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About orange~

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    Wataru's Punching Bag
  • Birthday November 8

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  1. coffee headache on the way

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. orange~


      haha,  but it doesn't suck that much if you got people around to drink with :'D


      I was getting there also! I had a pretty crazy and alcohol filled start for this summer, for over a month or so. But I couldn't take it longer and slept like a full weekend straight. Since then, I've been drinking less, but I'm starting to feel the drive coming back.


      I'm going to a rather big party on monday, which might work as a good kickstart again for my alcoholism D:

    3. Atreides


      Haha, I know that feeling dude. That alcohol drive kicks in and you jus(t start drinking..

      Fortunately, yes I do drink with my friends and such. However, since we get free drinks (that are strong beers) at the end of our shits, things get a bit rough and we all mostly just end up drinking at the end of the night.  After July 4, I plan on taking the rest of the summer off from Alcohol (HOPEFULLY), and resting until fall hits.  


      Have fun partying it up dude, and drink responsibly.

    4. orange~


      awww shit! So you get free beer thanks to your work!? ok now I see what you meant. damn.. I'd be dead in your place. Still kinda envious.. XD

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