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Status Updates posted by Himeaimichu

  1. I miss JyuLie so much. The Traditional Japanese theme, and their fucking amazing support drummer. SERIOUSLY, look at this guy: 


    1. Himeaimichu


      Also, what's with GossiP members and getting really good drummers (Isao and Hayate/Tetsurou)? Like, Isao is literally touring overseas with other bands, and Tetsurou is literally a teacher of other Vkei drummers. 

      And then we have Ritsu.. yeah... he has yet to really wow me.

  2. If I could, I'd eat Cantonese food every day. 

  3. I want to address something that I feel needs to be. I'm sorry for how cringey I was during my first few months on this forum, with my weird fan theories, and my lowkey highkey defending of Kisaki. I was younger (granted, it wasn't THAT long ago) and more stupid, but I'm a young adult now, and I'm trying to move past from that. 

    I recognise how much of an idiot I was, and I am actively trying to improve. I'm taking more responsibility for myself here, and I've been trying to actually provide more reliable info on stuff as of recent, especially since I have friends within the Japanese VisualKei scene now (one, who I view dearly as a brother of mine, is in a small indie band, and actually sometimes volunteers to work with bigger (compared to his. Usually bands like the AINS bands) bands). I also recognise that I used to be a bit of an attention whore here, though I didn't realise it at the time until VERY recently. 

    The most recent incident was negligible, since it was more of a speculation based on actual logic. I don't think it compares to the stuff I've said in the past that I am authentically ashamed of, and am trying to look past.

    I'm sorry to those I have angered in the past, or have given a really bad first impression of myself to. I hope you forgive me. 

    And if you still won't give me a 2nd chance, well that's totally fine. But I'm not leaving any time soon. I'm willing to give those who were mean to me due to the shit I said a 2nd chance though. 

    Just know I'm not the same person I was in 2016 (and yes, I know that sounds so stereotypical, but hear me out, ok? I dealt with some personal shit between then and now that made me realise I should probably work on being a better person.)

    1. Himeaimichu


      I love you too, Onii-chan!

    2. Zeus


      we're all goobers at one point

    3. sakurakurakura


      I'm a goofy goober

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  4. So Fox News, AKA the hotbed of fear mongering propaganda, decides to be music hipsters and accuse Radiohead of copying Coldplay....

    ... I hate Television

    1. IGM_Oficial


      I wonder what they would say about visual kei

    2. Himeaimichu


      Knowing they've called an Autistic Kid a snowflake just because he playfully joked around with Mike Pence, I wouldn't want to know what cringey things they'd say about vkei lol. 

      They'll probably be like "It's destroying Japanese society. These people do way too much drugs and are all transsexuals. It's disgusting"

  5. Anyone remember the joke of a band that was Heaven's Dust? The non-Vkei band with a guitarist who looks Vkei, and had Kurona (though he was replaced by KAI Shine) and Daisuke from Wagakki Band and CrowXClass?

    Yeah... this song is still shit. 


    1. Himeaimichu


      You're welcome! 

    2. Ikki


      The only reason why I am mildly interested in HeavensDust right now is because a member from one of my favorite early 1990s VK band just happens to be a current member.




      If KoREDS wasn't in the group, I probably wouldn't even known that HeavensDust was still around.  I will probably quit paying attention to them once KoREDS leaves, though.

    3. Himeaimichu


      @Ikki Oh wow, interesting. So I guess Heaven's Dust would be Half-Vkei. Still doesn't change the fact Shin is an edgelord lol. Every song from them uses the F word so much, and they're so political lol. (They have some really good heavy stuff, but it's lost in all the political stuff, which normally is very watered down)

      TBH, actually, if they weren't so political, and Shin wasn't as edgy (and his vocals weren't so weird), I'd enjoy them more. Annihilation though has got to be the worst sound engineering I've heard for a high budget production. 

      In all though, knowing their member history, I wouldn't expect KoREDS to stay in the band very long. They've gone through so many musicians, and Shin is the only remaining original member. 


      I wonder how well KoREDS and Kurona know eachother. They're both part of the Vkei scene, and were part of the same band. 

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  6. God I miss メメント・モリ so much. I mean, I'm very glad we have 黒百合と影, but メメント・モリ has a special place in my heart, since they were like one of the first Vkei bands I really got into other than DIV and A(エース)

  7. That moment when you haven't used your youtube channel to upload videos in years, and you still have that cringey channel trailer, and for some reason, have Quang Hai Tran as a featured channel?

    (Long story. I just really respected his work as an awkward teen obsessed with my Viet heritage.)

  8. I'm still baffled on how I got copyright striked on a クララ零式 video a few years ago. 

    Like, they're long disbanded, and I don't think they were ever even signed to a record label that cares anything about copyright. 


    1. BrenGun


      lol, yeah please do! 

    2. Himeaimichu


      I actually did notice around the same time, a lot of other Kurara videos were taken off of youtube. 

      My best guess: Mitsuki Sakai and/or Takemasa Kujou got salty lol

    3. BrenGun


      who knows.. you all could try again XD 

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  9. Issei from Dimlim is like the chemical element Sodium. Just like if you put water on Sodium, if you put Issei in a meme, he'll explode on you. 

    1. Komorebi


      I'm having a blast reading his shit lmao

    2. Himeaimichu


      The irony is, it'll inspire so many people to make memes of him even more, just to make him angry. It'll be so funny to see him react to all the dankness. 

      On another note.. if we get him to drink Chlorine bleach, does that turn him into Salt? lol. I mean, he's already pretty salty already lol

      Maybe the exploding of anger is a chemical reaction that turns Issei salty (ok, make me stop with the horrible chemistry jokes lol)

    3. Komorebi


      He's DM folder on twitter is open for trolling. Let's meme him to death

  10. I really want to attend the Kazu event... but I have no access to Japan.

    If anyone is able to, please tell me how it was. 

  11. Addiction from Grieva gives off vibes of their proto-band, Reload

  12. (CW: Crappy joke incoming) Don't you just hate it when people promote themselves? By the way, have you checked out D:[ab]-e? They're formed by vocalist Akusaki, Guitarist Ryohei and their promotion slave, Aimi. We have a single called SICK. Please check it out at [insert sketchy hyperlink here]. Please support out music and help me please I am legally a slave I do not get paid for this because we do not sell our music please send money im homless isleepinshinjukustationinthewomensbathroomhelpiambeingheldforransombytheyakuzapleasegetmeawayfromyayoi

    1. Himeaimichu


      Am I doing my job correctly, @sakurakurakura? lol

    2. sakurakurakura


      *inhale* and *exhale* BABY YUUNA

    3. Himeaimichu



  13. Wow. I usually shit on Yukika's singing ability (or lack thereof) but he actually sounds somewhat decent in his two solo projects. 

  14. Anyone know a site where I can get a "Naval Uniform", marketed as a male sailor uniform? Preferably in black. I'm trying to do a Seifuku cosplay at school for halloween and basically full on crossdress (without my mother knowing), but she won't let me buy actual girls' clothes, so I need the kind marketed as a male naval uniform

  15. While I'm excited for Karma's solo project, I hope it will be more than acoustic songs and ballads. I miss AvelCain's heavier stuff. 

  16. Kon and Kaie should bring back Geno. I miss the high energy music Geno made. 

  17. There needs to be more songs like "Sonzai" by Jakura. The mix of old school heavy metal (pre-NWOBHM metal, that is) with elements of general 90's Vkei. 

    1. Himeaimichu


      BTW, before anyone tries to cringe, I know the song was released in 2002. I'm just saying it sounds like old school Metal mixed with 90's Vkei

  18. I wonder if the ex members of Zi:Kill are looking at the current visualkei scene like "You young whipper snappers. Back when I was in a good band, we didn't disband at the drop of a hat, we'd just fire our drummers, continue to fight until we begin to almost hate eachother, then remember we have an audience in the UK to care about! Oh, and then we'd disband"

    1. Komorebi


      Holy shit, that was some crazy digging, thanks for the info.

    2. Himeaimichu


      ^^ Thank @sakurakurakura for 50% of the work on my end, since he knows more about rare bands than I do.

    3. sakurakurakura


      It was easy because I really like Yukino's era in Kneuklid Romance

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  19. Officially a premium member now!!~

    1. Himeaimichu


      It gets pretty easy if you're like me and my friends and half of what you do is roast Vkei guys xD

    2. Komorebi


      I roast them all the time, only in Spanish hahaha

    3. Himeaimichu


      Ah xD. For me, it helps that two of my friends run a VisualKei meme page on facebook (Japanese Man Lady Demons, if you've seen them), so we're always bouncing off ideas and jokes

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  20. I need more 八十八ヶ所巡礼 in my life. They're an amazing band that I've been neglecting for so long

    1. CAT5


      They should be pretty easy to get a hold of, but lemme know if you need help.

    2. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      welcome to the party!

    3. sakurakurakura
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  21. Ok, I'm back home and I can see the gifs in my signature again. It must've been the wifi on campus blocking imgur images

  22. I just noticed the gifs are gone from my signature. Does anyone else have this issue?

    1. Himeaimichu


      Update: It shows on my phone when using data, but not with Wifi, nor does it show up on my chromebook. I am in school right now and it could be that the links to the gifs are blocked

    2. Chi


      I can see the gifs in your signature.

    3. Himeaimichu


      Yeah, it's probably just the wifi where I'm at blocks the links, since my school's wifi blocks imgur, so therefore, the images don't show. 

  23. You know, GossiP just needs to abandon Yukika and Ains. Why? The Flyer Designer for Ains printed "AKASAKA BLITZ" as "AKASAKA BILTZ". *Facepalm*

    You only had one job, Yukika!

    1. IGM_Oficial


      I hope that no one notices the typo and the band keeps with it until releasing a live DVD with it on the name. It'd be awesome.

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      they already adressed it on twitter

    3. Takadanobabaalien


      apparently ains made the flyer without gossip knowing about it, so they got really happy when they presented the final flyer to them and they saw that they were going to do a one man there. they didnt even notice it at first but when they did they all burst out in laughter. 

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  24. I'm not gonna lie, I have a soft spot for Enka, Ryukoka, and Showa Pop


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