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Everything posted by Saishu

  1. This only makes it more obvious how similar Gazette's ballads are to each other. Granted, YouTube shit quality and all, but the drums sound terrible.
  2. Saishu

    They really need to announce that they're using 8 strings in drop E? Is it supposed to be evidence of something? Who cares? Also, I'm sorry, but I've had it with Jin's vocals. That melody in the chorus sounds like a bunch of other NEGA/TBS songs. Get a vocal coach and take some music classes, dude.
  3. Well their first album was terrible and I didn't like Sadie at all after Madrigal de Maria came out, so I think I'm done giving Mao and his cronies any more chances.
  4. You gonna be talking for a long time.
  5. Yeah, now he looks and sounds like Kyo's middle brother acting like an idiot to get attention.
  6. Cassis is a boring, dime a dozen j-rock ballad. In fact, most of the ballads on this collection are. Untitled is probably the most forgettable one on here. I'm still a Reila fan, but I hope they either shorten it or do something more interesting with those last two minutes, because the slow fade out in the original is lame. Overall, my feelings about Gazette aren't entirely positive anymore, and it's all Ruki's fault because I don't think he's a good songwriter and it seems like he's taken the lead with that lately. DOGMA got tons of praise for being different, but it wasn't. It does have a couple of the best tracks the band has put out in a while (Dogma, Rage, Grudge), but outside of those the album was typical Gazette fare with the only difference being it was all heavy with no ballads. I want Gazette to do some "soul searching". Revisiting stuff like Disorder, Madara, Gama, etc. would be a good idea. They've been stuck in this rut for over a decade and it really does feel like they're just doing a job now.
  7. No Hana Kotoba is seriously a huge mistake. I would rather they rerecord Disorder entirely than get a collection of mostly dull ballads.
  8. Saishu

    Die's hair is a heavenly entity.
  9. Saishu

    I love Mika's drumming so much.
  10. Saishu

    I thought these guys were cool for a minute, but they're gimmick got old for me really quick. As far as I'm concerned, the only bands that really got the traditional Japanese and rock mix right were Kagrra and Onmyoza. Wagakki Band is a little overbearing sometimes.
  11. Saishu

    These guys were such a tight band. it got weird when Koji left and was never replaced, leaving Hiro with handling all the guitar work live. Made songs like Henseifu in particular sound kind of empty.
  12. Saishu

    The song Magic Theater can get a bit too repetitive given how long it is, but then Hiro busts out that solo and all is forgiven.
  13. Saishu

    Wait, isn't the advance copy out already? Why isn't this out there yet?!
  14. Saishu

    Why can I not place what that song is after Kyoukotsu no Nari? Is that Cause of Fickleness?
  15. Saishu

    12012's final years were strange. Why is there absolutely no live footage of them performing the newer material? There was one video of them doing a track from the self-titled, but it was studio audio, not live.
  16. Saishu

    He's a sick bassist tho
  17. Saishu

    Is Iori from Cocklobin doing anything?
  18. Saishu

    They're only rerecording Diorama and Akatsuki? Why? Are they going to make them less boring?
  19. Saishu

    So we're going to have four compilation albums total, and none of them have Daikirai on it.
  20. Saishu

    This is pretty much everything they've released over the last decade isn't it? What would be left for a "worst of" compilation. Also, funny they announce this when I just dug out all the best and worst CDs a couple days ago.
  21. Saishu

    Wtf, jrock bands still do that different type thing? That's always been a dick move. You shouldn't spread tracks across multiple releases.
  22. Saishu

    There's a strong Coaltar of the Deepers vibe on some of these tracks. Other than that it's the same ol' MUCC we've been getting since Karma, just with a bit more "heavy" thrown in.
  23. Saishu

    It doesn't even have their best PV on it, Jashin to Bara.
  24. Saishu

    Well, they did release two half assed compilation albums at ten years. Whats up with that best of album though?
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