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    Licio123 reacted to Trombe in THE BLACK SWAN new album "OUSIA-dispersed-" release   
    [track list]
    THE HOPELESS (guitar & bass re-recording & full remix)
    失い(ushinai) (guitar & bass re-recording & full remix)
    赫音(kagune)-justitia- (guitar & bass re-recording & full remix)
    赫音(kagune)-finis- (guitar & bass re-recording & full remix)
    TRIPPER (guitar & bass re-recording & full remix)
    DEJECTED RAIN (new arrange)
    songs to be included including 1 composed by Ba.RENA, 1 composed by Gt.樹-ITSUKI- (described as hard song) and 1 with 11 minutes
    優(yuu)(ex-NEGA) has acted as Piano in recording of certain song to be included in their album "OUSIA-dispersed-"
  2. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Ito in 25 Days of ChristMHas! The Staff Album Picks of 2015.   
    Day 9: FACT - KTHEAT


    Release Date: 2015-03-04
    Label: maximum10
    Genre: post-hardcore, metalcore, hardcore
    Impressions from @doombox:
    Sample song:

    Buy the album:
    iTunes | CDJapan
  3. Like
    Licio123 reacted to mahoujin in Show Yourself (again)   
    I went to Anime USA this weekend and cosplayed The Gallo with one of my friends. We were in the middle of getting ready when I checked my phone and the announcement had just been made that Hikaru is leaving. 

  4. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Chi in Show Yourself (again)   
    i guess i should show my face at least once

  5. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Lestat in MyAnimeList   
    I updated my list design again and I think it looks pretty amazing and clean this time. The previous one was broken for some reason. Also, added all of you.
  6. Like
    Licio123 reacted to bada9412 in GALNERYUS new album "UNDER THE FORCE OF COURAGE" release   
    I'm betting force of courage will be a Syu only song. So excited
  7. Like
    Licio123 got a reaction from bada9412 in GALNERYUS new album "UNDER THE FORCE OF COURAGE" release   
    Expecting Rain of Tears and The Force of Courage to be 10+ minute songs
  8. Like
    Licio123 got a reaction from Cupcakes in ANIME TRASH TALK THREAD   
    I kinda liked Sidonia, but have to agree the plot just goes nowhere.
  9. Like
    Licio123 reacted to YuyoDrift in Jupiter Ba.MASASHI & Dr.YUKI will depart   
    You're right. I am.
  10. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Bear in Horror Movies   
    That's weird. Both Deep Red and Blood and Black Lace, which tend to be included in more or less everyone's top 5 giallo lists (with good reason, as these are the best!) are very easy to find with a decent amount of seeds. kat.cr has both, as well as a shitload of other giallos. Anyway, all those are very cool. Four very different types of giallos as well. Amer and The Strange Colour of Your Body's Tears might be a bit too fucked up and weird for most people, though, but if you like weird there's no reason why they shouldn't please you.
    I don't know as I have never seen the film, but in general a twist tends to mean that's there's something very surprising and unexpected coming, and that itself is a huge spoiler. But as I said, no idea if that's what happens in the film you mentioned. Good work, though. The spoiler tag is here to be used.
    I can see why this ain't a film for everyone, but I really liked it. Thought it was superb to be honest. Psychedelic and nice. I'm sure taking acid gives you the exact same feeling as watching this film. It's a huge trip.
  11. Like
    Licio123 reacted to ShanethVarosa in #64: BURNING SOUL by 摩天楼オペラ (Matenrou Opera)   
    Artist: 摩天楼オペラ (Matenrou Opera) Single: BURNING SOUL 1. BURNING SOUL 2. EMPEROR 3. アブサン (Absinthe)
    Rating: | Matenrou Opera is set to burn the competition up!
    This year has been an interesting one for our boys in 摩天楼オペラ. Starting off strong with the incredible "Ether", they set high expectations for their new elemental-themed album era. However, their following three singles of the elements wind, water, and earth fell short of those expectations. It was quite a let down as they are among my favorite active bands today and typically rock the longer songs without losing my interest, but these elemental singles just felt half-hearted and long for the sake of being long.

    Wrapping up this consecutive single quintet with the fire element was an astounding idea. "Burning Soul" brings to life the passion that the band so clearly had in their last few eras. The title track has several different movements that all make sense in the context of a song of average length. The only questionable aspect of the song is Sono yelling towards the beginning and the end. I find him to be an excellent singer, but not particularly good at anything even close to harsh vocals.

    That being said, the rest of the single continues to live up to the expectations set by the previews. Sono's vocals are pretty consistent whether they're screamed or not, which is refreshing. "Emperor" has a twinge more edge to it, with a pretty decent guitar solo, which in comparison to what we know Anzi can do is a bit understated. However, it flows well with the energy of the song. Additionally, there's more electronic influences in this song which is anticipated due to the fact they have a keyboard player, but we rarely ever hear him use actual electronic music in lieu of the kinds of synths we hear in the final track, "アブサン" (Absinthe).

    Instead of providing energy to the track, the keyboards set the mood. "アブサン" has an immense presence; the intro is rather foreboding leading into one of the catchier visual rock songs I've heard in recent memory. Again, the only complaint is with Sono's "yelling". Yelling is really the only word to describe it. It's less of a harsh, threatening scream and more of an attempt to yell. Otherwise, the song's mood fits in well with the single as a whole. All very hard rock and appropriately heavy when needed, melodic and catchy, but most importantly: memorable.

    Support the band! Purchase BURNING SOUL maxi-single here and support the band!

  12. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Delkmiroph in Plastic Tree new album "剥製(hakusei)" release   
    New album called "剥製(hakusei)" contains 2 types <3

    [Limited Edition] CD + Special Booklet 5,000 yen

    [Regular Edition] 3,000 yen
    1. ◯生物 2. フラスコ 3. マイム 4. ハシエンダ 5. 告白 6. インソムニアブルース 7. float 8. 落花 9. スラッシングパンプキン•デスマーチ 10. スロウ 11. 剥製 12. ●静物 全12曲収録
  13. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Bear in Horror Movies   
    Deathgasm looks neat! I really want to watch it, but it's still not available. The film looks like so much fun.
  14. Like
    Licio123 got a reaction from Tokage in Horror Movies   
    Tokage, I have watched it a few months ago. It's a good Horror Comedy, if you like this type of movies (and a lot of heavy metal) you can't go wrong!
    B-movie at it's best!
  15. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Jigsaw9 in #17: THE"420"THEATRICAL ROSES by MEJIBRAY   
    Artist: MEJIBRAY Album: The "420" THEATRICAL ROSES Score: A step-up but still not quite there yet!
    Finally, it's here. MEJIBRAY's 2nd full-length after 2.5 years, which might sound like a long time in 'J-rock years' but Tsuzuku & co are not ones to slack off. After releasing countless singles and a mini album, they've kept plowing on with varying degrees of success. That's one thing about MEJIBRAY: they have an air of uncertainty about them. The problem is, this atmosphere is generated not by their image but the inconsistency of their songwriting – something that should be expected if you churn out song after song like a reverse-Yoshiki on crack. Accordingly, I was looking forward to their 2nd album with a mixture of hope and anxiety. The fact that their 1st album (after my initial excitement died down) turned out to be mediocre and lackluster at best when counting the actual new tracks didn't bode well for the hilariously titled THE"420"THEATRICAL ROSES either.

    I must say, however, that I'm truly impressed this time around! I really feel that they managed to construct a better vision of what an ideal MEJIBRAY album should sound and feel like. Gone are the stilted, almost demo-like compositions that so often plagued their previous full-length. Instead, these songs are clearly fleshed-out and arranged rather well. The band adds lots of small details that make the tracks much more interesting and enjoyable to listen to – a flourish of synth, piano or even an exotic instrument here and there. MiA once said in an interview how, at one time, he wanted to give up playing guitar and just be a producer/arranger for bands. This shows here wonderfully, and proves to be an effective 'secret weapon' in the MEJI' repertoire.

    The expansion of sound also opens up new doors for experimentation, as evidenced by tracks like the light, poppy "瞬間のアイディアル" or the extremely powerful and dramatic closing monolith that is "鳥は泳ぎ方を知らず溺れ亡骸" (complete with haunting traditional flute melodies). Those who like their MEJIBRAY a bit more direct and fast as a cannonball will be glad to know that the 2nd half of the album packs some strong numbers, such as the infectiously driving "BOWWOW" or the ominously titled "SUICIDAL WORD GAME" that features the cheekiest punky riff of the band's career. It's interesting to hear how they managed to spice up these compositions despite their apparent simplicity, with unexpected acoustic rhythm guitar in the former and some wicked death growls in the latter one. Also, just before we get to the dramatic finale we're treated to the excellent "Cristate" that competes for the title of catchiest song on here. A nice way to lead the listener into the grand closing track.

    That said, the album is not all moonlight and roses (see what I did there?). While most of the tracks manage to capture the listener's attention, some of them are just too long-winded and fall into the trap of being a bit too makeshift. A good example for the yawn-inducing type is "Echo", the song they curiously chose as the music video to represent the album. Honestly, who wants to hear another 6.5 minute-long fluffy ballad when such songs often miss the mark even in the hands of the most skilled craftsmen? I believe that if the band had weeded out a track or two this would almost be a 5-star release but instead they went with including everything they could, so that there would be a better chance for everyone to find something to their own liking. Which doesn't sound like an inherently bad thing, but brings me to my final gripe: the album is just too damn long. It could've been tighter with 10 minutes or so chopped off.

    All in all, I think MEJIBRAY were able to convey their vision and sound a lot better with this album, compared to Emotional【KARMA】. There is a great variety present here and most of the slight experimentation they implemented into their tunes comes across effectively. As someone who has been following the band from their very first releases, even I was surprised at some of the decisions they made with a couple of songs on THE"420"THEATRICAL ROSES. It's a commendable effort that is well worth listening to if you are a fan of the band – and especially a fan of their releases from the past year or so. I'd gladly recommend the album to those, too, who haven't had their taste of MEJI' before, since it showcases some impressive tracks despite the obvious flaws and shortcomings. However, if you haven't found enjoyment in MEJIBRAY's work so far (or you just liked their first few records) then you can gladly skip this one.
  16. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Trombe in 摩天楼オペラ(matenrou opera) new album "地球(chikyuu)" release   
    摩天楼オペラ(matenrou opera) new album "地球(chikyuu)" will be released at 2016/01/20 (2 TYPE)
    limited edition (3,500yen) will include CD (13 songs)+DVD, and regular edition (2,900yen) will include CD (12 songs) only
    [tentative CD track list]
    and more
    [limited edition DVD track list]
    ether (PV)
    shooting making off-shot
  17. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Vitne Eveille in Last movie you saw.   
    On the flights to and from the US recently I watched a few movies!  I saw Terminator Genesys, a Chinese movie called Wolf Warrior, Furious 7, Argo (second time seeing it) and some Japanese movie called Solomon's Perjury.
    I liked them all.  Arnold is always fun to see on screen, the Chinese movie was actually pretty cool.  I'm not so familiar with Chinese film, but it was entertaining and funny.  Furious 7 was really good, always a good time with lots of action.  Argo is just awesome, and the Japanese movie was really creative.  A little slow but very creative, thought-provoking, and interesting.
  18. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Bear in Last movie you saw.   
    Jurassic World - Far better than I had expected, but it just pales compared to the original, and let us be honest here; this is more a remake of the two first films than a sequel. It's basically a modern and updated version of the original. It's enjoyable for what it is. In fact I was very much entertained, but it's not something I'll rewatched very often. And a few things were just too stupid. Not sure what they were thinking. Anyway, I was entertained. A 7/10 type of film I guess. A weak 7, but a 7.
    I did like the battle at the ending, though. Felt like a proper kaiju fight. Very surprising, but cool.
    The most disappointing thing here is the amount of CGI. I could only spot a few scenes where they used cool, charming animatronic dinosaurs. The rest looked like CGI. Rather good CGI, but CGI nonetheless. It's a shame they didn't follow the original in it's use of practical/animatronic and CGI. It's basically the perfect recipie for how to use CGI.

  19. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Jigsaw9 in Horror Movies   
    ^ Gonna track down your last few watches, cuz they all sound amazing. Thanks for keeping us updated!
  20. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Bear in Horror Movies   
    Come back and tell us what you've downloaded later then. I'm interested in finding out what you'll see.
  21. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Lestat in Horror Movies   
    Raiding this thread to mass-download a bunch of titles.
  22. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Lestat in Kaoru (Dir en grey) suffering from nerve paralysis in his right hand   
    Since 2014, Kaoru has been suffering from nerve paralysis and dysfunction in his index finger and thumb. Since recently, his other three fingers have also been getting worse. Currently he is unable to properly play and needs to have his hand taped up during live performances to prevent any further damage. It is unclear whether the issue may resolve itself (or with surgery), but there is currently no further change in his situation.
    Source: https://t.co/msYghZs9yr
  23. Like
    Licio123 got a reaction from Bear in Horror Movies   
    Watched The Canal, and ohboy, it was really good. The homage to Ringu is very obvious, but it was awesome.
    Eerie atmosphere and cool (although slow) development were the best part of it. The scares were those cliche sound effects, but the story more than made up for that shortcoming.
    And that ending...
    All in all, an excellent surprise. Yes, there are weak points, but it does so many things right that it really doesn't matter at the end. 8.5/10
    Bear, thanks for the recommendation!
  24. Like
    Licio123 reacted to leafwork in The trans* thread (transsexual, transgender, genderqueer etc.)   
    I know that there are at least a few other trans people here.
    I started transitioning a few months ago. Hormones are a hell of a trip.   That said, I really think of myself as genderqueer. I don't feel entirely comfortable with 'being female', even less so with 'being male', so I'm somewhere in the middle.
    I'd love to hear other trans peoples' stories/situations, and maybe we can help support each other.

  25. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Bear in Horror Movies   
    I don't hate Christopher Nolan. I like several of his films including The Prestige, but neither should be on a list like that imo. I find it ridiculous.
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