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Everything posted by ArtFart

  1. ArtFart

    I love my new job and all, but they have messed up paying me 3-4 times now..... I was supposed to FINALLY get direct deposit yesterday, which I kinda need right now, but nope.....
  2. ArtFart

    It wasn't a bad movie yeah, but it was frustrating more so because of how long it took for them to actually explore their options as far as staying alive goes. It also seemed the main girl had a case of blonde horror movie protagonist... I enjoyed the movie... the characters choices just really frustrated me. (sorry if this makes zero sense. I just woke up from like 5 hours of sleep when I wrote this lol)
  3. ArtFart

    I watched It Follows.... it was a very frustrating movie about a friggin STD ghost that walk hunts you and you basically get rid of it by having sex with someone.
  4. ArtFart

    Ive waited 100 years....
  5. ArtFart

    I never realized that the weird actress neighbors in Coraline either did burlesque shows or were pornstars lol
  6. ArtFart

    Do people still think levan polka (polkka) is a vocaloid song?
  7. ArtFart

    I can supply a link to the thread if you REALLY wanna see lol That would've been better lol
  8. ArtFart

    Was scrolling through a drama forum... clicked on a censored pic before reading the text... accidentally saw Yohio's penis... great... excuse me while I go find some brain bleach.
  9. ArtFart

    Animal abuse is terrible. Just because it's a baby hitting the dog doesn't make it ok. ALSO JUST BECAUSE THE DOG IS WAGGING ITS TAIL DOESNT MEAN THE DOG IS OK. TAIL WAGGING DOES NOT MEAN HAPPY ALL THE TIME.
  10. ArtFart

    Getting a job at a bakery was a mistake.... I'm going to go into a sugar coma.
  11. ArtFart

    Went to see this band called The Coathangers with my mom and her cousin last night. They were pretty good and I actually got to meet and hang out with all of them and help them pack up their equipment lol small bands are the best cause you can get way more personal with them!
  12. ArtFart

    You're 16 years old and bragging about chugging vodka... lol wow so mature!
  13. ArtFart

    I can't believe there are people out there thinking really popular FF songs are from minecraft animations.... the animator even credits where the songs come from lol
  14. ArtFart

    Life may be odd right now, but at least I look cute... even in low quality lol
  15. ArtFart

    I am living for these two right now.
  16. ArtFart

    Tfw when you feel like throwing up anytime you go outside for like a week now. Also when you drink even though you are on a new medication because some major areas of life suck right now lol I'm a major light weight apparently.
  17. OH GOLLY GEE! Guess who gets to worry because their family may be in actual danger cause their soon to be ex step dad is a total psycho! This is like the only place I can vent about this too cause I'm nervous about him finding my other stuff and using it to gather info to hurt my family.

    Im SO HAPPY I get to have the constant nagging anxiety about my mom potentially being killed or beaten up again.

    Hopefully he will calm down and not do anything stupid that will prevent him from ever seeing his son again. Thankfully his truck is shit too and they are a bit away from him now.

    1. nekkichi


      holy shit, take care 


      psychotic old men are something else entirely, I hope your fam gets a restraining order, I'm praying that your mom upgrades her taste in stepdads!!!!

    2. Zeus


      do what you need to

    3. platy


      I've been through the same. This month I can finally rest my mind because my psycho ex-stepdad is moving country. 

      Stay safe and try take care of yourself, this shit can wreck your mind and consequently your physical health if you don't. 

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  18. ArtFart

    Me before going to icecream shop: Ok... I have to think of a way to ask for lactose free items without sounding like that idiot going to an icecream shop that is lactose intolerant.... even though I am.... Me at the icecream shop: Do you guys have anything like WITHOUT icecream? ...gg
  19. Thank you, middle of the US weather. I just LOVE having blood red dry skin from all this heat. At least you are giving me wine today. You've also been pretty consistent so far this month... for once... good job~

    1. ArtFart



  20. ArtFart

    A hot water nymph AND adorable penguin bird people... I'm ready, game.
  21. ArtFart

    Ohhhhhh the nostalgia lol
  22. ArtFart

    IM GONE IM OUT IM NEVER GOING BACK~~ Today was my last day at my old job and I already feel so completely different not having to work there anymore. I feel way way more free.... although I have not received a call yet from what is SUPPOSED to be my new employer... they said they were offering me the job sooo.... they were supposed to call me today haha... guess I'll call them tomorrow. Even if they do end up screwing me over by telling me I don't have a job there anymore, even though they said I did, I'm not going back to my old job... no way.
  23. ArtFart

    Your dog literally bit my leg and broke the skin.... but you call back to say he is traumatized and we hurt him cause he has pimples on his legs that you think are abrasions and he rubbed his neck a bit too much thrashing around in his leash???? Lady... my leg is swelling and bruised because your dog bit me.
  24. ArtFart

  25. ArtFart

    My hair is gone and I want to buy more clothes. Please send help.
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