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Komorebi last won the day on July 11 2019

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About Komorebi

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    Busy enseing
  • Birthday July 1

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    Wherever there's wine.

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  1. My facial recognition habilities are SO BAD that I seriously used to mix Ruki and Uruha all the time when I got into tG like six years ago.

    1. nekkichi


      nnnn a good tip for gazette is comparing costume/hair choices, Ruki always gets special treatment, and the rest of band looks rly pale (and more or less same across diff. photoshoots) in comparison 

    2. Komorebi


      Well, it's been so long that I can tell them apart now XD but whenever I first get into a band there's always some members I have trouble telling apart from lol

    3. nekkichi


      I stopped bothering with yunger bandomen, at the disband to output ratio memorizing current gen of artists is just not worth the effort tbh (;____;')

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