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Everything posted by ArtFart

  1. ArtFart

    I CANNOT believe I really just got into an argument with a bunch of white girls from England about how the N word is not about them, so just because they think it's funny means they can use it as a casual cuss word. LIKE WHAT YOU GUYS LTERALLY HAD A PERSON THAT THAT WORD WOULD APPLY TO STEP IN AND SHOW THAT THEY DONT LIKE IT BEING USED THAT LOOSELY AND YOU ARE STILL LIKE NAH ITS OK?????
  2. ArtFart

    "If you knew the history of VK then you would understand why people are obsessed with the gazette" "If the gazette never existed mejibray wouldn't exist" HA
  3. ArtFart

    I think a lot of people I talk to in person think I'm slow or maybe slightly special needs, but in reality I just have ZERO idea how to talk to people.
  4. ArtFart

    They already made a whole new generation of teens think Heathers is completely different than what it really is with that god awful musical, but now they are redoing the movie to be even MORE different??? Why?
  5. ArtFart

    Why did Netflix and Square Enix even bother to keep this series set in FFXIV 2.0 when there are so many things that you can see from Heavensward, including a friggin Astologian....
  6. ArtFart

    New glasses who dis?
  7. ArtFart

    I have to copy an old master drawing for my figure drawing class... and I am in shading hell.... and can't draw eyes or hands.....
  8. ArtFart

    No, but at least you will have more chances to be alone and not around people who make you want to become a serial killer all the time.
  9. ArtFart

    (edit cause I don't know I'm insane at this point and completely read something way wrong I'm so sorry) I wish.
  10. ArtFart

    What the actual hell? I got my ER bill today, and the room I stayed in for 2 hours AT MAX cost $900... really?? The actual bill for the doctor only cost $183, but the room I was in, and didn't even use all the equipment in there, was $900?? The whole bill came out to be $2,613 because I had a CT scan done on my head, which cost $1,523. THANK GOD IM ON MY DAD'S INSURANCE.... now I only owe $150... I'm one of the more lucky people.
  11. My dog I've had since I was 7 years old died. The part that gets me the most is hearing about how upset my other dogs are about it..... This is a great thing to come home from work to.

  12. ArtFart

    Apparently people thought it would be a good idea to put sunscreen in their eyes for the eclipse.... why is my country full of idiots??
  13. ArtFart

    It's no longer just a slight astigmatism in my right eye, but is now an astigmatism in BOTH eyes. That only took a year too hahaha my eyes suck.
  14. ArtFart

    On the bright side of things, my city was in one of the 100% visibility areas for the eclipse, and my general manager wants to make me one of the closing managers when I get the hang of ordering items for the customers.
  15. ArtFart

    LOL oops! Most of the stuff I shared on here was from my twitter or tumblr, which are both gone now for privacy reasons, but I made new ones... basically just added THE in front of everything now. So, it's TheArtsyFartsyMolly on just about everywhere now lol Here are some new things and styles I've been messing with lately.
  16. ArtFart

    My next semester starts in less than a week and I still havnt looked up where exactly my classes are.... haha.... I get to learn about a bunch of computer shit this semester.
  17. ArtFart

    Just started Ever Oasis and I'm really enjoying it! It's absolutely adorable and a fun mesh of a bunch of different genres all rolled into one. The only problems I'm having with it is the way they have managing gear set up... it's a little confusing at first.
  18. ArtFart

    You know you go to Taco Bell too much when the employees recognize you and start to speak to you in an informal manner... this has happened before, just with some old employees who no longer work there. Now all the new employees know me...
  19. ArtFart

    Have a little art dump I suppose.
  20. ArtFart

    I legit almost cried. The quality sounds like it could be from an old sega genesis game. Everything about this is amazing.
  21. ArtFart

    Get out of my face if you dont like Frog.
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