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Everything posted by platy

  1. March has been a very plentiful month for VK listeners. I will miss it </3

    1. Mamo


      I don't get it. 


    2. platy


      @sume7there was a release for almost everyday of the month 

  2. platy

    From the series: Synthesizers go insane
  3. platy

    aw yeah, moving away from the fucboi party monster look. Hopefully this is good news.
  4. platy

    Suspicious.... Welcome.
  5. platy

    I haven't had a pet for yeaaaars but after moving in with my house mates, one of them has a springer spaniel, so I had to get used to having dogs again. She goes crazy if I get an empty tube and put it over my mouth (like when you use all of the toilet paper and there's only the cardboard tube left). She barks non stop after she sneezes, like she's offended by the sneeze. She runs diagonally. She hates baths yet loves swimming. After the bath she runs in circles and aggressively rubs herself into her bed. She also loves it when I give her tissues so she can rip it and leave a mess for us to clean. Sometimes she barks at nothing for ages, you tell her to shut up and she'll look at you sideways and open her mouth a little bit to say 'I'm gonna do it!!' it drives me crazy but I love her. Also when we take her out for walks she gets so excited that she takes the leash in her mouth and pretends she is in control. Pic below When she's bored she will look at me in weird ways
  6. platy

    I'm shocked Miyavi hasn't shown up here. So... Miyavi.
  7. platy

    The music itself is awesome, shame I can't stand it when a singer vomits on the mic for too long.
  8. platy

    Very surprising that they're still going. They've had a long career, so it's about time.
  9. That beginning is all over the place lol Not bad, better than what they've put out so far.
  10. I never imagined I'd grieve the end of Femme Fatale, but here we are.

    Guess I should finally give Kaya a try 

  11. platy

    You can get offbrand stuff from tabao stores (need a shopping agent) it's cheaper and there's lots of replicas from established brands. But also materials will be cheaper too. Most lolitas get by from buying 2nd hand stuff from facebook groups btw. Bodyline is good for accessories (shoes, stockings) but most of their dresses are disgusting so I wouldn't recommend. Many shops cater to western sizes too, so not only petite women can wear lolita, its more universal. If you don't like dresses, look into Ouji fashion. It's like, more masculine frilly stuff.
  12. platy

    Kazuki looks drunk af
  13. platy

    I love how my house mates enjoy being loud until 5am then sleep all day, while I have to deal with getting no sleep coz of them and still have to get up early to be a productive member of society. (: (:
  14. platy

    2017 trends - ''syndrome'' ''mysterious'' hide all faces they sound okay
  15. Does anyone remember that guy 'Jondesu' on last.fm who updated pretty much every single visual kei band on that website?

    I remember him already being active in 2008 and he was still updating band's looks 'till last year.

    Has the legend finally died?

    1. platy


      never though I'd see lupo label and prolapse licking  and snakes in  the same situation

    2. Licio123


      there are so many "philia" and "phagia" I didn't even knew existed (Junna is culture)

    3. Biopanda


      Everyone is Gay

    4. Show next comments  240 more
  16. platy

    Your animal stuff is on point. (specially the bread wolf ) but your human stuff needs work. The face anatomy is completely disproportional, where the nose takes up most of the face and the eyes are too high up in the skull. You've got amazing color skills going for you, so just going over some basic anatomy and structure would take your work to another level. (more bread wolf also pls)
  17. platy

    My mom only posts stuff about good vibes and my grandma (who learned to use it recently after 63 years of tech illiteracy) posts stuff about the war against the devil, Jesus wanting to enter your house "type amen and like if you want jesus in your house" it's actually quite funny, she posts a lot of stuff about farms and animals, so I keep an eye out for that. Overall my family doesn't bother me on social media, but I do refrain from sharing certain things like LGBT comics or images etc. coz I can't be fucked with internet rage. I have a friend who has his whole family on his FB (mom, grandma and aunties included) and he openly likes and shares anime tits and lewdness without his family giving a fuck... it's weird.
  18. platy

    xaa xaa new album and GRIMOIRE's new single. Hopefully not my only buy of 2017
  19. Just search 'rei kuromiya ladybaby' and some links will show up. Basically she has been doing gravure modelling since she was a child, aka, taking extremely suggestive pictures in bikinis since she was 7yrs old (that's what it looks like) coz her parents wanted to make money off her or something. Dodgy as fuck
  20. platy

    but i HAVE been listening to vk for ten years and my favorite bands ARE MALISEND, xaax, BFN and gazette and SID and A9 and Royz
  21. platy

    It's a music forum where we follow 40 year old badly behaved drag queens (jk) just have fun with it! Usually you can tell when someone is being serious here. Even then, you can just ignore them.
  22. platy

    Dude, chill out. You don't need to take everyone's comments so seriously. Keep in mind most people on this site are jokers, petty or trolls so we make fun of yohio coz he's an easy target for lulz. We're not running at you with pitchforks, so no need to keep apologising. Everyone makes posts they regret, just move on and keep interacting.
  23. platy

    Recycling in vk is strong
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