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Posts posted by IGM_Oficial

  1. I think that some people already know it, but, since I didn't saw anyone talking about it, here I go.

    I just found a thing on Mediena's website. The title tag of the image file of the cover of "Shion" is "AMWK-010_CD-disc".

    That's very strange, since "AMWK-010" is the code for the CD-shop version of Gossip's "Psycho-pas$". And it's on a Mediena release cover art.



  2. Wait, WAIT

    Looks like there are two bands here, fesFE[M] and FE (open bracket) S (closed bracket) fem, each one with their own style.

    Each of those music videos are from a band.


    Also, both bands share two members, Lion and XenoP.


    The other bands of FE (open bracket) S (closed bracket) fem are Naoya, Daiki and Take.

  3. On 24/12/2016 at 8:58 PM, jon_jonz said:

    No, it's not. This one is outdated already, from earlier this month. This is the new look for Memento:




    Oh, didn't see it. The visuals of their site aren't updated frequently and I haven't checked Twitter recently.

    Also, this look makes me wonder what type of music the single will have. I'm curious.


    Thanks for notifying me!

  4. 2 hours ago, Nisshoku said:

    They get compared to each other? I like both but I don't think they have so much in common beside the genre of music, shouts and so on. Both styles are different.


    Exactly. Not to mention that Nocturnal bloodlust is way bigger.

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