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About Euronymous

  • Rank
    Sending People To Hell

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    Stop smoking

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  1. Just went to the doctor and it all occurred as expected: I'm fucked up. Also,all the money I was saving to buy a decent guitar, equipment and go on with my music course will be used to pay my exams to treat my stomach and lung problems because of fuckin nicotine and beer. Goddammit,I thought it would happen at my 60's.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. secret_no_03


      Did they examine your liver? That's usually hardest hit by binge drinking, but it can hurt your stomach too since drinking ANY alcohol will irritate and inflame the stomach lining. Hopefully you can get all fixed up. Apparently it's akin to GERD in that it'll eat away at the stomach lining as opposed to GERD eating away at the lining in the esophagus.

    3. Euronymous


      I'm yet to do the exams.and to be very honest im not that ready to live my life without my eventual escapism,but on other  hand i don't even care about the insane amount of money spent anymore,I just wanna get cured asap and move on. I learned the lesson.

    4. secret_no_03


      Well hopefully you'll heal, the money will come back around and you can get back on track. The important thing is that you learned your lesson, but sobriety (not sure if you're completely giving up drinking) is a long hard road, so good luck and best of luck to quit smoking because I hear that's a hell of a lot harder. 

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