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Status Updates posted by Himeaimichu

  1. Seems like Baku took my advice and decided to restart as a new band xD

  2. I forgot how good "Sagamiya" by Memento Mori was. Sure, it had the most stereotypical Shakuhachi sample, but the use of it actually makes the song feel nostalgiac. It kinda reminds you of Videogame music that used the same sample. Sure, in the past, and in their last song to use it, they've used better samples, but I think they chose that Shakuhachi sample for that song specifically 


  3. OK, this band is amazing me. This is some funky shit right here, mixed with the usual Vkei sound. 


  4. @sakurakurakuraand I have matching signatures now

  5. Today has been a messy day for Vkei... Gosh.. 


  6. I'm so close to getting to yellow name status. Hooo boy 

    1. sakurakurakura


      I still have a long way to get there, lmao

  7. So far, I gotta say, I like the forum update. 

    The reacts are pretty cool. I was a bit iffy on them at first, but then I saw the Shibe react and was sold xD.

    The clubs are a cool thing too. They're easy to figure out. They are potentially very convenient. 

    Overall, I think the staff did a great job. There are also a bunch of minor improvements I didn't notice, but won't go into detail about. Keep up the good work!

  8. Ok, I just discovered this about the club topics:

    They appear in the normal "topics" section of the main page

    So it's probably best to denote that it's club related so no one gets confused

  9. Can any of the staff help explain how the club-related topics work? 

    1. suji


      (lol typo) *depending on what the owner has set for the club.

    2. CAT5


      The staff is still figuring out how clubs work too, so we'll probably make an announcement or something about them soon.

    3. Himeaimichu


      @CAT5 From what I've seen, they kinda function as mini-forums. 

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  10. Nousatsu from Deadly Sanctuary gives off Vasalla vibes. But there is also some Lamiel vibes too

  11. Just tried Dimlim for the first time, and I got to say, even though I'm not really into Br00tal bands, Dimlim is REALLY good. I haven't seen such instrumental in a newer band. The staccato notes are clean and cut of clearly. Though the growls could be better, the clean vocals are on point and wowed me. I will definitely be on the look for more stuff from these guys

  12. Despite how much sunscreen I put on, I still manage to get half my face sunburnt... 

    WTF, sun? 

    1. IGM_Oficial


      This is one of the main reasons why I hate beach, pools and such. It doesn't matter how much sunblocker you bathe in and how little is the time you stay under the sun, you will ALWAYS get sunburnt.

    2. IGM_Oficial


      (global warming?)

    3. Himeaimichu


      I was forced to go since it was a family event. Even though I hate going to pools, this one was at some person's apartment, so it wasn't dirty, plus it's an escape from the area I live in. 

  13. I don't know how I feel about the Prince YT channel that came into existence recently. I love that now some of his rarer videos are now in legitimate existence on YT, but.. we all know how Prince was kind of anti-Youtube. (Though to be fair, that's just bad business on his part)

  14. Why I hate charter: The wifi always goes out when I'm messaging my girlfriend something important. 

    Thanks for making me panic about my relationship, charter! 

  15. Oops, I kinda made a mistake with my last post. I thought Sex Android was already on Hiatus, not about to be. My honest mistake.

  16. So in memory of Daisuke from Kagerou, I burned some Joss paper. It's an old Vietnamese tradition to burn Joss paper for the dead (plus I had a shit-ton of Joss paper I bought from the Asian market just because it said "Bank note of hell" on them, so I thought I'd put them to use xD)

  17. It's been 7 years now since the death of Daisuke from Kagerou and the Studs. 

    RIP, Daisuke. May you be making music with the gods

  18. Welp, last night was extremely weird. Night terrors, nightmares, and I somehow didn't hear my Alarm go off.

  19. It's so funny how iTunes fucked up with Kiryu, messing up the romaji.  The one thing though that's really funny is how grouped in with Kiryu another group by the same name, but a completely different band. Like... which band is making money off of it? The Vkei band or the Hip Hop group?

  20. Started listening to this band again, just for old time's sake. The first Vkei band I ever got into  

    Still salty over Kurona basically abandoning this. 

  21. After playing Fallout 3 for the first time in a LONG time, I remember how much I love the sound track. The occasional Dizi (Chinese flute) really gives an ethnic feel and is fitting for the setting. 


  22. Anyone know what happened to that one Japanese Horror Rock band that Tenchigaraku and Jazz Drummer Kozo Suganama did a collab cover of, called Makai Shoujo Ken?

  23. I'm now Wataru's Punching Bag. Now when do I become Yayoi's (not the Vice Risk one, nor the Mirage one, but the crappy one I showed) Talent? xD

  24. Happy Birthday!

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