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Posts posted by anadentone

  1. I wanna buy some merch of these buys, particularly a shirt but I'm too fat for Japanese sizes 😢 Vk doesn''t have any 2xs :(

  2. Back in the day, there was the international channel that had their Asian block. Hey Hey Hey would air (sans Non Japanese artists) and  shows like Revolution which would air vk bands what appeared in Anime or was part of the Tofu records deal. Japanese releases of Seven and Boa (kpoppers) were on there, Orange Range, L~arc~en~ciel and TM revolution was heavily run on that show. From their forum, we learned about Limewire , Kazaa, and Frostwire for mp3 and day long to download PVs. From that came threads one Gaia and Myspace bulletins saying "OMG look at this weird shit!" and it being some DEG/Raphael vid. Mostly the un edited video for "Mazohyst of Decadence" was shown or some weirdo live vid of Mana/Gackt fanservice.

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