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Posts posted by Desqui

  1. On 12/7/2020 at 11:32 AM, ghost said:

    Turkey Day was ok, it was cute and fun, but I liked halloween more. I also didn't play as much after October so didn't have much stuff to decorate my island with so it didn't feel as festive

    I really thought this was going to introduce cooking. They already have gathering materials and creating, might as well go all the way. Initially I was kinda irritated they added material gathering because I do that in all my other (few) games already xS why make me work more.

  2. I did go back successfully and have been playing a bit here and there since. Its boring though so I have decided to think about completing my terraforming. At first I was going for closed off like Shutter Island and keeping all my villagers in one place as prisoners because I hated running around looking for them, but now that I have all reactions and winter is coming, I'm thinking make a main street and throw all the villagers into some mountains... my original plan before hating on the game lol


    I had gathered a bunch of skeletons, fossils and rocks to decorate the sheer cliffs too. Oh well.

  3. I haven't played since Thanskgiving week and failed to participate in Turkey day. I found an awesome discord community which can basically provide anything I want, no charge. And because of that community I was really trying to get rid of a ton of items so the new storage update is counterproductive lol


    But anyways HEHEHE I had no idea Hazuki was playing! I've watched Merry play games but Yuu refuses to play ACNH



    His laugh! HAHAHAHAHAHA


    I'm not sure it's safe for me to start playing again due to my current employment status, but if I do I plan to TT back to Turkey Day and go from there. I don't TT often really and right now I am nicely set 1 day 1 hour behind everyone which helped me catch events during my work schedule. Hopefully I can TT back though, I know there've been some patched changes on that.

  4. Have you guys seen Jungle?

    Tons of dread with 100% predictability.


    What made me keep watching Guns Akimbo was the crazy fact that guns were drilled into his hands. That kind of odd detail is ... actually I'm sure there's another movie like that that I'm forgetting...but then they decided to take time to show the struggle of daily life with his new appendages, I appreciate that. After that Then it turns into the movie you knew it was going to be within the first 10-15 min.

  5. @Kirito actually, I dont know what I was thinking! So if you watch on your computer, the paragraph-like comments from "Ayame" are usually little summaries of what's being talked about. You can translate those! And when the full vids are up the chat box is still up too. 

  6. I don't remember liking The Woman in Black. I'll have to rewatch it.


    Maybe the predictability is what makes it likable though? Akin to knowing the plot of a play but still watching the performance. There's just the right amount of dread to keep you seated. But I can't recall the endings of what I've watched with him so this is just one excuse I can think of lol. 


    In Guns Akimbo though, that bit when they rewinded, I didn't like that--however, I don't know any other way to have done it either. 

  7.  They privatize the full lengths. There are times where fans say they missed something so they make it public again. This happened when I first started watching though, they'll leave a ton of regular lengths up (me thinking they'll stay forever 🥺), then they become summaries like that! Then someone gets on top of it and only 1-2 videos will remain full length. Well, this is what I'm expecting anyway.


    Surely someone somewhere was saving all this!! 

    On 7/20/2020 at 4:18 AM, Kirito said:

    Without understanding japanese it's difficult to fully appreciate their channel : (

    Yes. :( I tend to look at the comments to try and figure out the details of the conversation or I may tune out until I hear something I understand. I know I'm missing a lot of info, but I'm way over trying to follow 100% xD I like to think my listening skills have slightly improved too.


    But yeah,  with no japanese knowledge details are lost BUT you can still laugh at the silliness and some joking around doesn't need translation.


    @suji you recorded some of the summaries or the full lengths? 

  8. I know! I wish I knew then what I know now (how to ... ahem... save videos) because I want ALL of Yuu's guitar playing videos :( It also seems like before they were doing nightly episodes, they showed Merry's past history videos?? Which has led me here to ask if Anyone saved All of it? :(

    I know they don't delete the videos off the account. When I saved Gara's first solo tube, it only switched to a private video. I've shamefully thought about trying to hack it lol The more I've been watching though, the sadder I get because now they're promoting their fall tour and then the final live, Kenichi's last, and it's not like I can go!

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