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Komorebi last won the day on July 11 2019

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About Komorebi

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    Busy enseing
  • Birthday July 1

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    Wherever there's wine.

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  1. Am I the only one who finds Yuuki's voice kinda annoying?

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    2. Komorebi


      I can't overuse it, can I?


      I feel uncomfortable as a fujoshi who has watched gay porn. They make decent music, why ruin it with overdone vocals?

    3. YuyoDrift


      I don't know the answer to that.

      I don't think anyone knows the answer to that.

      Narcissism has run amuck perhaps?

    4. Elazmus


      Off-and-on annoying: [x]

      Bitch in heat: [x]


      But we all here understand that this is their whole persona yeah? Dude has a noticeably small range which (like other VK vocalists) leads to him singing either really throaty or nasally. He's like one of the 1000 who do it lmao but he doesn't seem to be able to "force" out a fake vibrato (like Saku from Gossip for ex.) so my GUESS would be that the exaggerated whining he finishes on was really what he did to give whatever clarity he could to the notes he can hit lol, it wasn't always so intense.. but like you can't backpedal on it after the whips are out, he's the #1 hit-it-from-behind boy forlifee



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