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Posts posted by Tanishi

  1. 14 hours ago, platy said:

    The gallo and some other band(?) will be live in 14 hours



    It's on now. I'd be really grateful if someone could record this because it's peak internet time for me and it keeps timing out trying to record it.

    Edit: wait it says it's a gaming stream. Are they not actually gonna perform?!

  2. On 5/21/2019 at 10:39 PM, Anne Claire said:

    2) Merry Go Round - 幻覚α波

    This is a super good album and an interesting choice imo.

    Mine are:
    1. DEG - Uroboros
    2. Develop One's Faculties - Reincarnation

    3. MUCC - Kuchiki no Tou
    4. Luna Sea - Image
    5. Either Mother or Macabre, can't really decide.

  3. All the songs on this album are super fantastic except Fake which is still a good song. I can't decide between this and Image for my favourite LS album they're both about equal in greatness. But this band has one of the best discographies in visual kei so it can be hard do decide.

  4. 10 minutes ago, colorful人生 said:

    Thanks for catching that. Seems like it screwed that one up since it's actually 41 min. long. I'll re-download tomorrow at noon~ish when it's not peak streaming hours. 

    Quickly looking at some of the others they have some skips too. #01《寺子屋ツアー2020~配信編~》has skips at 10:01 and 10:36 just from the small parts I looked at. Something weird must be happening during the download process.

  5. 4 hours ago, saiko said:

    How much did they do?

    ¥3,950,784 according to playboard (but that's before youtube take their cut).

  6. So the two discs are the same set, but disc one has more video editing effects over it + lyrics and disc two has a 'documentary' that it just rawer footage of some of the songs? Am I missing something?

  7. It sounds really good to me. The Sokoninaru and Develop One’s Faculties comparisons are granted and I feel it would have felt really fresh if it were released a few years back before Develop One’s Faculties dropped Reincarnation. But in 2020 it can still be cool if they pull it off well and from the samples it looks like they have.

  8. Ah so it's about phones being bad. The low bitrate sound symbolises how by being addicted to our phones, we are experiencing a low bitrate version of life. This is very DEEP.


    Edit: but I guess me listening to this sample over and over shows that I'm still very hyped for this album.

  9. I somewhat want to support them still, even if the album is bad. I'll buy it if it's on ototoy but I'm not going to bother jumping through digital japanese hoops or pay heaps in shipping for it.

  10. Best Overall Artist/Band:

     - Baroque, Kaminari, Slothreat

    Best Album:

    - puer et puella (Baroque), Kaminari (Kaminari), Jingai Beyond (Nazare)

    Best Single/Maxi-Single/EP:

    - Rijin (Dimlim), Rongai na Ikimono to Shite (sukekiyo), Daybreak (Slothreat)

    Best Cover Art:

    - DEATHTOPIA (The Gallo), Allium (Slothreat), XANADA (Jiluka)

    Best Newcomer:

    - Slothreat, Nazare, Roman Kyuukou

    Best Veteran:

    - Baroque, Kaya, Leda

    Best PV:

    - Kuchinashi (Hector), Senshuu kara Cost Cut (Kaitou Sentai Nusumunjaa)

    Saddest Disbandment:

    - Kaminari, Lack-co, Janne da arc

    Most Overhyped Band:

    - Virge, Jiluka, Gulu gulu (only at this stage of their career)

    Most Overhyped Release:

    - Gracia (Virge), Watashi no warui kuse (Virge)

    Most Underhyped Band:

    - Baroque, Kaminari, Kaijin Nijuumensou

    Most Anticipated Release:

    - Rijin (Dimlim), Kidoairaku (Dimlim), Higyakushoku no Shuuen (La'veil MizeriA)

    Band that you spent most of your money on in 2019:

    - Develop One’s Faculties, Dimlim

    What the hell were they thinking!? Award:

    - Mamo selling his nail clippings/hair for girls to eat, Yoshiki’s antics, Lin(Nocturnal Bloodlust)’s weed arrest.

    Best Revival/Returns:

    - Leda

  11. These impressions are often way different to the end result. I remember when sukekiyo first started some japanese fans were saying their sound was similar to gauze. Still holding hope for now.

  12. They've finally put it on their official site, the first six tracks are rerecorded. Very nice.




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