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    itsukoii reacted to Euronymous in Deviloof   
    holyshit!! sound as good as deviloof,thank u ...i think we all should look forward more All Must Die stuff on net
  2. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from freesia in Deviloof   
    Baby Don't Cry is the only song released (as far as i'm aware. i couldn't find anything else online, no information, nothing) by All Must Die, the previous band of keisuke, daiki and hiroto. i love this song, i think it's cool they're bringing it back
    anyways, as always, i'm keeping my eyes peeled for info on the full album just like the rest of you. i get giddy just thinking about it ;o;
    i'm really hoping it'll include more unreleased or new stuff, though. i hope they don't put any songs off of Purge in there, that'd be... a waste ://
  3. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Euronymous in Deviloof   
    absolutely killer setlist.i wonder if this new  S.E is the one which is gonna open the full album
    and there's a suicide silence cover.i'm not a big fan of SS but i have one cd of them and it's awesome
    i'm really curious about this cover and the song "baby don't cry",is it a ballad? XDD (Joke)

  4. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Aferni in Least favourite songs/releases by your favourite artists   
    造花とカラシニコフ was the only good track on this release tbh.
    I absolutely love THE BLACK SWAN but I just can't enjoy ETERNAL SLEEP
  5. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in random thoughts thread   
    i don't need nobody else, i'm happy being kawaii on my own!
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    itsukoii got a reaction from suji in random thoughts thread   
    i don't need nobody else, i'm happy being kawaii on my own!
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    itsukoii reacted to suji in random thoughts thread   
    i am so kawaii 💕💕💕💕
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    itsukoii reacted to Mamo in "Hypocricy" in the music taste of some j-rock listeners.   
    I think I 'd like to point out something everyone here has seem to have overlooked. This is a Japanese music forum correct? Could this be a reason for the preferences and biases mentioned in this thread? Also from my personal experience American's tend to do the same with music of other languages and almost seem to only enjoy a band if they speak English but as mentioned here perhaps that in itself is also merely a  "phonetic" preference on their part. But let's assume we were on an American music forum. Would you not expect the same type of biases? 
  9. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Kaleidoscope in "Hypocricy" in the music taste of some j-rock listeners.   
    I agree with everything that has been said about the language of the music, but I also think that the image of the band plays a huge role. If band A and band B both play similar music in style in quality, but band B has an amateur-ish look/a terrible band logo/lame cover artworks, whereas band A has a great look/great artworks/seems professional (which is all subjective of course), a lot of people would say band A is better. I don't know why some people have a problem admitting it, but for me the whole image of a band plays a large role and influences the way in which I enjoy or don't enjoy their music - this applies to VK as well as pretty much any other genre or style imaginable. Aesthetics are just something a lot of people look for when it comes to any form of art. Even scenes  like the metal scene who often claim they don't are about appearances suddenly care a lot if a metal band doesn't fit the visuals a band in this genre is supposed to have.
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    itsukoii reacted to CAT5 in "Hypocricy" in the music taste of some j-rock listeners.   
    Agreeing with @Biopandaand @fitear1590 - Phonetically, Japanese has always resonated with me for whatever reason. I may sound like a helpless weeb saying this (and I am =P), but it never really sounded "foreign" to my ears. I've always found the language beautiful and smooth, whereas hearing other languages sung was initially jarring for me, and required time for me to really get used to them, if at all.
    As for the OP -  I definitely think it's interesting to discuss these patterns, but I'm not sure if "hypocrisy" has any bearing in regards to music appreciation (and you probably already understand this with your use of quotations in the title). I say that because you need some kind of static, objective reference to discern if something is hypocritical or not, and music appreciation is far too ambiguous for a judgment like "hypocrisy" to be applied, let alone relevant. 
  11. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from Hakari in "Hypocricy" in the music taste of some j-rock listeners.   
    deviloof or die!11!!!
    Cheers. pt 2
  12. Like
    itsukoii reacted to fitear1590 in "Hypocricy" in the music taste of some j-rock listeners.   
    This af.

    I'm not denying the OP's observations about a certain bias some fans may have, but at the same time, I think a lot of people downplay the uniqueness of different languages themselves. When it comes down to it, it's extremely difficult to find bands singing in different languages that actually manage to "sound" like each other. Even if a German-language band existed that sounded, musically, exactly like THE NOVEMBERS or something, I highly doubt I'd ever enjoy listening to them as much as Japanese NOVEMBERS, just from a phonetic standpoint. And this is coming from someone who studies/teaches/otherwise loves German.

    But there's all kinds of biases. There's fans that never go beyond English-language or Anglo/European music. There's Japanese music fans that don't dare touch VK, because it would ruin their cred. There's VK fans who put the blinders on to any other scene or country's music.
  13. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Biopanda in "Hypocricy" in the music taste of some j-rock listeners.   
    Or maybe, just maybe, they just happen to prefer how it sounds? Of course I'm only speaking for myself here, but I'm really big on vocals... not only in the quality/talent but the general "sound". If you gave me the same song with an English-speaking native singing in English and a Japanese-speaking native singing in Japanese, I'd almost always choose the latter. I find that Japanese just sounds more pleasing and flows better to me (likely due to the consonant-to-vowel ratio) than the harsher sounds of a Germanic language, for example.
    Cheers m8
  14. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Biopanda in "Hypocricy" in the music taste of some j-rock listeners.   
    glorious nihonjin make ongaku better than white devils
  15. Like
    itsukoii reacted to herpes in "Hypocricy" in the music taste of some j-rock listeners.   
    hope you're prepared for the usual stale arguments of
    i don't understand the language which means its better because western lyrics are usually bad!! glorious nihonjin make ongaku better than white devils something about not being mainstream  
    also cheers
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    itsukoii got a reaction from suji in "Hypocricy" in the music taste of some j-rock listeners.   
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    itsukoii reacted to emmny in "Hypocricy" in the music taste of some j-rock listeners.   
    cheers to you spilling some tea (your argument is leveraged toward an audience who probably doesn't care to acknowledge their own biases i mean how many intelligent nokubura and deviloof stans are on here tho)
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    itsukoii reacted to Chi in "Hypocricy" in the music taste of some j-rock listeners.   
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    itsukoii reacted to suji in "Hypocricy" in the music taste of some j-rock listeners.   
  21. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from suji in Maria Cross's gay porn video   
    yeah i've noticed that most vk-related pr0n is AV unfortunately, besides sola and maria cross. at least as far as i'm aware.
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    itsukoii reacted to Pretsy in Maria Cross's gay porn video   
    There should not be any dispute about VK bandomen being associated with these porn circles or not since it's rather obvious that they ARE in fact very close with certain agencies, industries etc. Come to think of this example: what the heck is that IV fuccboi (?) from ViViD doing nowadays? He would be cashing in some serious ¥¥¥¥¥ in COAT-WEST and whatnot if you guys get what Imma saying, huh (AFAIK a lot of you actually share my sentiments about him, no homo no hetero)?
    Kinda validates my statements in regards to how e.g. idol group scene kinda double-standardizes the image of "innocence" with various figures being involved in gravure, even hardcore porn as we speak (e.g. Kamen Joshi).
    God bless this decadent sub-culture. We are all doomed, folks.
  23. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from suji in Maria Cross's gay porn video   
    ,,,ngl i'm surprised more bandomen aren't doing gay for pay. the only one i can think of is sola from superboys
  24. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Ro plz in Opinions on YOHIO's Together We Stand Alone album?   
    Even though i do find that one DISREIGN sign boss, i vote we blacklist Western v-kei bands (or as i like to call em: Swed-kei) from discussion here lmao
    Or black listing YOHIO in general would suffice. 

  25. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from Euronymous in Deviloof   
    deviloof are the epitome of orgasm kei
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