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Status Updates posted by Himeaimichu

  1. Either Hayate should rejoin GossiP, or Ritsu should learn how to do that Military style drumming. 

    1. Himeaimichu


      ^^ Edit: That could be possible since Hayate now instructs at a music school, and even teaches Vkei drummers

  2. Ok, who approved of this PV? And is there a version without all the acting?

    Also, LITERALLY one of the gayest things to come from the 90's xD


  3. If you change the title of the Zi:Kill song "Bad Man" to "Batman", the lyrics sort of make sense. Only sort of though.

    I'd love to see someone try and interpret the song

    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      I always enjoyed that song and sincerely with that title change, everything becomes clearer! Probably it's an hidden reference to the Dark Knight :-D

    2. Himeaimichu


      I wonder if they meant to title it "Bat Man", but changed it for copyright reasons. It does sound like they say Bat Man.

      Also, same. It's one of my absolute favourites from Zi:Kill

  4. Omg, Hayate (ex. GossiP) now plays drums in an idol band xD. The irony is real

    1. Himeaimichu


      According to the GossiP Argentina street team, this is Hayate's twitter. 


    2. Takadanobabaalien


      lol it definitely looks like him xD thats really cool

    3. Himeaimichu


      At first I was thinking he sold out, until I realised that the credited songwriters for his band's first PV are all actual members of the band, especially the guitarist. So at least the idol group is creative.

      It's just ironic knowing some of the songs about idols that GossiP has made xD. From what I see, no members of GossiP follow him, and I can't see what he follows, but Sora from Dezert follows him for some reason, but that doesn't mean anything about the current relations between him and the rest of the GossiP members

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  5. Kuroyuri to Kage's new single is the heaviest stuff they put out since. I may actually do a review of the single. But first, I may do a review of Memento Mori's first album since that one is really special to me

  6. Reframing by Raddock is one of the full on Visual Dj0nt songs out there xD

  7.   The heaviest Metal band in the world is Fear Factory. I mean, look at that guitarist! All the members combined weight with him is pretty heavy. Probably about a few thousand pounds at most.

      Oh, you mean heavy in guitar? Well, early Dir En Grey used an ESP Ganesa, which is a big guitar that weighs a lot. 
    Pretty heavy. So heavy, they switched to SG clones

      Wait, you mean heavy in tone? As in Amps? Well, most Metal band use valve amps, combined with big cabinets, which weigh a lot. 
    So.. IDK who to choose there

      Oh, you mean heaviness in sound? Well, soundwaves don't really have mass, but higher frequencies have more air particles close together, so... 
    *Pulls out an oscilloscope* This is gonna be a long one

    1. IGM_Oficial


      ~Bowling for soup intensifies~

    2. Himeaimichu


      ^^ Oh crap, forgot about them. Yeah, they're pretty heavy too. But how heavy compared to Fear Factory? 

      *Pulls out scales* Get the tranquilisers

  8. I wish a happy 420 to my Guitar teacher, who is a medical marijuana advocate, but has no access to it and has cancer, and has to have all these chemo and radiation treatments.

    I hope he won't be too physically impaired and that all the lengthy treatments go well... He's the best guitar teacher out there, and is the epitome of open minded, patience, and an all around lover of Rock N' Roll

  9. There is already a translation for Kuroyuri's new single on Tumblr, but yet no download.

    Ahhh why must I be teased like that?

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      because they bought the music themselves. it's up to them if they wanna share it or not. you are free to purchase it as well.

    2. Euronymous


      again that "if you want it buy it yourself? i know that very well,dude,don't need to tell me

      we are discussing here about people who upload only the lyrics.that's all.

    3. Takadanobabaalien


      ah well then i guess because they want to. probably not more to it than that

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  10. I think I see where Mei (Kuroyuri to Kage) got his "Whine vocals" from xD


  11. IDK if I'm having false memories or something, but I swear there used to be a video on youtube of Dir En Grey preforming Schwein No Isu in Osaka in 1999 (Not during the Osaka Jo hall concert though). Kyo wasn't wearing the red outfit from Osaka Jo hall though, he was wearing a doctor suit. Does anyone remember what I'm talking about? Or am I just recalling false memories?

  12. I wish there was a proper live DVD of one of the concerts on Dir En Grey's 2000-2001 Macabre tour
    The live documentary is so low quality and barely any songs are full length

  13. I wonder if Dynamite Tommy actually ever used his official soccer coaching license. 

    IDK, something tells me I wouldn't want him coaching me

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      I do recall seeing pictures/reading somewhere that he did coach a kid team at one point many years ago.

      Not 100% sure though.

    2. returnal


      it depends, do soccer teams make a good tax evasion racket?

    3. Himeaimichu


      @returnal  Omg I'm dead xD

      That made my day

  14. I wish there were better pictures of Dir En Grey's look for 1999 Osaka-jou hall/Myaku. There are very few pictures and in all, Kyo's hair isn't the same as in concert/music video

  15. I'm convinced Mei has forgotten his promise to upload that Kuroyuri live

  16. Mei's screams have gotten more Kyo-like. I hope that's just a one time thing. I liked his earlier Jonathan Davis-esque screams.

    I guess though they wouldn't fit with the sound of Kuroyuri's new single, which seems to have more Vulgar era Dir En Grey influence.

    Then again though, this is the lowest he growled since Fuyu Shogun

  17. New Kuroyuri single releases today!!!

    I wish I could buy it from the webshop, since I do believe it's on the webshop. But IDK if they ship to the US. Probably not. 

    1. Himeaimichu


      True, but this is mainly a live distributed that is being limitedly distributed through webshop, so. 

      I'll wait for someone to upload it xD

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      its not on the webshop yet. and yes you need to use a shopping service. im not buying it until next week probably. i hope they'll put it up after the gig today

    3. Himeaimichu


      I've been checking on youtube to see if they have uploaded the live video yet. They probably won't upload it until the gig today either. It's almost 9 AM in Japan so more waiting will have to be done

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  18. I cry when angels deserve to die,

    Except that wheel within a wheel within a wheel with eyes all over it. Go to hell, stuff of nightmares. 

  19. GossiP's new EP has got me listening to The Stray Cats again,

    BTW if you don't know who Stray Cats are, you're missing out on a lot. They were a rockabilly group that were popular in out of all decades the 80's. Also they were really popular in Japan, and even hold an influence on Vkei. 


  20. Black Sugar & Cigarette from GossiP's new EP has a really old school Rock N' Roll feel, but with an aggressive Punk twist

    1. itsukoii


      it's so catchy, it's gotta be my favourite song off of the mini, if not my current favourite song above everything else

    2. Himeaimichu


      Same. It just makes me want to do an old 50's dance xD. If only they still had their old drummer. His drumming style is perfect for the song since a lot of old school Rock N' Roll drummers use classic grip. Now it's only seen in Marching music and Rockabilly

  21. I can see Raison D'etre by Dir En Grey being put on Pornhub with the title "Skinny girl is tortured by Trap while music plays"

  22. I swear I've heard the Koto melody in the beginning of Rui by Kiryu somewhere. I think in a Michio Miyagi piece?

  23. I hope when the Nightingeil revival is in full swing, that they'll release music videos. Nightingeil had a lack of music videos and that is disappointing because as a La'Mule fangirl, I've just gotten into Nightingeil and I need PVs xD. 

    Do they have any live DVDs? 

    1. Himeaimichu


      Oh wow xD. At least my favourite song from them is on the tracklist though, so I'm hoping there is a download somewhere of it xD

    2. Kiryu999


      Someone uploaded it here some time ago but the links are dead :/ 

    3. Himeaimichu


      Awwwie. Well looks like I'm gonna have to search le googles xD

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  24. Western "Metalhead" logic: Black Sabbath and Metallica. Sound nothing alike, both considered Metal. Bullet for my Valentine, sounds something like Metallica. Not considered "trve metal". 

    Actually, this is kind of the logic of fanboys in the western side of the music scene anyway. The only reason I don't see it in Vkei is because it's accepted that the lines between genres are blurred. 

    1. Himeaimichu


      @reminiscing2004 I know right? I only use them as a convenient way to group similar bands, but in the end, it all boils down to Rock and Roll.

    2. orange~


      I definitely don't see BFMV as punk, wtf? I think many of the metalcore bands are closer to metal than punk anyday. Maybe if you wanted to simplify their genre definition, I'd just say they're rock or something.


      For me technical instrumentals + heavy music = metal


      but then again, I don't really care about genres.. so who am I to say?

    3. YuyoDrift



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  25. Unpopular opinion: Saver Tiger, Mephistopheles, D'erlanger, and Dead End are just as important as, if not more important than X Japan. 
    I mean, Saver Tiger formed before X, didn't they?

    1. Seimeisen


      I don't give a single fuck about Ekksu Jyapan

      And I roll my eyes every time I read an interview and someone says they're "inspired by X"

    2. Himeaimichu


      @orange~ Saver Tiger actually formed in 1980 xD

      But I think Vkei really turned away from its original path when Buck Tick and Kuroyume came onto the scene. I mean, before that, it was mostly an offshoot from the Japanese Thrash Metal, Hardcore Punk and Speed Metal scene, but then you have Buck Tick with this Gothic sound, and Kuroyume combining the sounds. I think it's funny how in the west, Thrash Metal was considered a response to Glam when in Japan, bands like Aion combined the two.

    3. Himeaimichu


      @SeimeisenI care about X, but I care about the other early bands just as much. 

      Just like how I care about Dir En Grey, but I also care about La'Mule just as much because they were just as influential, if not more. 

      I mean, if you're popular enough in the indie scene for bands to copy you even before you even make enough records, that says something xD

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