the guitarist's twitter (https://twitter.com/yudaiapple) and the bassist's ameblo (http://ameblo.jp/aiz-0/)
  4. Got Yoosung's good ending!! Success!! Now to start the process all over again... 

  5. echo

    I'm kind of curious as to how they decided on the three bands. Like Gazette makes sense since they're like a "mainstream" vk band and more well known, but I wonder how/who picked the other two bands. I still wish they had at least one kira kira kei band or one with more rap influence just to show some diversity, but I guess all publicity is good publicity? like @saltofstonessaid, I'm glad they stressed that vk isn't just one music genre. I think that was a really important point to make and opens the doors of vk to many people who might want to explore it.
  6. echo

    I'm not sure if you guys have seen this already/if it's been posted (did a quick search and didn't see any posts), but check out youtubers reacting to visual kei. I'm pretty sure I had some similar reactions when I was first introduced to it haha https://www.jrocknews.com/2016/08/watch-famous-youtubers-introduced-visual-kei-first-time.html From the article: "My first initial reaction when I saw this was, “Poor guys, they think these are girls.” The amount of times the referred to them as “she” was simply too many. Also, judging by the general reactions, it seems clear that none of them even listen to western metal (except for that one guy that liked all three bands, shout-out to him!), so I think it would have been better to include some metalheads to get some more neutral reactions. Furthermore, after it was explained that visual kei does not pertain solely to metal, several said they would consider diving into visual kei if they found something more to their style, so I think it would have been better to include some of the more mainstream and pop bands, like UNiTE and Alice Nine, instead of just showing them the heaviest bands they could find. It was clear they were seeking for one specific reaction, which was that reaction of shock and disgust towards the breakdowns and harsh vocals." I agree they probably should've included other genres of music within visual kei to get more variety, but oh well. if you just want the video:
  7. Mystic Messenger is destroying my life lolol

    1. beni


      I`m glad it`s not just me!

    2. echo


      @beniomg my sleep schedule is so fucked from it!! and it's extra frustrating cos it's a bit buggy T_T

  8. echo


    Welcome back! "Medical Technology with a Physics and Imagenology degree" O___O that sounds really difficult O_O I hope MH doesn't distract you from your studies! lol what VK bands do you like? ^^
  9. echo

    Please retweet! Whichever band gets the most retweets gets an extra 5 minutes to their set for this live! we have until August 29th 6pm (JST) to get them up there!
  10. echo

    Sometimes I feel like I'm too old for vk, but then I go to a gig and see grandpas and grandmas headbanging and jumping around with everyone so I figure I'm still good haha. I tend to fall out of the vk scene when I go back to the states and feel further from the bands I love, but when I come back to Japan the excitement is there again. It's like @ぺるしゃ猫said, it's a lot easier when you're living in Japan and can be a part of it all. It's also easier to find new bands since you can see like 5-8 bands in one night. As far as shitty bands forming recently, I'd say that I agree, but I think shitty bands/artists are popping up in all genres of music. I figured that's just me getting older. Don't all generations think that their generation of music/tv/everything was better than newer generations?? lolol despite that, usually I can find something that interests me ^^
  11. echo

    Not sure which instances you're referring to exactly, but I think it's kind of a Japanese thing. They're all about limited editions and exclusivity, which makes people do stupid things and spend outrageous amounts of money. Like, for people who are into otome games and drama CDs, you have to buy ALL the CDs of one series from a specific shop to get one special edition CD, then ALL the SAME CDs at another shop to get the other special edition CD. My friend opts to buy the 2nd special edition CD on an auction site, but that can still get pretty expensive. Also, this is a culture where host clubs exist, where people literally spend crap tons of money to just drink and talk with a pretty face. People will also give expensive gifts/money to hosts and hostess they like too even though they aren't in a real relationship. In the music industry, I don't know if other fandoms get as violent as some bangyas in the VK world can be, but they certainly dish out the money. I knew someone who was an Arashi fan and would spend hundreds of dollars on an auction site for a shitty ticket to their concert since their tickets sell out so quick (I'm not really into the Johnny's bands so I don't know much more than that). As far as lacking the talent to perform, that's literally what the whole idol culture is about. AKB48? They seriously can't sing. Their group is just so big you can't really tell. I ask my Japanese students why AKB is so popular and their response is generally because "they're cute and they try hard even though they aren't good."
  12. echo

    Meghan Trainor - Like I'm Gonna Lose You
  13. idk why I bother reading stuff on Tanuki such negative bs... but I keep going back lol

    1. nekkichi


      the lipstick alley of bijuaru kei

  14. (〇ョ〇)

  15. At midnight, TRA TRA TRA announced the date for their 2nd one man to celebrate Omi's (guitarist) birthday. Date: November 25th, 2016 (Friday) Venue: Shibuya REX Time: 18:30 open/19:00 start Price: ¥3,000 (separate drink fee)/¥3,500 for same day tickets (separate drink fee) Ticket information: ≫ S tickets (S1~20) can be bought for ¥4,000 at the merch booth after their performance at their first one man (9/25@den-atsu). You can buy up to 2 tickets at one time. ≫ A tickets (A1-30) can be bought at the merch booth after their performance at Shibuya REX (9/30). You can buy up to 4 tickets at one time. ≫ B tickets (B1~) can be bought on eplus from 10/22 (Sat). *no band reservations. source:
  16. echo

    Typhoon in Japan... I really wish work had been cancelled T_T
  17. echo

    oh man every time one of them does a session band, I hope that they'll announce something about coming back, but alas... nothing yet hmm I was probably there in April. I was basically going to every Alsdead live I possibly could haha right?? How is Nathalie so famous?!?! lol nice! Are you in Japan now then? I haven't seen her much since Alsdead went on hiatus. I'm gonna try to go to Doak's last live on the 20th though so maybe I'll see her there since I think Jiluka is also playing. I'll go look some of Jiluka's stuff up on youtube! Thanks for the recs!
  18. echo

    Yay ALSDEAD!! I can't get enough of them!! omg yes I know Nathalie. Met her going to ALSDEAD lives and approached her cos she was the only person there speaking English LOL I've heard of Jiluka! Nathalie tweets about them all the time lol never really gave them a listen though. Judging by their look I assume they're similar sound to DADAROMA?
  19. back in Hawaii for vacation. enjoying visiting friends and eating all the delicious local food!!
  20. echo

    Yeah I have it! I can try ripping it for you when I find it! I just moved recently so everything's in boxes still haha Omg Inazuma! that's also up there for me haha. and they are ALL epic live!! Yeah I've heard of Rentrer en soi. I don't think I ever got super into them though. I think I was too obsessed with Gazette at the time haha
  21. echo

    They're so good live!!! I hope they're back by the time you come to Japan!! I bought the limited edition DVD for the last few lives they did before hiatus... is that different than the live-limited DVD? Favorite song is... difficult to say.. so many!! haha. hmm.. top five (in no particular order) are maybe KILL THE KING, STARLESS, D.9.N, FLASH BACK, and Peggy-O.... but I also love Life of Sorrow, Cynical and Adrenaline... yeahh.. lol How about you? Just looked up Para:noir and D.I.D. They basically have the same sound... which makes sense if it's mostly the same members haha. I'm loving the bass in Para:noir's Merciless sorrow! Not really the vocals that I'm usually into, but they sound pretty good ^^ Wow I was really surprised when I looked up Galneryus! His English sounds so good! haha I'm liking what I hear so far!
  22. Artist: TRA TRA TRA Single: メルト/We-KID Lyrics: Ryo Translation: echo English Translation: Bound intimately by the sensation of these trembling hands Crushed by solitude, I let out a laugh and wake up! Good night, self Sweet, sweet temptation You see, idiots never learn They fall, a wild frenzy into the night Forced to dance the dance, into that trap I can make it! mid night party Destroy everything Melted by those hands Just over there I laugh at the me that was Exchange the fun of this night for my left arm I don’t want to see any of that crap anymore Just make it all disappear The sweet, sweet cry of your voice I want to gain that heat Taint me more I don’t care if it’s all a lie I can make it! mid night party Until the very end Fake it, even if it’s just for show Those tricks Are improving more and more let me bounce, let me bounce, forget everything I pretend I could get away and laugh When there’s really nothing there, I put a lid on it Plus, I’m used to losing everything I swore that there was no love, but even so, if I catch a glimpse of it, I search for it In reality this is where I cried Just for now, I want to drown in this night I don’t believe anyone or anything Even though the solitude goes on filling the gaps On these lonely nights I want to sleep being loved by you Original Lyrics: 震えだすこの手の感覚に心地よく締め付けられて 孤独に潰され笑い出す 目が覚めた!僕よ、おやすみ 甘い甘い誘惑に バカの一つ覚えでさ 落ちる夜に乱れ狂う 踊らされたそこは罠 I can make it! mid night party 壊れていく その手の中で溶かして すぐそこには あいつが笑う僕がいた この夜に落ちる喜びと引き換えに与える左手 くだらない何も見たくない どうせなら今すぐ消して 甘い甘い声で鳴き 熱を帯びたそれが欲しい もっと私を汚して 全部嘘でかまわない I can make it! mid night party どこまでも 気休めにでも騙して 駆け引きは だいぶましにこなせてきた let me bounce 飛ばせ すべてを忘れて 逃げれたフリして笑う どうせここには何も無いと塞ぎ、そして 失うことになれてった 愛なんてどこにもないと誓った、それでも気がつけば探してしまうから 本当はここで泣いていた 今だけはこの夜に溺れていたいから 誰も何も信じない 孤独が隙間埋めていく それでも寂しい夜は あなたに愛され眠りたい
  23. echo

    hi! thank you! ^^
  24. echo

    aww that's too bad. I hope you can see them whenever they get off of hiatus!! and yeah, I saw them a bunch haha. Especially right before they went on hiatus cos they had so many one mans. I even skipped work for one of them haha sweet! thanks for the recommendations! I'll check them out!
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