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Everything posted by Saishu

  1. Saishu

    An OHP with no content.
  2. Saishu

  3. Saishu

    I've been saying the band doesn't give a shit about Gauze since I saw the Blitz 5 Days performance, and I honestly don't believe they really enjoy playing it, at least not in its entirety. They probably did it first to get it out of the way!
  4. Saishu

    That show sucked anyway. The band couldn't have looked less interested in playing Gauze.
  5. Saishu

    Also they released a DVD/Blu-ray for the Arche tour last summer. Doubt there needs to be another (even though they did milk the hell out of the Uroboros/DSS era for a few years).
  6. Saishu

    Guess that means the spines on the "MODE OF" DVDs combine to form an image?
  7. Saishu

    It's the version of Karma that Shinya can actually play.
  8. No, I bought Immortalis and Vitium from CDJapan, but everything since then has been a pain in the ass to get. CDJapan can get Anima, but they have to order it from the webstore themselves, so they charge more to cover the cost.
  9. Saishu

    Doubt this would matter. Didn't Vitium drop like a month after Arche?
  10. Saishu

    A year between singles isn't uncommon for DEG, so maybe.
  11. Saishu

    I love conceived zorro
  12. Saishu

    I hate both versions of Hydra, though I guess the original worked better as a live song. I imagine the middle section of Berry will be mostly a backing track with Die and/or Kaoru noodling about. And going back to Gauze, I kind of knew they weren't feeling those songs anymore when they didn't play the jam at the end of Mask. Which, honestly, is the only thing about that song I like.
  13. Saishu

    He still fucks up the solo in Decayed Crow though.
  14. Saishu

    Well if he was having trouble holding the pick, taping it would definitely improve his playing.
  15. Saishu

    These dudes barely gave enough of a shit to play Gauze, so I expect nothing. They may bust out Ash for the Macabre tour though. That seems feasible.
  16. Saishu

    Hey guys where's my FROM DEPRESSION TO _______ mode of Jealous/I'll tour?!?!
  17. Saishu

    Phenomenon sitting up in there all not really fitting in.
  18. Saishu

    Same reason Kaishun and half of Six Ugly are on the Kisou live... because.
  19. Saishu

    Kyo forgetting lyrics or just not singing at all isn't anything new, though (he forgot lyrics towards the end of Ruten no Tou as well on the DSS DVD), it's just been a rare occurrence since around the Uroboros era. I'm guessing they played the original version of Undecided because it flows better with the other songs from Kisou rather than the newer acoustic version. I would have been okay with them playing the old Karasu though.
  20. Saishu

    Wait, you have a problem with the actual lyrics for Fukai? Because Kyo's phrasing and the melody he uses is pretty much the same as what he did way back when on the original Vulgar tour, give or a take a few new flourishes. I don't even know the last time he sang the original "yura yura" version.
  21. Saishu

    Is something like CDJapan not an option for you? At most you're going to spend $30 for a CD, and there are several options for shipping to help keep the cost down. And at least you'll know it's the real deal and not a bootleg.
  22. Yomi probably damaged his voice on his own. He never sounded like he had proper technique at all.
  23. Saishu

    I agree, the Mode of Vulgar show is fantastic. I appreciate that it seems like they approached the DSS material by pacing themselves as well as figuring out which of the million overdubbed studio parts sound best when limited to two live guitars, but some of this stuff still sounds messy. Decayed Crow and Diabolos really just do not work, and I fear my beloved Different Sense is stricken with the same fate. Surprisingly, Utafumi sounds awesome live. The Kisou shows are fine. This is the first time I've found Pink Killer to be tolerable, and I like the weird "off" way they played Zomboid. It's a shame they settled on playing the new version of Karasu though. Vulgar is tight as fuck though, and Toshiya is a beast on this material. I'm actually kind of excited for a Mode of Withering to Death. Probably my least favorite DEG album, but I think the band's current approach to their music will benefit the material greatly. I feel like Marrow will be pretty good too. Macabre is next though. Maybe they can make Audrey a good song!
  24. Saishu

    He sounds even better on mode of vulgar.
  25. Saishu

    As much as I laughed at Morrie's vocals in the preview, "Ai to Shi no Yuugijou" is my favorite track on the album right now. It pretty much encompasses everything I love about this band.
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