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    Licio123 reacted to Tokage in Horror Movies   
    Decided to check out Lake Mungo yesterday. Pretty interesting take on the ''faux documentary'' approach. The constant somber, dark atmosphere throughout was nice too. The whole supernatural aspect of the story didn't make very much sense anymore near the end, but there were some spooky elements.
  2. Like
    Licio123 reacted to doombox in While She Sleeps   
    LOL That's Loz, and that sounds about right for him. XD
    Also at the St. Pete show, Mat's guitar was not working so he had to borrow Crossfaith's. XD So I had a bit of a moment. lol

  3. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Bear in Horror Movies   
    That's what I thought, even though I thought it was supossed to be really fucking bloody and brutal.
    I won't say if The Canal is supernatural or not, because I'd say it would be a pretty big spoiler. Best thing is to just watch it.
    Yeah, check out A Field in England. But keep in mind that it's a trip. I've never tripped on anything before, but I imagine tripping on mushrooms or something would be much like watching this film. It'll be too slow and weird for most, but I'm under the impression that people who like slow and weird easily fall for the film.
    These two are great recommendations. I didn't think of romantic horror films.
    I'll also throw a few more romantic ones to the list, and as with my other post I'll focus on newer horror films:
    Låt den rätte komma in
    Retun of the Living Dead III
    Shaun of the Dead
    Bram Stoker's Dracula
    The Fly (1986)
    A Chinese Ghost Story (I-III)
    Some of these, like The Fly and Hellraiser, are bleak, gory and disgusting in a lovely way, but romantic nonetheless.
    And films like A Chinese Ghost Story is just comletely different than anything you've ever seen and will see again. Here and here you can read my thoughts on these fantastic films. These films are a mix of horror, wuxia (Chinese martial arts fantasy films) and romantic comedy. Quite unique, and they've got this amazing dream-like fairytale feeling to them that just drags you in. But the unique blend of genres can also be what turns people off big time. Not everyone is into wuxia and often people find it too god damn stupid. But these films are highly recommended, and I'd say A Chinese Ghost Story are among my favourite films and would be included on my top 10 horror films, top 10 martial arts/wuxia films and top 10 comedy films. What a film!
    However, if you feel adventurous and don't mind older films you could always try films like Bride of Frankenstein, The Mummy (1932), The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939), King Kong (1933) and more. But these might be too old for you, and a film like The Mummy, while incredible, is very slow. So yeah, not for everyone.
    But there shoul be something for everyone here. Heh.
  4. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Kira_Uchiha in While She Sleeps   
    Yuuuuussss, actually Trophies of Violence might be my favorite song from them *_*
    This song makes me want to go out and slap all my neighbours while running 10 laps around my city ._.
  5. Like
    Licio123 got a reaction from Kira_Uchiha in While She Sleeps   
    That said, Trophies of Violence and Be(lie)ve are awesome. Really good.
  6. Like
    Licio123 got a reaction from beni in Adobe confirms major Flash vulnerability, and the only way to protect yourself is to uninstall Flash   
    You guys can disable Flash following this guide
    Easier than installing it again later.
  7. Like
    Licio123 got a reaction from madygrain in Adobe confirms major Flash vulnerability, and the only way to protect yourself is to uninstall Flash   
    That's right. I also got a little confused. But it has happened before and many of us didn't even notice xD
    Better safe than sorry though!
  8. Like
    Licio123 reacted to madygrain in Adobe confirms major Flash vulnerability, and the only way to protect yourself is to uninstall Flash   
    the most shocking thing is the date of the article Licio kindly posted. Now I'm a bit confused.
    Edit: wait this happened last july as well? Jesus, Adobe wtf 
  9. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Kira_Uchiha in While She Sleeps   
    I can't believe there's no thread about them, this band is FREAKING AMAZING! One of the best in their genre  *__*




    Did you guys ever hear about them?
    What do you think about this band?

  10. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Kira_Uchiha in While She Sleeps   
    Well tbh I just find them so much better than most generic-core we get nowadays :'3
    The guitar riffs and the lyrics are really well written, with next to no chugging which is a nice change I think ^__^
  11. Like
    Licio123 got a reaction from Kira_Uchiha in While She Sleeps   
    Ya, I'm listening to them right now. They're good, but nothing out of the ordinary.
    Love Brainwashed though xD
  12. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Furik in Plastic Tree new album "剥製(hakusei)" release   
    Decided to give their newer albums a listen this morning before work.
    Holy crap, if their stuff after "cell." is anything remotely as solid as "ammonite", I have been depriving myself. I am loving "ammonite" so much. It might end up being my favorite album of theirs.
    I'll continue listening to their others works but i've also noticed something - this new album release is the longest they've gone releasing an album (if you don't want to count their mini-album 'echo'). Usually they release a new album every year or two.
  13. Like
    Licio123 reacted to saishuu in Plastic Tree new album "剥製(hakusei)" release   
    oops, I completely forgot about ammonite and Ink too lol hell, even Chandelier was good, although I wasn't a big fan of it when it came out.
    As far as albums go, though, Pura's been really solid for at least a decade now imo. Utsusemi and Donna Donna are my personal favorites and what I consider their second peak creatively, but I like all the others almost the same.
  14. Like
    Licio123 reacted to beni in Plastic Tree new album "剥製(hakusei)" release   
    YASSSSSSS!!! Been waiting for a new album from them for too long now. ;w;
  15. Like
    Licio123 reacted to peffy in グリーヴァ(Grieva) Gt.陽-Haru- & Dr.優冴-Yu-go- have been injured in traffic accident   
    Yu-go just tweeted 15 minutes ago
    "Haru & I will recover with some rest so we will be fine, don't worry."
  16. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Ro plz in Sadie will be on hiatus & new maxi single "Voyage" release   
    This couldn't be any farther from the truth. While it is true that many of their songs and albums are Dir en grey influenced(some borderline rip offs), they have a crap ton of material that's downright original. Master of Romance, Cold Blood, Gangsta, and hell, even Voyage are perfect examples of this.
    That Dir en grey copy band joke is so overplayed, it's not even chuckle worthy anymore. Granted I'm not a big fan of them but they clearly have proved themselves to be able to stand on their own.
  17. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Trombe in GALNERYUS new album "UNDER THE FORCE OF COURAGE" release   
    their new album "UNDER THE FORCE OF COURAGE" will be released at 2015/12/09 (9 songs, 3,240yen)
  18. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Trombe in GALNERYUS new album "UNDER THE FORCE OF COURAGE" release   
    GALNERYUS new album (title not yet finalized) will be released in late 2015, although details have not yet been announced
  19. Like
    Licio123 reacted to doombox in samfree has passed away   
    31. Man. That's so young! I don't know their music, but its still really sad to hear someone passing away so young like that.
  20. Like
    Licio123 reacted to enyx in [Band Battle] Dir en grey vs. DIR EN GREY   
    Aha, brilliant topic.
    This is a difficult one for me as I find that my favourite albums from the band come from both 'sides' of their career; namely Macabre and Uroboros. Furthermore I actually find that these two albums have more in common with each other compared to, say, Uroboros and Arche or Macabre and Vulgar. I don't find that Dir en grey's discography fits as neatly into two distinct eras as a lot of people tend to. In fact I'd argue there are at least three distinct eras for the band: Missa-Kisou, Six ugly-Marrow, and Uroboros-Present, though even then I'm not so sure about that last one since I consider Arche to have more in common with their work from the Six ugly-Marrow era than with Uroboros or DSS. 
    Anyway, in the end I opted for 'Dir en grey' mostly due to this:
    This has been my biggest problem with DIR EN GREY in recent years (most notably on Arche and The Unravelling, though also noticeable at times on DSS). As much as I adore Uroboros, that's honestly the last album they put out where I felt that pretty much every song was an organic creation born out of some coherent creative vision. Since then a lot of their music feels more like it was forcibly produced in order to substantiate a new release at the expense of organic songwriting. So yeah, Dir en grey wins for me.
  21. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Crube in [Band Battle] Dir en grey vs. DIR EN GREY   
    The DEG fanbase is amusing. Back before UROBOROS came out, there were debates on whether or not the band was abandoning their so called original sound as if rock/metal music was a norm in Japan before the arrival of KISS, Iron Maiden, and Deep Purple back in the late 70s and early 80s. Even then, the earliest Japanese rock band, Flower Travellin' Band was influenced by the likes of Cream and Jimi Hendrix. With that said, it strikes me odd that there were DEG fans that just assumed that X Japan and others just all of a sudden played rock music with NO outside influence. Even the band had "Western" influences even before coming to the States for the first time almost a decade ago.

    When I first heard GAUZE, the production was so lack luster that I assumed that the release was maybe around late 80s and early 90s. I was surprised that the album only came out in 1999. Then again, I don't know much about the behind the scenes of a rock band that just started out in Japan versus a band outside of Japan. It's not the lack of "heavy" music that prevents me from keeping the first album in rotation, just the production value. MACABRE and the releases up to Withering to death. are pretty good, but sometimes I just want more power behind the music. Or as Clarkson would carelessly shout "POWER!" whilst driving a lorry into a brick wall. Or anything infantile that he does for that matter.
    While VULGAR and Withering to death. were the albums that got me to listening to the band more, it was THE MARROW OF A BONE that got me to listen to the rest of the catalogue without skipping at least seventy-five percent of their music. I still don't get comments like "it's too heavy" or "sound like as if they were glued together" when it comes to tracks in this phase of the band. There are plenty of tracks that could easily fit right in with this phase of the band with modern production and little to no reconstruction. Hydra, Zan, Myaku, and FILTH could fit in with ARCHE and possibly UROBOROS. (Now that I think about it, I'd love to hear a remake of Myaku.) With that said, I honestly can't just choose between the two, but I won't delve into the argument of which era is better. There are a few duds in the early phase, but that won't stop me from listening to it.

    Incidentally, I would have gotten into the band a lot earlier, but a certain fan girl who insisted that their earlier stuff was somehow heavier than the likes of Pantera and her holier than thou attitude about Japanese music kind of turned me off from Japanese bands. Then again, this is the same fan girl that claims that GACKT was the better singer of the band. Thankfully, I got into Japanese music through the likes of MUCC and Galneryus.
  22. Like
    Licio123 reacted in MH FEATURED POLL #31: Do you believe in (romantic) love?   
    La la la la love is dead
    Rip it up break it down dance
    La la la la love is dead
    So far...
  23. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Aferni in MH FEATURED POLL #31: Do you believe in (romantic) love?   
  24. Like
    Licio123 reacted to yakihiko in MH FEATURED POLL #31: Do you believe in (romantic) love?   
    Love is dead...
  25. Like
    Licio123 got a reaction from CAT5 in [Band Battle] Dir en grey vs. DIR EN GREY   
    Naughty CAT     xD
    Well, I love both eras. IMO, the old DEG has a lot more bad songs, which I just can't like (like most of MISSA and Kisou, Deity, Hydra, Garbage, Beautiful Dirt), at the same time it has absolute masterpieces (Cage, Zakuro, undecided, mushi, hotarubi, Yurameki, Yokan, audience killer loop, shokubeni, The Final, Spilled Milk, Kodou). The new-era DEG changed direction, but it is still excellent (Lotus, Different Sense and Rinkaku are my favorite songs by them, easily) with only a select few I really hate (the older songs remakes, lmao, along with Decayed Crow, The Blossoming Belzebub, Reikestu Nariseba, Rotting Root).
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