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Everything posted by Desqui

  1. It took me TWO DAYS but I've balanced my accounts and cleaned up my budget down to the last cent! Ready for the 2nd half of the year! 🥵🎉 

  2. Desqui

    Watch before it goes away!! 🤣🤣🤣 Gara shows up at Izakaya Merry night which usually consists of Tetsu, Yuu, and Kenichi with Nero in the chat.
  3. I'm so sleep deprived trying to catch all these live streamings! 😪 😴 I should be responsible and quit this new Covid addiction 🤣

  4. Desqui

    @Seelentau were you able to get talk #2 as well?
  5. Desqui

    What's Mana's reaction?
  6. Desqui

    I do appreciate the reup.
  7. Desqui

    Going through old hard drives. I always find the headbangy & spunky stuff first, then I start getting sad and just cry.
  8. https://www.crystalknows.com/enneagram-test You can take DISC and Enneagram here. DISC: C Enneagram: 5w6 Myers: In HS I got the "impossible" INTJ/INTP combo, but recently I've been getting ISTJ. Which matches with C I guess. I found out about DISC recently at a career class and I remember reading C's characteristics and thinking man that person sounds super weak and ugly and boring. No way am I that one. I was already self-hating before I took the test 🤣 I'm really liking the Crystal site and spam emails so if I ever get serious about changing careers and revamping my at work integrity I may pay for more access.
  9. Desqui

    I was really learning conversation tips from that one, hahaha.
  10. If you watch Merry's last night's stream, be one of the 300人/600人 that stayed till the end 🕺🏻💃🏻😋

    1. suji


      I can never catch their streams since I work all the time ;w;

    2. Desqui


      My pre-COVID schedule doesn't allow viewing 😞 so I don't know if I can watch once work returns

  11. Desqui

    Tune in if you can. They get uploaded later but half the fun? is the chatroom, especially if you have cash. 😁 【トーク生配信】 5/6 22:00 「90年代V系を語る会」 結生×テツ×ネロ でお届けします! 90s VKei topic
  12. Desqui

    I can't afford/find a switch & get ACNH so I'm playing ... Morrowind for the first time. I don't know if I should be embarrassed but it's fun so far.
  13. Desqui

    While drinking lol
  14. I thought Kaoru had a great start but not great ending, then Toshiya was well I didn't get a mood swing until the end and I liked that there was this feeling of 'it's the end, goodbye!'. I'll admit Die's was the best. As much as I felt like crying all through Kaoru's...in a good way. I had wished for longer setlists but when Shinya gave it it felt too long haha & so many people in the chat predicted what he'd pick too. For nostalgia for sure
  15. Desqui

    Anyone watching their live streams on YT?
  16. 🤩 ガラさん read my comment outloud on his ソロTube! 🎤🐑

    1. suji


      so fucking bummed I missed his stream!

    2. Desqui


      @suji 😢 Aww! Did you miss because of work?


      Gara read a letter to open, asked how his facial hair looks, then read another letter to the band members? But mostly he talked about mikes & mike stands and kept looking down into the comments for questions. 😅 Really trying to talk about anything for one hour, so the contents were....well, and my poor Japanese. I hope you catch his next one! 🙏

    3. Desqui


      Oh and when we reached 500人⤴️ fans wanted him to tap dance 🤭🕺🏻🕺🏻 but he didn't.

  17. I'd bring a friend to Shinya's live but I'd keep Die's and Kaoru's all to myself. I'm excited for Kyo's but also glad I can stop waking up at 3am 😂
  18. How has it not popped up when I'm watching? No fair. 😭🤣 I mean, no big deal I get it later anyway. Ty
  19. No, no. After last song but before the official Twitter post, I noticed some #DIRENGREY5DAYS tweets already had the full setlist. Yeah, I'm thinking fanclub too. Thank you for the mp3! I recorded it on my phone yesterday in case they played something different today too.
  20. I played the video all the way to the end and it doesn't pop up for me. 🤔 I'm taking about the full setlist, not song by song.
  21. People were tweeting Toshiya's setlist before the official Twitter posted it. Where's their source? Anyone know?
  22. Desqui

    A girl right in front of Kaoru recorded him the majority of the show I attended. I didn't watch her the whole time but I will forever remember her nonchalant on the rail, her head tilted downward and Kaoru taking up her whole screen. I cannot hate Russia for 100% illegal obscure content. You can find anything on the internet if you look through Russian sites.
  23. Desqui

    She's toned down? XD Isn't that just the epitome character of what I'm saying though? I find it disturbing I've come to this conclusion. I like giving adults grace because they were once children before. When I watch media with this trope I'm constantly seeking a competent adult character... but I guess so is that child character. And it's adults creating these stories too. Childhood trauma maybe? Anyways, I was able to sit back down and continue the series and I see why Lyra's insufferable-ness has become useful. Thanks for helping me calm down.
  24. They're definitely not everyday Japanese but excellent for expressing repressed angst. Like you'd be able to read suicide notes, diaries of a murderer, historical accounts of gruesome atrocities, and apology letters to dead parents or lovers.
  25. Desqui

    On HBO I'm on episode 3 and I'm so tired of main characters being kids who don't listen to adults or rules. All the YA movies, the more I watch the more mad I get that most of the time they're just kids not listening to anyone. I guess it goes for adults too. If someone says "Don't do X please", that character will go on and do it... like a rebellious kid. It bothers me. But most likely in that show, doing the wrong thing was usually the good thing. There's reward or justice or a very good excuse to have Not listened and done what that character wanted to do anyway. Man, I'm just really sick of this girl Lyra. Everyone should let her wander off to feel the consequence of her rebellion.
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