Best Overall Artist/Band: Jiluka. Everything they released this year was flawless (to me).
Best Album: Acid Blood Cherry and Pantheon -Part 1- (Matenrou Opera) take the crown this year. Gotcharocka's Screamy was also really good.
Best Single/Maxi-Single/EP: Jiluka - Xenomorphic. D's Orokashii Ryuu no Yume was also great and Do As Infinity released pretty solid singles.
Best Cover Art: I never really pay attention to those, but Grimoire's cover art for Uranometria alone makes me want to buy it.
Best Song: Ajna.
Best Look: D's dragon look is what I had been waiting for since 2014. No kidding.
Best Newcomer: Kizu. They are great on CDs and live.
Best Veteran: D and Mucc.
Best PV: I literally only saw like 3... Grimoire's PV for Frabjous Natch was entretaining to watch.
Saddest Disbandment: Yusai. I had high hopes for them. Ramiel also kinda hurt, they were nice live.
Most Overhyped Band: 0.1 no Gosan. They aren't that great imo.
Most Overhyped Release: Virge's first mini. Everyone was going nuts about it and I found it dissapointing. Their singles were better. Aiolin didn't live up to the standards either.
Most Underhyped Band: Amabo needs more love, though all their releases being live limited doesn't help them AT ALL.
Most Underhyped Release: Can't think of one, really.
Most Disappointing Release: Maybe Keel's Shishi... I expected more. Aiolin's releases too.
Most Anticipated Release: Ajna. I actually looked at the PV several times, and I NEVER do that. I also ordered it with EMS cause I couldn't wait a month to get it.
Band that Changed their Sound for the Best: Definitely D
Band that Changed their Sound for the Worse: Probably NoGoD?
Band that you spent most of your money on in 2017: Jiluka and D, hands down. I don't want to count to check which one eins either because I'll get depressed.
What the hell were they thinking!? Award: That fairy-kei look D threw at us in may. I can't believe I have photos with them looking like that.
Best Revival/Returns: I don't follow such old bands, but probably the only one I'm interested in is Mary Rue, cause You <3