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Everything posted by anadentone

  1. anadentone

    the hook (if that's what it's called) sounds like ACE's Shangri La song . get about 1:30 and you'll hear it.
  2. anadentone

    soo the lead singer is the bastard love child of Meto (Mejibray) and What's his face from paradeis? The Rabbit is my worst nightmare (KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!) Nine is what would happen if you took Jin Machine's lead singer's look from Gorilla and mix it with Chamu (Codomo Dragon). The other guy looks normal af.
  3. anadentone

    and its so adorable
  4. anadentone

    I think they released an album since becoming A9
  5. anadentone

  6. anadentone

    I think some bands change their music, which is a double edge sword, it can scare away fans or make more people become fans. There was a time when some artist had so many news report of their new album/live then suddenly you go to their twitter and find out they had a new album that came out last month. Or the band will come out with a new single/album for what seems like 5 minutes after the last. I'm still shocked that Kameleo and Kiryu are coming out with a new album, seen like last week the last album came out.
  7. anadentone

    Have Daizystripper lost popularity? Their last album had only one release, I think
  8. anadentone

    Bands that were once hugely successful but over the months/years are losing popularity. Such as: Alice Nine/A9. I don't know wtf happened to them. Soo do you know of any bands?
  9. anadentone

    Mahiro looks hot in those pics Junji looks like he's forcing himself not to smile :S
  10. anadentone

    From the pic, I thought Gaku's hand was on Kazi's crotch
  11. anadentone

    down with PSC! Woot
  12. poison,poison,poison chocolate...QUIT BEING SO DAMN ADORABLE KEIYA!/

    1. Komorebi


      It's so catchy, I love it!

    2. anadentone


      gah ikr :D I don't even speak Japanese but i'll mumble the way thru it :

  13. hey Misaruka are you a math textbook? Cos you got a lot of fucking problems
  14. anadentone

    yaayyyy issei chan is okie dokie
  15. anadentone

    yay congrats you guys Hope you guys become bigger than the Gazette
  16. anadentone

    did they delete their twitter account? I can't find any on my twitter O.o I hope the don't disband
  17. anadentone

    =O wow I barely recognized them . Thanks ;D
  18. anadentone

    all I gotta say is 2016 sucks T_T I just want Akame to return soon. I miss his screams.
  19. anadentone

    whose those 2 guys arouNd sho (/show/shao w/e Name he's goiNg by) I didN't recoNize Nao from the first pic O.o
  20. GM died of heart failure, AlaN Thicke died of heart failure(?) so did PriNce? Whose Next cher? MadoNNa? (my N key oNly works oN this comp if the letter is capitalized, duNNo why)
  21. anadentone

    Kazami looks like he's trying to let out a fart O.o
  22. anadentone

    we're all in a dream, 2016 was just a dream. right? D;
  23. anadentone

    ah thank you Vambi kun is too frisky some days .
  24. anadentone

    from google translate he's getting surgery but it wouldn't take 7 minutes to say "I'm getting surgery done (cosmetic) From the looks of it, he got an owie on his nose D; What happened to baby Vambi-kun ?
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