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Everything posted by anadentone

  1. anadentone

    ah thankies it just didn't show up on twitter for some reason XD
  2. anadentone

    but but but I love that group. I wish he'd say why besides just "personal reasons". Thats a very wide definition . I wonder what tanuki is saying about it. Also, did he delete his twitter account? I remember Shindy not having one, but I was sure the other 4 did.
  3. anadentone

    Turns out former lead singer of LOG, Vambi is doing some weird shit on youtube. I don't know if he's reviewing or doing challenges or what since I have no idea what he's saying but it's something funny to watch The Vambi's YT channel I think his real name is kajika cuz it's in his gmail name.
  4. anadentone

    yes XD I mean its not his part time job or some 50 shades of grey deal
  5. anadentone

    from what the rumors are saying: Mana and Gackt no longer got along. Gackt acted like the band couldn't survive without him and got all big headed. Also the rumor was that gackt stole Yu-ki/Mana's songs and claimed them as his own in his debut cd. Kami died of brain hemmoraging. Klaha dealt with some depression or mental health issue, went to a psych ward-type place, recovered and now having a regular job *shrugs* Gackt got all big headed and hated to share the spotlight with Mana (rumor) Mana's too fabulous to be Dada's son. Kaya and mana are twins (jk)
  6. totes adorbs <3 I dunno why I thought they disbanded O.o
  7. anadentone

    2 nudies nsfw Miku's nude- someone was nyappy *bum bum tiss* 8D
  8. anadentone

    wow I'm curious about them now. How old is that cd? How long did the band last?
  9. anadentone

    what happened with Gallo? danchou has a sex tape out. Not much to see tho.
  10. anadentone

    ooh another one I remember. Rui from screw quiting Screw to retire/become a jewelry designer/ solo folk singer or some crap
  11. anadentone

    A mini wtf: wtf happened to DIV? They went from well their style to EDM O_o Born breaking up= did not see that coming T_T Oh Japan throwing a hissy fit about r-shitei performing being scary when so many others played the same venue who were just as scary O.o
  12. anadentone

    ya mean the drummer formerly from The Black Cat? (rumor mill seems to be all drummers are into younger women.
  13. anadentone

    this is more of a pet peeve of mine, well 2 of them 1. Someone leaves the group the joins another one. 2. Bands that break up and literally 2 months after the break up, most of the members are in another band. (Shounenki, the KIDDIE, etc) oh shit I forgot: the ViVid fiasco. Just why dude?
  14. anadentone

    Oh I forgot The KIDDIE becoming Guts & Blood or something metal sounding like that. daddydrama llama (Dadaroma)
  15. anadentone

    from weird videos, to breakups, to scandals ,to weird crap on tv shows, to music change, or to replacing with odd man out (member who just doesn't seem to fit) Whats the biggest wtf moments you know of? Mine: ~ San joining BFN. See also BFN getting a new guitarist instead of a drummer after Sala left. ~ Gackt going from sexy vampire to middle age homoeroctic stripper man ~ Lycaon breaking up (although I expected them to leave the label and/or manager I never thought they'd quit) ~ Death- Hide (X-Japan), Kami (Malice Mizer),Zill (moran), Kazuki (Raphael) ~ 2008, insert about 50 bands breaking up T_T ~ Cindykate forced to disband T_T ~ Dog in the PWO cos, I just dont understand them but love the music. ~ dude from D'espair ray in the same band as the guy from ACE.... I just dont :S
  16. anadentone

    TBS cuz of Kotetsu!!!! <3
  17. anadentone

    Oh I forgot Virgin by gotcharocka and there's a song by Vidoll or some ban Jui was in where he has an orgasmatic moan at the end for a minute or so.
  18. anadentone

    You know those songs: you listen to, headbang to it, dance to it,but then you find the translated lyrics of it and go =O Those dirty, naughty, 50 shades of vk songs. Do you know of any? An Cafe- natsu koi natsu Lycaon- Psychedelic Jelly The Gazette- Derangement Buck tick- sexual XXXXXX Screw- gather roses BORN-Satisfaction and thats all I can think of
  19. anadentone

    if there is, they must be destroyed
  20. anadentone

    sure cuties can participate
  21. Okie dokie people, whose your biases in cuteness and bias in badassery/sexiness? My imcomplete list of bias in cuteness: Hiyori-(Kiryu) : prettiest chan ever! Yui- (UNiTE): just that fawken adorable smile! Yume- (Codomo Dragon) : just a precious widdle cupcake Takashi- (Kameleo): he just looks so suspiciously innocent ViVi- (Moran) so pwetty MiA (Mejibray)- just ugh so beaut Shindy- (Anli Pollicino)- just so perf Koudai- (Royz)- surrounded by perverts, he still remain pure Kazi- (Fest Vainqueur) I just feel happier looking at him Jun- (Gotcharocka)- cray cray & soooo sweet Satoshi- (Lycaon)- thank you very much 8D Badassery of sexiness: Junji- (Kiryu): dem abs, dat smile 8D Akane- (D.I.D.) : his voice, his English, his sexibadasseriness Ryoga- (BORN): dude is cray cray on stage Drama Queen (Dadaroma) *forgot his name, lead singer* He's just one of those men you feared but respected,somehow Kuina (Royz)- boy's got a rep Satoshi (DIV)- our prince of darkness Hal (Fest Vainqueur) - he likes to perform all sexy like, boys got a dirty mind XD Die (Dir en grey) Kyo (Dir en grey) hell the whole band (Dir en grey) Shohei (Arlequin) just intimidatingly sexy Ichirou (Lycaon) drum me baby ;D
  22. anadentone

    I'm curious about Sala from BFN. I heard he retired but what is he doing now (working minimal wage job? bartending? teaching?)
  23. anadentone

    honestly uber kawaii from a "scary" jrock group is hard to find but The Gazette- ruder strikes me as kinda cute. Mainly cuz of Ruki's baby like smile/smirk
  24. anadentone

    so cute becomes "OMG SCARY"? what about bands that normally are spooky but have cutie vids
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