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Everything posted by anadentone

  1. anadentone

    i use rocketplayer on mine. It reads Japanese or Korean stuff correctly. Not sure about equalizing but its good for my jams
  2. anadentone

    1. some band that I've never heard of will disband 2. someone will quit or get fired //for "anti social behavior" 3. shitty releases by bands i once liked 4. San being a new band again then disband and join another band 5. A9 broke up 6. drama llama 7. D.I.D either coming back with an album or disbanding 8. x japan breaks up and rejoins 9 my dora videos will either make me cringe or go "d'awww"
  3. sorry to hear about your grandpa's house :( Hope he's doing okie dokie

    1. Tokage


      Things are looking pretty damn bad at the moment :( but thanks, i appreciate it...

  4. Ugh the nerve of her character going up to another woman's man, flirting with him, giving stink eye to his wife and gah. Apparently, others don't like this ad either.
  5. I know of a few whom said they were leaving the biz but came back I know some might have came back for the money but I wonder if some left for personal reasons. Like SALA formerly from bfm, he left and came back this August (I just found out today)
  6. anadentone

    first thing I thought of was early An Cafe and Sug from the scheat days. Also I miss Shinpei's headphones Woulld Lolita 23q count?
  7. anadentone

    i wonder if the 5 other ppl were the guys in kiryu
  8. anadentone

    but if suicides not considered as taboo as it is in the west, why not say they've committed suicide. Maybe VK biz is as shifty as Hollywood.
  9. pretty kitty :3

    1. anadentone


      bgo on youtube and search pookie gibson & youll see some kittehs :D


      I wake up nice and warm cept during the summer when ill sweat to death xD

    2. aetarna


      fluffy kitties forever.  Petting the cat always helps me during crunch times xD


    3. anadentone



    4. Show next comments  96 more
  10. so they're doing like Fest Vainquer or like klaver (pre Kameleo) one leaves and they change their name and/or sound?
  11. anadentone

    I just hope they don't disband O.o anti-social act- dat muh faka twerked didn't he? T_T
  12. according to google translate, it started off as lyrics to death metal song and ended up sounding like some emo pop band song. So, yeah, down with the establishment! What happened btw?
  13. anadentone

    I thought Ice was planning to have band with keyboardist and/or do radio? Wasn't Toki suppose to be in a band? Hell even their fill in drummer got regular gig
  14. anadentone

    also arlequin : I liked their newer stuff but lately
  15. anadentone

    I mean their Politician are basically shitty 3 year olds
  16. what band is this guy im? I saw his group with kameleo. Anyway, he followed me back :D now im curious:o


  17. i just realize Jui & I are the same age (36..well Ill be ill be in a couple of weeks) I wonder if Jui found the fountain of youth
  18. Mikuru had those bambi eyes T_T rip Mikuru-chan
  19. anadentone

    so basically Sk is as bat shit as nk?
  20. I dunno why but this pic made me LOL. It's like those family photos where you just like "I hate this fucking family"
  21. I can't quit put my finger on it, but Hayato's hair looks familiar O.o
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