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Everything posted by ArtFart

  1. ArtFart

    I have a lot of family pets in various houses, so I'll just show the ones at my most recent homes! To start off, I'll show my boyfriend's cats! This fatty right here is Minky! She likes to meow a LOT and get all up in your personal space... only if she trusts you though. I have a LOT of sleepy pictures of her lol This sassy cat is Pretty! She is Minky's sister... but she isn't fat lol Now for my grandparent's cat! This is Eve! She is really kind of... crazy. I still love her and she has a love hate relationship with me! She is a lot fatter than she looks too... like her belly sags sooooooo much when she is standing lol
  2. ArtFart

    I should not be allowed to look at my old posts on here..... I will cringe myself into oblivion.
  3. ArtFart

    I felt pretty today... also it was really bright out lol
  4. ArtFart

    Why is the sun a thing? Why is it like 10x brighter here????
  5. ArtFart

    Kinda proud of this sketch I did to help me get back in the flow of things after moving, so I'll share it here! Undyne from Undertale.
  6. ArtFart

    Ah thank you both! Yeah I try not to get too fancy with my stuff since it's more fun for me this way. My style is still a work I. Progress though, so it's probably gonna change a lot this year like it did last year lol
  7. ArtFart

    Hey so, my username is actually a short version of my screen name for all my other social medias where I post my doodles! You can find me about anywhere as ArtsyFartsyMolly! I'll just be posting my best doodles that I'm really proud of here! Here are some doodles in my more melty/flowy stlye. Tetra from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Toriel from Undertale. Marina from Animal Crossing Here are some of my more ah I guess choppy sketches? Ezel Berbier from Final Fantasy: Tactics Advance. The let's player Lucahjin. (FUN FACT!! She actually used one of my old god awful doodles as her profile pic on youtube for a while and is using one of my doodles as her donation button on twitch.) A Summoner class Viera from Final Fantasy: Tactics Advance that I tried to sketch earlier today. I've been stuck in a bit of an art block lately.
  8. ArtFart

    I just watched X-Men: Apocalypse! Ahaha I'm sad now!
  9. ArtFart

    Why must I be cursed to see this disgrace to my favorite game again?
  10. ArtFart

    Why are allergies a thing?
  11. What's on my mind? Well my roommates dog pooped on my new koalafied bag that I posted in the what I just bought thread! We were driving too so we had to pull over!

    1. Jun_


      Just breathe, don't kill the doG DON'T DO ANYTHING TO THE FREAKING DOG E___E lawl

    2. ArtFart


      I didn't xD he just has to sit in the back of the car now with our friend's dog who he HATES lol so much irritated little dog growling!

    3. Jun_


      You're with that "Reveeeeeeenge!!!!!!!!!" face rn, aren't you?.......XDD

  12. ArtFart

    Ah thank you :w:
  13. ArtFart

    Lol hey! Ive been waiting for you're response as soon as I posted lol xD Thank you!
  14. ArtFart

    Thank you xD
  15. ArtFart

  16. ArtFart

    Thank you! The picture does it zero justice lol
  17. ArtFart

    I can somewhat understand why the band's wouldn't want people to record their lives but taking pictures is different. A few pics with them hardly in it will not at all take any hits to their or the company's wallets. People will still pay for good quality photos of the band. The same can be said for footage of the concert, but I understand not wanting that more so than the pictures being taken. In the end though it is the band's rules, even if they can be stupid or weird, so it's probably a good idea to try to follow the rules.... It's not really the end of the world if you don't though.
  18. ArtFart

    First pic of me on this account! It has been almost two years since I have spammed this place with my face. I can't believe scientists finally figured out how to make Pokemon become a reality!
  19. ArtFart

    I'm hardly OG lol but thanks!
  20. ArtFart

    Not the best pic since I'm kinda in a car, but I am for sure bringing this tote bag to my next job interview lol
  21. ArtFart

  22. ArtFart

    Thank you~ Heyo! Thank you!
  23. ArtFart

    Thanks! Hey! Nothing much! What's up with you?
  24. ArtFart

    Yeah, I had made it so you guys could guess at first, but I decided to just go back and edit in who I am lol But yeah, hey! How go things since I've been gone?
  25. ArtFart

    Hey, so new username and new account since I deleted my old one, but guess who has decided to come back. Ito probably already knows who this is, so his guess doesn't count! I shall give you a hint! It's been almost two years and my name begins with an M! It's Mollymouse or mousey or whatever I had as my username... sup? It's been a bit. btw I literally made this account a couple houra ago and have to be on mobile, so I havnt done hardly anything to my account yet.
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