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Status Updates posted by itsukoii

  1. i'll never get over ryuya leaving. hope he stays safe.

  2. who needs responsibilities when you can marathon Hotter Than My Daughter?

  3. hiyuu's lip ring is gone and yuuki's eyebrows went with it


  4. i'm actually getting homework done for once. GO ME

  5. tfw a band member finally adds that dreaded "ex." to his bio n removes the band name from his name,,,,


    step 1: lie down

    step 2: try not to cry

    step 3: cry a lot

  6. how about someone buys the $118 gazette live dvd from cdjapan and just gives me all of the bonuses


    deal? deal

  7. good morning merry christmas

  8. yokuso by mejibray is so good thx for my life

  9. got a CDJapan cart open at a total of $211.82 because i hate myself

  10. i've changed my pfp for the first time since i've signed up for this forum...


    EVERYTHING FEELS OFF... but since hiyuu's back and there's a chance of ryuya disappearing i think it's appropriate

  11. this is the worst news i've heard in a long time. good luck and try to stay safe my american bros, despite all that's going on ♡

  12. does anyone know an android alternative for itunes?? i'm getting tired of manually transferring my files. what i'd like is a music player app for my phone that has a matching, downloadable computer program that can sync music as well as play it.

    in short: what itunes was capable of doing, but for android.

    thanks in advance!!

  13. would you look at that,,,

    happy one year anniversary of liking visual kei to my fetus ass !!!🎁🎉🎈

  14. just ordered all three types of initial'L's single


    why am i like this

  15. sick.'s mini album is giving me that core extraness that i've been NEEDING

  16. happy birthday sei-tan christ!!

  17. when i die,


    bury me with my cheki........ please,

  18. feel the love ;>

  19. i wonder if akinori and the dude from HNIB that got arrested are jail cell buddies

  20. only day 3 of my vacation and my face is burnt and blistered. haha wear sunscreen kids

  21. that feeling when ur fave joins a new band after departing from another & has been quiet for 4 months 🙏🙏🙏

  22. BLACK SUGAR & CIGARETTE by ゴシップ has to be my new favourite song


    swing/jazz-kei is ALIVE

  23. dexcore holy SHIT



  24. very much in the mood for that baby band アンダルシア to release some new music. they've got potential for shit kei lovers such as myself

  25. finally getting my braces off today, oh my goodness

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