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Everything posted by Desqui

  1. Wasn't schwein no isu for a knot only lives?
  2. I'm going to reinforce the stitching on the tote bag I was able to get in LA. I think all the goods are ugly but I was determined to spend $ and support. I really intended to buy CDs though... I was so ready $$$$
  3. Desqui

    Aaah, music to my ears.
  4. Desqui

    $$$$rolling$$$$ I'm giving my first serious listen to Sukekiyo and I love Hiroshi Mikami's voice in Focus, more than Kyo's. This is really putting into perspective the reason I listen to Dir en grey, because if the only thing I don't like too much in Sukekiyo is Kyo's voice, then it really must be all the other components of Dir en grey that I'm into them for.
  5. Desqui

    Also that after the artist makes their art it is out of their hands. The audience then gets to interpret it however it may fit into their perspective (or not). I was recently listening to an interview of a writer, I don't remember her name, but it sort of went like this: Interviewer: So, when you're writing, do you understand what you're creating? Interviewee: No. None of us do. I bet Shakespeare didn't know what he was doing. She went as far as to say that when you're finished, the readers will make it into whatever they want by adding theories, etc., so if you were trying to create something specific or nothing at all, that could will get lost real fast. So, like my wack theory, the artist could still be taking experimental shots at stuff and take years before they're actually expressing what they want to. By then, it might have even changed. I type this as I'm giving my first real listen to Sukekiyo. I don't think art itself has feeling though. We have to bring the feeling to it. The same painting can spark fear and joy in two different people. Your perspective reminds me of a quote I read once, "What cannot be said is sung." I disagree with the quote, but I understand where you're coming from. I just thought of this, but I wouldn't call a lot of American music "art". haha Maybe because the feelings they invoke in my are negative.
  6. Desqui

    ^I remember laughing at this and being jealous at the same time. "Is Ann Demeulemeester a Japanese brand?" They really are kawaii sugoi stars hearts and horseshoes right there.
  7. Desqui

    @doombox and Deathtopi4 I forgot that I will laugh at really bad lyrics too but will still listen to the song because it's fun. It's usually some form of bad English, though, if it fits with the song as a whole, I'll let it slide...and laugh. Bad Japanese lyrics? Hmm... How serious did the Pumpkin Head actually take themselves? @emmny I've been meaning to look into Moran but just never have had the time. Are there particular songs with good lyrics you wouldn't mind recommending? Someone on the other threads mentioned amber gris, so I'm going to look into them too. I remember giving a GHOST song to a friend for her to translate and she didn't even get it. "I don't understand this! They're trying to be all artsy with words and stuff! It doesn't make any sense!" LOL I told her the broken, nonsense stuff is all I can catch though! haha It is my general understanding that if the lyrics suddenly start sounding inconceivable, it's probably not Japanese anymore. xD @CAT5 I don't know much about technical music terms. Timbre is the shape and form of sound? That sounds amazing! It's basically the poetry of musical notes! That reminds me of watching WMP visualizations--because its "visual music". @Bear Even without knowing lyrics, I very often find myself wishing there was some way to just cut the vocalist out so I can hear everything underneath them. Yet, when I listen to only instrumentals for too long, I feel like something is missing. It's a tug-o-war!
  8. Desqui

    Ah screw it. @beni Since it sounds like you like poetry, that makes sense that words are important to you and so the lyrics are a must. I'm actually trying to get into more poetry (and reading in general), so I do believe I am on some sort of verge of shifting from not caring to caring just a little bit more. Thank you for the examples too. When I first got into Japanese music, of course Gackt was in that mix and, I did look up lyrics to Oasis and it made me like the song even more. The other threads were a great read too (and seem more on point than mine). Some mentioned French music and that reminded me that while I don't generally like Japanese or English hiphop, German and French hiphop sound awesome to me--even though I know what they're saying would never appeal to me in English. Does that mean that if you don't like the lyrics then you will definitely not listen to the song? I went to a Jmusic concert in the States and was floored how many people were actually singing along. No way they All understood! It made me question my "fan"-ness @-@ @YuyoDrift I resonated with your post so much! I don't try to make a theme for the song, but I totally understand. Especially with the experience of having listened to a song so many times only to look it up later and surprisingly find that the lyrics coincide with my exact feelings of what I was associating it with. Crazy how that happens! I seriously believe there is a connection between language and sound. But I wonder why it is only with songs sung in my non-native language that I can make this connection. /Wack Theory ahead/ Maybe each person has a particular sound spectrum their brain feels comfortable with but since individuals don't know what spectrum it is, when they create music, it is more grasping attempts at that sound. And since I am trying to find something Outside (Inside), it only makes sense to reach for something/someone of a different origin because their creation may sound more similar to what I'm trying to find than my own creation. ? That doesn't make sense. lol I don't know. It could also do with the fact that in English, I understand immediately so the mystery and discovery is gone~~ Unfortunately, when I want to imitate the song with my own music making instrument (my vocals) it has to be through the form of the sound of the lyrics, regardless if I understand or not, because I can't create the guitar, bass rifts, or drumming with my mouth. And that's where the chasm is. To look it up to sing the song throws you into understanding~ or at least me because I'm a sucker for decoding language.
  9. Desqui

    weeert, ruki has a clothing line?! Where is the Shinya trash talk? Can I see? :B Here's the random: I gave my tortoise a bath today, but I accidently left him in for 45min longer than I wanted because I was on here. Forum Internet life. And I played a game all day yesterday! Thank you desktop birthday present xD more options to waste my life!!
  10. Desqui

    Thanks for the responses everyone! It's really cool to read everyone's perspectives. So, I have responses for most of you but it would be a really long post/several posts....Do I... post them? xD My friend speculates that the reason I can't get better in Japanese is because I don't want to. She is half right. I really want to read novels and newspapers. What I don't want to know is what all the songs I'm listening to are actually saying. Even without knowing a ton, some of them I can tell they're just trash lyrics. T_T Why lyricists? No integrity? *cries* All hail SOUND - the basis of all language! That being said, a few weeks ago I totally broke down and cried when I listened to Baiser's Akai Kakera after a long time. Someone help. I also find myself more forgiving for other languages than Japanese, like French, Arabic, German, KOREAN. I think it's because my intro to Jmusic was through this "rock" while the others were through hiphop or pop so I already presume them to be unlikeable as a whole. While, if I find a new band from Japan, it's like I'm digging for buried treasure and there better be some treasure goddammit.
  11. Desqui

    I am surprised. I like it. He does talk for a little too long for me in that sample though.
  12. Back from traveling~

    1. allisapp


      ooooh~ a long trip?

  13. Desqui

    My native language is English and I find I do not like a lot of music simply because of the lyrics (and the vocals, but that's a different topic). I wouldn't say I've tried really hard to break out of this 'rut', but I think one reason I prefer listening to non-English music is because, though the lyrics may so be terrible, I don't understand them 100% and so don't have to pay attention to them--and I can focus on whether I like how the vocals go with the other instruments as a sound. I have no doubt that were most of these songs in English, I'd tire of them. I used to look up lyrics and their translations, but I think it was just for the fun of language learning because I could care less what the song is talking about usually and I've never tried to fully understand every word/nuance. The 'gist' is fine enough for me, if anything. Do you find this to be disrespectful to a vocalist? I do. But I guess I don't care that much. That means I categorize songs as such: 1) good lyrics, good music 2) good lyrics, bad music 3) bad lyrics, bad music 4) bad lyrics, good music I wouldn't listen to 2-4. Good and bad are all personal relatives, of course. And also, there are songs I have taken a little to heart what they say and it's boosted my like factor. But I find these to be few. I dislike the idea of a song changing my thoughts. I hope that makes sense. Main point: I can't listen to a lot of English songs even if I like the music because understanding the lyrics gets in the way of my enjoying it. Understanding any lyrics I find terrible ruin a good song. Main question: How about you? Are you the type to memorize lyrics to sing along and understand everything? Or are you like me and you just want some good noise? And how does that tie into you liking songs sung in a language not your native?
  14. Desqui

    Into reptile territory~ My tortoise sits when you want to pick him up. That's mean, because he's heavy for me.
  15. Desqui

    A rose macaron. It was delicious.
  16. Desqui

    Gossip - An Obscene Film
  17. Desqui

    Yes, sons of Adam. (or Yes, a Despair's Ray song) Do you ever find yourself asking if all this is worth it?
  18. Desqui

    //edit: nevermind. Thought I lost something~
  19. Desqui

    Yes, and I think, No. It brings home with you so you feel like you're nowhere new at all. Do you like snakes?
  20. Desqui

  21. Desqui

    Kagerou - 過去形真実
  22. the bastard executioner

  23. Desqui

    Okay guys. New here. I just gotta get this off my chest. I felt super guilty for a while that I missed the release of Arche, but having listened to it online, again, and again, and again, I do not feel guilty anymore. Aahhh, thank you for reading. Please carry on with the more interesting topic of old vs new versions.
  24. Desqui

    I might have a personal computer by next week! I haven't had one for YEARS, its partially what's stunted the growth of my music exploration. I am so excited........ to then save $ and buy Skyrim.
  25. Desqui

    Welcome. I am very new here too. What movie did D's song feature in, and I remember Chizuru was for a movie about an apartment? Am I allowed to use you for Japanese horror film recommendations? XD Or do you just listen to the music? In which case, I am up for recommendations for new tracks to try out too. Your story is quite awesome. ) I didn't even think to think of Pokemon having a real soundtrack!
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