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About Euronymous

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    Sending People To Hell

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  1. so,even THOR is going to become a woman now.Doing shit with Muhammad no one dares to.it's just hollywood,ok...but,come on.

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    2. chemicalpictures


      I'll bite your bait, if you knew the source, freaking 80 years of comics, you would know that the power of Thor goes to person deemed worthy of holding the mjollnir. Jane foster was Thor in the comics, MCU will loosely adapt that storyline, and that's it. If anyone not male and blondes holding the mjollnir bothers you, I expect your outcry when Beta Ray Bill, a freaking alien lizard gets his chance, Vision, FREAKING SQUIRREL GIRL or even Captain America, that dude that couldn't be far away from being a god. Comparing it to actual nord legend makes absolutely no sense at all.


      Now this would be my answer if your question was legit, but that muhammad citation there is just proof that you wanna stir shit up using dumb arguments, so please do us all a favor dude...

    3. Euronymous


      @chemicalpictures  for me it's more of a question of cultural appropriation,than necessarily a concern with what is going to happen in the story/comics or not,i like marvel,however Thor wasn't created by marvel.It was inspired in the nordic God and even the name they took as well.Thor itself is a symbol of masculine power.So,making a female version of him doesn't seem right to me and to many.Imagine if they had a character called Jesus,buddha or even muhammad,clearly inspired by the original stories and all of a sudden they start commercializing a different/female version of it,many people wouldn't feel comfortable with that. You can get trigged seeing me getting trigged,that's ok,your insults represent nothing to me.We look both like crying babies now,if you feel like you have refuted what i said.My opinion on it remains the same.


      Futhermore,i cited Muhammad,because we all know what happens if anyone dares mockerying islamic stuff.Even for entertainment purposes.Different from christianity or the pagan beliefs.

    4. chemicalpictures


      Dude, it happens all. the. freaking. time. There is the source material and there is the adaptation of that material and all the lore it generated after. It's the same if Greeks were pissed with people creating material based on their mythology that is not faithfull to the core. Nordic Gods were adapted countless time before and I would bet money it didn't bother you before.


      Your claim of appropriation is baseless and you know it. If you had opposed ANY work inspired by nordic creed, It would be shallow but somewhat make sense, as some people don't like satirical works based on religion and I get it. But you are just opposing this idea of a woman handling the mjollnir, when alien lizard being worthy of it would be okay.


      Imagine if you knew that the new ruler of Asgard is a Lesbian Valkyrie...

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